Remote Viewing – Sat. 02 Jul 2016 they’ll go with just ‘Big Knife or Machete’ Impact dates Jul. 18 to 26, 2016

July 26, 2016 – My most recent remote viewing job. Email Update Sat. 02 Jul 2016 Rev. p1 they ll go with just Big Knife or Machete Impact dates Jul. 18 to 26, 2016 sent 07-03-16

 THE CALL: Email Update Sat. 02 Jul 2016 Rev. p2 they ll go with just Big Knife or Machete Impact dates Jul. 18 to 26, 2016 sent 07-03-16

Once again the origins of Remote Viewing c. 1972 CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute by H.E. Puthoff 03-16-18 v2 p1CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute by H.E. Puthoff 03-16-18 v2 p2

  1. Definitions:

a.)    Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception. A term coined by SRI – International and defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding or time.

Remote Viewing Definition DIA

RV Bus. App. with Name Plate blocked

The Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippine Islands – University of Pennsylvania, April 1900

Aug. 29, 2016

On Bill Gates’ Face Book post I wrote:

Bill, Maybe you should sometimes focus on Native American people whose status I am seeking.

Remember as soon as I am officially recognized as a Native American from the Philippines, Non-NATIVE AMERICANS like YOU, will have the same property and other RIGHTS in the Philippines as YOU do here in the U.S. Alaska, Hawaii and other U.S. territories.

Think about it. Maybe you want to donate and support my cause. Bill, WILL YOU EVER GET PROPERTY RIGHTS in AFRICA by supporting African-Americans?

How about if you help the refugees from Central America and Syria, WILL YOU EVER HAVE PROPERTY RIGHTS IN SYRIA AND CENTRAL AMERICA when you support the refugees from these countries?

Think from a purely business perspective, although you could say definitely we are being discriminated.

Bill Gates

2 hrs ·

High school teacher Nate Bowling uses Star Wars to help his students understand the civil rights movement.

It’s pretty amazing stuff…

Reposting: University of Pennsylvania Dept. of Law: The Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippines, April 1900

MEG Macario Foundation - Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippines U. of Penn. April 1900 p1 of 18MEG Macario Foundation - Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippines U. of Penn. April 1900 p18 of 18MEG Macario Foundation - Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippines U. of Penn. April 1900 p2 of 18The Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippine Islands - April, 1900-page-001MEG Macario Foundation - Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippines U. of Penn. April 1900 p2 of 18

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Pres. Harry S. Truman – 38 – Statement Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans – Feb. 20, 1946

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is v4-Truman-s-38.-Statement-by-the-President-Concerning-Provisions-in-Bill-Affecting-Philippine-Army-Veterans-02-20-1946-page-001-622x1024.jpg Of the 66 countries allied with the United States during the war, only Filipinos were denied military benefits.

Just two (2) days after signing the Rescission Act into law on Feb. 18, 1946, Pres. Truman issued (no. 38 statement saying among others that PHILIPPINE ARMY VETERANS ARE NATIONALS OF THE UNITED STATES and will continue in that status until July 4, 1946”. Therefore Filipinos were stripped of U.S. nationality without due process! Why did the 79th U.S. Congress ratified the 1946 Treaty of Manila and granted independence to the Philippines without a referendum?

If you read carefully the statement, Pres. Truman is almost pleading with the U.S. Congress NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO THE PHILIPPINES.
“I recognize, of course, that the Commonwealth Government, and after it, the Government of the Philippine Republic, have obligations to these veterans. But the Government of the Philippines is in no position today, nor will it be for a number of years, to support a large-scale program for the care of its veterans.”
From 1946 to 1949 the U.S. provided the Philippines $2 billion in reconstruction funds. In 1950 Pres. Truman’s fact finding mission reported the money was gone and there was no reconstruction to show. The Roxas and Quirino administrations STOLE the $2 billion plus the $200 million Pres. Truman designated for the disenfranchised Filipino Veterans. These are the kind of ancestors the Filipinos leaders of today have.
The more important question is why was these facts hidden from us and the American people? Was honoring Maggie (Magdalena Leones) a distraction or a clue to look for hidden facts of WWII in the Philippines? This 4th of July, let us get our independence from oligarch-traitors of the Philippines!!!

38 – Statement by the President Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans.

February 20, 1946

IN APPROVING H.R. 5158, I wish to take exception to a legislative rider attached to the transfer of a $200,000,000 item for the pay of the Army of the Philippines.

The effect of this rider is to bar Philippine Army veterans from all benefits under the G.I. Bill of Rights with the exception of disability and death benefits which are made payable on the basis of one peso for every dollar of eligible benefits. I realize, however, that certain practical difficulties exist in applying the G.I. Bill of Rights to the Philippines.

However, the passage and approval of this legislation do not release the United States from its moral obligation to provide for the heroic Philippine veterans who sacrificed so much for the common cause during the war.

Philippine Army veterans are nationals of the United States and will continue in that status until July 4, 1946. They fought, as American nationals, under the American flag, and under the direction of our military leaders. They fought with gallantry and courage under most difficult conditions during the recent conflict. Their officers were commissioned by us. Their official organization, the Army of the Philippine Commonwealth, was taken into the Armed forces of the United States by executive order of the President of the United States on July 26, 1941. That order has never been revoked or amended.

I consider it a moral obligation of the United States to look after the welfare of Philippine Army veterans.

I recognize, of course, that the Commonwealth Government, and after it, the Government of the Philippine Republic, have obligations to these veterans. But the Government of the Philippines is in no position today, nor will it be for a number of years, to support a large-scale program for the care of its veterans.

However, in recognition of the practical difficulties faced in making payments to Philippine Army veterans under the G.I. Bill of Rights, I have directed the Secretary of War, the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs, and the United States High Commissioner to the Philippines to prepare for me a plan to meet these difficulties. I have asked that this plan be submitted not later than March fifteenth. I expect to request Congress to make such provisions as are necessary to implement the program when it is evolved.

Note: As enacted, H.R. 5158, approved February 1946, is Public Law 301, 79th Congress (60 Stat. 6).

For the President’s message to the Senate transmitting a bill to provide benefits for Philippine veterans, see Item 122.

On June 4 the White House released a letter, dated May 21, which the President had received from the Honorable Manuel Roxas, President-elect of the Philippines. In his letter, Mr. Roxas stated that the President’s “action in sending the Philippine Veterans Bill to Congress was greeted here with the same feeling of gratitude which has attended all of the other generous acts of the American people with regard to us. I trust that Congress will act speedily on this matter.”

(Back in 1945, as Philippine Commonwealth President, Manuel A. Roxas sought & was granted “Backpay” funds from the U.S. to pay for the salaries of the Japanese puppet government during their service to the Japanese Emperor during the occupation of the Philippines. Pres. Truman vetoed the bill but was overridden by Congress.)

Citation: Harry S. Truman: “Statement by the President Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans.,” February 20, 1946.Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.

“Their officers were commissioned by us. Their official organization, the Army of the Philippine Commonwealth, was taken into the Armed forces of the United States by EXECUTIVE ORDER of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES on July 26, 1941. That order has never been revoked or amended.”
President Truman was referring to the FDR’s Executive Order placing Armed Forces of the Philippines under United States Command below.