President Harry S. Truman’s Proclamation 2667 declared the Spratlys integral part of the Philippine Territory on 28 Sept. 1945

June 24, 2015 – Superior Claim Over the Philippines and its 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone

The entire Philippines including the Spratlys belong to the USA. But it was abandoned in 1946. And I have promptly claimed my ancestral land in the name of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The 1946 republic of the Philippines is NULL and VOID.

Manuel Roxas, then the Commonwealth president sought independence not for nationalistic or patriotic sentiments but because he was a U.S. Army Brig. Gen. who collaborated with the Japanese during the occupation of the Philippines. He wanted to escape military justice for his crime of treason under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

This is why I, as a Native American CANZUK Monarchist with British & U.S. Citizenship, have superior claim over all others because:

– The People’s Republic of China (PROC) did not exist until 1 Oct. 1950.– Malaysia did not exist until 31 Aug. 1957.

– Singapore of today, though not a claimant, did not exist until 9 August 1965. Singapore joined the Malayan Federation on 16 Sept. 1963 but was expelled on 9 Aug. 1965. This day became Singapore’s Independence Day.

 – The Socialist Republic of Vietnam did not exist until 2 July 1976.

– The so-called Philippine republic founded in 1946 by virtue of the Treaty of Manila is null & void. Be it in 1934 when the so-called Commonwealth was created or in 1946 when independence was granted, *no referendum was held asking the Filipino people if we wanted to secede from the union (U.S.)*.

There was no referendum when Cory Aquino and 23 senators decided for 63 million Filipinos to close the US military bases thus enabling China to take Mischief Reefs on April 1, 1995.*

There are still many “Filipinos” working against the best interests of the Natives of the Philippines and instead serving their foreign masters from the Yellow race.  

According to the US EIA (Energy Information Administration), the real wealth of the area may well be natural gas reserves. Estimates say the area holds about 900 TRILLION CU. FT.  (25 trillion cubic meters)--the same as the proven reserves of Qatar.
According to the US EIA (Energy Information Administration), the real wealth of the area may well be natural gas reserves. Estimates say the area holds about 900 TRILLION CU. FT. (25 trillion cubic meters)–the same as the proven reserves of Qatar.

In a WAIS post last 14 June 2015 entitled:  “National Waters and International Law (Robert Whealey, USA,)”

Robert Whealey asked:  “In reply to Bienvenido Macario (11 June), the international laws on the seas need an update by an expert in traditional international law. Are there any nations that claim 2, 4, 12, or 200-mile zones?”

My answer in the e-mail on Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 9:20 PM:

Yes. Pres. Truman under Proclamation 2667 in fact made the first claim beyond the traditional 12 nautical miles (22.224 kilometers) from the shore on Sept. 28, 1945. At that time the Philippines was firmly a U.S. territory. Therefore even if today’s Washington DC politicians are unaware, the oil, gas and mineral rich Spratlys are in fact owned by the Philippines an abandoned US Territory that I have promptly claimed.

The 200 nautical miles claim was also made by Chile on June 23, 1947 & Peru on Aug. 1, 1947. Later in 1982 the UNCLOS (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) formally adopted the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone.

Attached is the map of the Philippines with the projected 12-nautical mile; 200-nautical mile and the Extended Continental Shelf at the theoretical 350 mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

This is the dispositive portion of Proclamation 2667.

” Having concern for the urgency of conserving and prudently utilizing its natural resources, the Government of the United States regards the natural resources of the subsoil and sea bed of the continental shelf beneath the high seas but contiguous to the coasts of the United States as appertaining to the United States, subject to its jurisdiction and control.

In cases where the continental shelf extends to the shores of another State, or is shared with an adjacent State, the boundary shall be determined by the United States and the State concerned in accordance with equitable principles. The character as high seas of the waters above the continental shelf and the right to their free and unimpeded navigation are in no way thus affected.”

Harry S. Truman: Proclamation 2667 – Policy of the United States With Respect to the Natural Resources of the Subsoil and Sea Bed of the Continental Shelf

Philippines 200-mile EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)

Here is why I have superior claim over all others:

– The People’s Republic of China (PROC) did not exist until 1 Oct. 1950.
– Malaysia did not exist until 31 Aug. 1957.
– Singapore of today did not exist until 9 August 1965. Singapore joined the Malayan Federation on 16 Sept. 1963 but was expelled on 9 Aug. 1965. This day became Singapore’s independence day.
– The Socialist Republic of Vietnam did not exist until 2 July 1976.
– The Philippine republic founded in 1946 by virtue of the Treaty of Manila is null & void. No referendum was held asking the Filipino people if they wanted to secede from the union (U.S.).

The People's Republic of China (PROC) wasn't formed until 1 Oct. 1950.
The People’s Republic of China (PROC) wasn’t formed until 1 Oct. 1950.

If China becomes a social imperialist, expose it, oppose it & work together with the Chinese people to overthrow it. Deng Xiaoping 10 April 1974

The Philippines is U.S. territory prematurely, irresponsibly and defectively  granted independence in 1946. If China is NOT EVICTED from the Spratlys well within the 200-mile exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, this will lay the basis for China’s take over of Hawaii.

We have to remember Hawaii was not purchased. It was annexed in 1898 subsequently settled and became a state in Aug. 1957.

Chinese communist aggression is nothing new. Here is their track record.

China invaded Tibet in 1950; occupied Uighur in 1955; In support of the Khmer Rouge & its Cambodian genocide attacked Vietnam in 1979; declared Taiwan a runaway province in 1980’s.


Inhabitants of all the lands the US government purchased automatically became Native Americans whether they liked it or not. The Philippines along with Puerto Rico and Guam was purchased from Spain in 1898 for $20 million.

I am a Native American and I have superior claim over the Spratlys and the Philippines because the Philippines, my ancestral land, is in fact an abandoned U.S. territory. Yet today, ethnic Chinese and ethnic Spaniards control its economy and resources with the blessings of Washington DC.

The fact that the other Filipinos and Americans including historians, professors, scholars, journalists, business and political leaders are unfamiliar with our history is not my fault. These data are available for all to see. 

Look at this Puerto Rico had a referendum on Nov. 6, 2012. Only 5.6% of the people voted for independence. The point being, they were asked to decide if they wanted to be independent. The Philippines in 1934, 1946 & 1986 were NEVER consulted if they wanted to leave the union (U.S.) and break their pledge of allegiance, (“one nation under God, INDIVISIBLE . . “)

Latino Vote 2012; Puerto Rico Statehood (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 11/09/12 2:43 am)

Divide the whole non-Latino vote equally between Obama and Romney. Then give Obama 71% of the Latino votes while 27% go to Romney. That’s what happened in this election. In the meantime, Latino groups will be demanding payback/reciprocity.**

With regards to campaign finance reform, a fixed term of six years without re-election is another way of reforming campaign finance. Think of financing two campaigns as the two-term entrance fee to the White House. With a fixed term of six years, you pay 1 1/2 or less, instead of two entrance fees. The whole election system is beholden to Madison Avenue and the media corporations.

Puerto Rico vote endorses statehood with asterisk
By Ben Fox and Danica Coto | Associated Press–November 07, 2012

WAIS – US Elections 2012 – Latino Vote 2012; Puerto Rico Statehood (Bienvenido Macario, USA)
Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 2:43 AM




Bienvenido Macario shared a link.

July 17, 2013 at 2:00pm

Final: The Philippines Reclaimed. (Speak now or forever hold your peace.)

Movie Dances with Wolves – Hat Trade Scene

John Dunbar: [at the celebration of the buffalo feast, noticing a big Sioux man has his Lieutenant’s hat] That’s my hat… that’s my hat!

Big Warrior: [in Lakota, as all becomes quiet in the tent] I found it on the praIrie. It’s mine.

Wind In His Hair: [stands up, in Lakota] The hat belongs to Lieutenant.


Wind In His Hair: Well, you can see he wants it now. We all know it’s a soldier hat. We all know who wears it. If you want to keep it, that’s fine. BUT GIVE SOMETHING FOR IT. [I’VE ALREADY GIVEN SOMETHING AND CONTINUE TO GIVE. BUT WILL CONSIDER GIVING SOME MORE. LET’S NEGOTIATE. Bienvenido Macario – Lemuria]

[Big Warrior looks at the Sioux elder who nods in approval. Then Big Warrior takes his knife and sheath off his belt and gives it to Dunbar]

Big Warrior: Washte.

John Dunbar: Washte

Wind In His Hair: [in English, to Dunbar] Good… trade!

As part of the trade i.e. repossessing my ancestral land, the Philippines, the only abandoned US territory, I offered this to America on 5 July 2014. The US government seems to ignore my offer. I shall reclaim my ancestral land nonetheless. By the 4th of July 2015, it shall be one year from my initial offering. Modesty aside, the US government is not going to get a better offer than what I am offering compared to those who are now trashing my ancestral land.

Below is the link to my birthday gift to America in addressing Alan Greenspan’s concerns about the 2008 financial crisis such as how JP Morgan, IMF and even the Federal Reserve ALL failed to see the crisis coming! Greenspan said: “Not a single major forecaster of note or institution caught it.”

Kindly read my blog and it will show I’ve seen and warned them about these crises, AMONG OTHERS, including those in Europe, South America and Asia.

Happy Birthday America 07-05-14


Results of the Five (5) Plebscites Puerto Ricans Held on Independence, Territorial Autonomy and Statehood. Filipinos, our parents and grandparents, were never asked even once if they wanted to have the 1934 Commonwealth or if they wanted independence in 1946. If this is not discrimination, I don’t know what is!

Aug. 3, 2011 – Drake and I went to Windsor Castle and inside St. George Chapel we offered our prayers: the eternal repose of my late wife MEG Macario and the recovery and administration of our ancestral land, the Philippines under the protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Below is the WAIS post I wrote on that day and the copy of the ticket to Windsor Castle.

Below is my 06 Sept. 2011 declaration on Facebook reiterating my plea for the recovery and administration of my ancestral land, the Philippines under the protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Conservative Party Membership Card through 01 October 2020.

Certificate of Naturalization Nov. 22, 1991

The travel document below was issued in lieu of a regular Philippine Passport. Because when I turned 18 years I refused to never recognized the so-called republic of the Philippines founded on lies, treason and dishonor.

1898 Treaty of Paris – the agreement that ended the Spanish-American War with Spain ceding the Philippines over to the USA for $20 million. Puerto Rico and Guam were also included in the turnover. Source: Library of Congress

511th PIR troopers KIA in the Philippines during WWII


11th Airborne, 8th Army – KIA

The 187th GIR (Glider Infantry Regiment)                   148

The 188th  GIR (Glider Infantry Regiment) suffered     76

The 127th Airborne Engineer Battalion                          16

The 457th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion                13

The 674th Parachute Field Artillery                                 11

The 675th Glider Field Artillery                                          7

The 152nd Airborne Anti-Aircraft                                       8

The 221st Medical Company                                               3

The Headquarters Company – 11th Airborne Division      5

KILLED IN ACTION 511th PIR 11th Airborne Division, Eight ARMY

Out of the 299 members of the 511th killed in action, 298 died in the Philippines.

Last Name

First Name



Date of Death



Carter Preston D. 2nd Lt RHQ __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Collins John C. T/5 RHQ 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Erbe William W. Pfc RHQ __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Haugen Orin D. Col RHQ 45-02-22 LUZON PARANAQUE
Hibbard Warren R. Pvt RHQ 44-12-12 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Horton John T. Cpl RHQ 44-12-12 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Levy Melvin B. Pvt RHQ 44-12-19 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
McMahon Albert H. Pfc RHQ 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Morgan Newell D. Pfc RHQ 44-12-12 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Padro Henry __? RHQ __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Varner Merkel 1st Lt RHQ 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Beck Lowell A. Pfc Med 45-02-16 LUZON Ft. McKINLEY
Brown Edward A. T/3 Med 45-03-11 LUZON Mt. BIJIANG
Brown Thomas S. __? Med 45-03-27 LUZON BATANGAS
Felion James G. T/5 Med 44-12-21 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Haug Daniel J. __? Med 45-04-06 LUZON LIPA
Lesher Robert L. T/5 Med 44-12-07 LEYTE 3 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Mitchem James Pvt Med 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Moffett Robert J. Pvt Med 44-12-16 LEYTE 2 Mi. W. MAHONAG
Newhouse Junius L. Pfc Med 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Van Curran James E. Pvt Med 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Verlander William W. Pfc Med 45-02-15 LUZON Ft. McKINLEY
Walsh Michael J. __? Med 45-05-25 LUZON CALUAN
Zack Edward S. Pfc Med 45-02-07 LUZON MANILA
Bolas Carl J. Pfc HQ1 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Bostwick William E. Capt HQ1 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Boucher Philip H. Pvt HQ1 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Buerschaper Gustav S/Sgt HQ1 45-04-22 LUZON LUCENA
Carroll John J. Pfc HQ1 44-12-09 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Cichetti Carmine A. Pfc HQ1 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Cosnyka Joseph C. Pfc HQ1 45-03-10 LUZON REAL
D’Avanzo Sylvie W. T/Sgt HQ1 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Egan Thomas F. 2nd Lt HQ1 45-02-17 LUZON MANILA
Ewing, Jr William J. Pvt HQ1 45-02-15 LUZON MANILA
Galligan Andrew B. 1st Lt HQ1 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Lescinski Raymond C. Pvt HQ1 45-02-14 LUZON MANILA
Lynn Jemison B. Pfc HQ1 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
McLaughlin Arthur 1st Lt HQ1 44-12-03 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Nelson, Jr. Swan R. Pfc HQ1 45-03-10 LUZON REAL
Small Fred F. Pfc HQ1 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Vanker Donald T. Pfc HQ1 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Verderico Prieske Sgt HQ1 45-02-14 LUZON MANILA
Berardi Pat Sgt A 45-04-27 LUZON SULAC
Brady Tom W. Capt A 44-12-02 LEYTE 3 Mi. S.E. LUBI
Cortimilia Donald M. Pvt A 45-02-16 LUZON MANILA
Holcomb Max O. Pfc A 44-12-18 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Jarrard Trevor E. Pfc A 45-04-27 LUZON SULAC
Keene James E. Pvt A 44-12-02 LEYTE 3 Mi. SE Lubi
Moore Carlyle D. Pvt A 44-12-23 LEYTE MAHONAG
Nelson Emanuel S. T/Sgt A 44-12-16 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Norman Thomas G. S/Sgt A 45-02-04 LUZON LAS PINAS
Perez, Jr. Manuel Pfc A 45-03-14 LUZON SANTO TOMAS
Reaves James E. Pfc A 45-02-16 LUZON MANILA
Ryan Vincent F. 2nd Lt A 45-04-27 LUZON SULAC
Singleton Albert M. Pvt A 44-12-12 LEYTE MAHONAG
Swiee Henry W. Pvt A 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Taylor Lloyd A. T/Sgt A 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Tucker Earl Pvt A 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Volk Herbert Pvt A 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Chenoweth James E. Pfc B 44-12-16 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Drasher William G. Pfc B 44-12-17 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
DuBay Lawrence E. Pvt B 44-12-19 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Fox Glen L. Cpl B 45-02-13 LUZON MANILA
Hesselbacher William Pfc B 44-12-20 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
LaBar Eugene S. 2nd Lt B 44-12-03 LEYTE 2 Mi W. Lubi
Lanigan Edward G. S/Sgt 44-12-24 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. Mahonag
Lummio Augustine Pvt B 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Martin Richard W. Pfc B 45-02-15 LUZON Ft. McKINLEY
Moore Herbert T. Pvt B 45-   ?? LUZON   ? unk
Mulada John A. Pfc B 44-12-17 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Pitman Kenneth M. Pfc B 44-12-20 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Stalker Leonard W. Pvt B 45-   ?? LUZON   ? unk
Aust Herbert B. __? C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Byrum John W. Pfc C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
Caltabiano Rosario P. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Connelly Gerard F. Pfc C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
Cuff Adrian D. Pvt C 44-11-29 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Dobbs Randell Pvt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Dunn Charles G. Pfc C 45-04-21 LUZON SAN BENTIO
Futch, Jr. John D. Pfc C 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Garza Frank V. Pfc C 44-12-16 LEYTE MAHONAG
Godwin Johnie B. S/Sgt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Graves Carlton L. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Gresham Andrew J. Pvt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Guertin Ernest G. S/Sgt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Hart Daniel D. Pvt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Henry Eldon W. T/Sgt C 44-12-07 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Highfield Jessie J. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Hogan Johnnie E. 1st Sgt C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
Jarrell Francis J. S/Sgt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Marcos Mike Pvt C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
McNew Larry A. Pfc C 44-12-16 LEYTE MAHONAG
Olivetti Michael G. S/Sgt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Perez Francis L. Pvt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Phelan Joseph C. 1st Lt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Pickering Harry J. Pvt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Stamm Delmar L. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Sutton Charles E. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Tennison Roy E. Cpl C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Terry Newton S. Pfc C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Traughber Rex A. Pvt C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
VanDenBos Allen H. Pvt C 45-04-27 LUZON SAN BENTIO
White, Jr. James A. Pfc C 45-02-21 LUZON MANILA
Whitehouse Jack C. __? C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Wylie James E. 1st Lt C 44-11-27 LEYTE Vic. of LUBI
Andrews George W. Pfc HQ2 44-12-07 LEYTE 3 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Armstrong Richard C. Pvt HQ2 45-02-06 LUZON PARANAQUE
Fleming Robert F. Pfc HQ2 44-12-08 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Goodlet Daniel D. 1st Lt HQ2 45-   ?? LUZON   ? unk
Hauser Jack L. Pfc HQ2 45-02-05 LUZON PARANAQUE
Jenkins Charles E. Capt HQ2 44-12-18 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Jennings, Jr. Norman Pvt HQ2 45-02-07 LUZON MANILA
Kut Peter E. Sgt HQ2 44-12-19 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Ladd Eugene H. Sgt HQ2 44-12-15 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Liscum Fred J. Pvt HQ2 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
McGraw David F. Pfc HQ2 44-12-07 LEYTE 3 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Outcalt James W. Pfc HQ2 45-02-07 LUZON MANILA
Redmon Evan W. 1st Lt HQ2 44-12-15 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Schmidt Walter R. Pfc HQ2 44-12-19 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Spangler George A. Pvt HQ2 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Stewart Donald B. Pfc HQ2 44-12-19 LEYTE ORMOC
Yeager William A. Pfc HQ2 44-12-07 LEYTE 3 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Allen Robert P. Pvt D 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Barreiro Albert V. T/Sgt D 44-12-11 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Caskin Edward F. Sgt D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Cegiacnik Raymond Pvt D 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Chlebove Arthur J. Pfc D 45-02-04 LUZON LAS PINAS
Coghill Bert D. 1st Lt D 47-01-10 USA DOW in USA
Corley William P. T/Sgt D 45-02-22 LUZON MANILA
Crosby James F. Cpl D 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Gumm Henry F. S/Sgt D 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Hyatt Russell N. Pfc D 44-12-11 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Justin Arthur Pvt D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Kannelly Walter E. 1st Lt D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Krause Chandler J. Pvt D 45-08-13 Luzon Lipa Air Strip
Lamson Charles S. Pvt D 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Mair Andrew Pvt D 44-12-09 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
McGeath Harold C. Pvt D 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
McLean Larry L. Pfc D 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Mills Richard G. Pfc D 44-12-06 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Moshier Howard C. S/Sgt D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Pickens Myron D. Pvt D 44-12-07 LEYTE 2 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Rathert Edward Pfc D 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Shaw Everette R. Pvt D 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Signor Joseph T/5 D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Smith Chester C. Pvt D 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Steele Robert C. T/Sgt D 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Tahsler Clifford G. S/Sgt D 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Talbot Thomas W. Pfc D 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Tillmann Leonard L. Pfc D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Walter Anthony G. Pvt D 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Woitas William Pvt D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Workman Douglas H. Pvt D 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Zarr George Pfc D 45-08-12 LUZON LIPA AIR STRIP
Zertuche Henry A. Sgt D 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Zimmerman Ernest R. Sgt D 44-12-11 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Abernathy Elton L. Pfc E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Bates Word L. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Bowers William R. Sgt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Breuer, Jr. Charles Pfc E 44-12-07 LEYTE 2 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Carleton Edward W. Pfc E 44-12-17 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Casselman Doyne E. Pfc E 44-12-17 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Ciszowski Edward A. Pvt E 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Coleman Dennis R. Pvt E 44-12-15 LEYTE MAHONAG
Cornett John H. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Craig Charles R. Pvt E 45-02-07 LUZON BACLAREM
Cresswell Robert J. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Cunningham Francis Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Davis Norvin L. 1st Lt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Dempsey Henry E. Pfc E 45-02-08 LUZON BACLAREM
Ellison Albert J. 1st Lt E 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Engel James A. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Flores Arthur E. Pfc E 45-04-20 LUZON SULAC
Fryar Elmer E. Pvt E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Fuller L. C. Pfc E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Hardy Edward C. Sgt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Hedge Edward L. S/Sgt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Hogan, Jr. Dennis Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Huerta Luis O. Pvt E 45-02-08 LUZON BACLAREM
Jensen Darold O. Pfc E 44-12-15 LEYTE MAHONAG
Jones John Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Kennedy Robert R. Pfc E 44-12-15 LEYTE MAHONAG
Miller Leonard R. Pvt E 45-02-16 LUZON MANILA
Motter John R. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Norris Robert 2nd Lt E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Patton James C. Pfc E 45-04-20 LUZON SULAC
Peters Anderson M. M/Sgt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Ressler Harold P. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Rogers Arthur L. Pfc E 45-02-16 LUZON MANILA
Rumbough 1Lt. James E. 1st Lt E 44-12-03 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Selak Gabor Sgt E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Sibich Ned Pfc E 44-12-15 LEYTE MAHONAG
Sisson Ronald C. Pfc E 44-12-03 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Slaughter Lacy L. Pfc E 45-04-22 LUZON SULAC
Smith Fredrick Pvt E 44-09-28 New Guinea Non-Hostile
St. Pierre Renie J. S/Sgt E 44-12-15 LEYTE MAHONAG
Swiger Charles M. Pfc E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Sznura Victor V. Pfc E 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Thistle John B. Cpl E 44-12-17 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Turkington Lee P. Sgt E 44-12-18 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Wilson Edgar L. 1st Lt E 45-02-04 LUZON IMUS
Witkowski Stanley C. Pvt E 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Bergendorff, Robert Pvt F 44-12-21 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Brandt Harold M. Sgt F 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Burnett Adrian O. Sgt F 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Cooper Dale R. Pvt F 44-12-06 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Davis Kenneth H. Pfc F 45-04-16 LUZON Ft. McKINLEY
Fitzgibbons John Sgt F 45-02-07 LUZON MANILA
Gregory Edwin H. Pvt F 44-12-21 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Hague Floyd J. Pvt F 44-12-06 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Hard James H. Cpl F 44-12-19 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Herzog Howard G. __? F 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Hogan Johnnie 1st Sgt F 44-12-02 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Jones William Pfc F 44-12-21 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Kennedy Homer R. Pvt F 45-02-08 LUZON   ? unk
Kiczenski John H. Sgt F 44-12-19 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Kuhl John M. Pvt F 45-02-07 LUZON MANILA
Moore Leo W. Pvt F 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Morang Leonard G. __? F 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Mullen Ralph E. __? F 45-04-25 LUZON SULAC
Munsell Robert T. Pvt F 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Resnick Bennie __? F 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Robertson Gordon E. Pvt F 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Smith Joseph H. Pvt F 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Truxton MYRON Pvt F 44-12-21 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Ulander Emil W. Cpl F 44-12-06 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Wilson Billie W. Pvt F 45-04-19 LUZON SULAC ?
Winn Theodore E. Sgt F 45-04-16 LUZON Ft. McKINLEY
Wroblewski Henry M. Pvt F 44-12-21 LEYTE Vic. of MAHONAG
Cook William T/Sgt HQ3 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Ferguson Howard P. S/Sgt HQ3 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Fitzpatrick Vernon E. Pfc HQ3 44-12-07 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Hacker Herman 2nd Lt HQ3 __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Hayes Solon M. Pfc HQ3 45-04-08 LUZON BAINI
Higby Kenneth E. T/Sgt HQ3 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Jones Jack V. Pfc HQ3 44-12-05 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Judson Wendel S/Sgt HQ3 45-02-14 LUZON MANILA
Mille Harlan L. S/Sgt HQ3 44-12-20 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Poling Kenneth E. Pvt HQ3 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Stalnaker, Sr. Thomas I. Pvt HQ3 45-02-07 LUZON BACLAREM
Williams Philip D. Pfc HQ3 45-02-06 LUZON BACLAREM
Wismer Kenneth D. Pfc HQ3 45-08-13 Luzon Lipa Air Strip
Wolf William E. Pvt HQ3 44-08-26 New Guinea Non-Hostile
Agent Clyde E. Pfc G 44-12-09 LEYTE 2 Mi. W. MAHONAG
Cavanagh Joseph F. 1st Lt G 44-12-08 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Cheney Harry A. Sgt G 44-12-01 LEYTE 3 Mi. SE Lubi
Etherson Edward Pfc G 45-01-31 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Gandy S. __? G __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Graham J. A. Pvt G 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Kracke William Pfc G 45-05-01 LUZON   ? unk
Marshall Mahlon A. Pfc G 44-12-08 LEYTE MAHONAG
Mackay William R. Pfc G 45-   ?? LUZON   ? unk
Odem Dale R. Pvt G 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Otten Donald Pfc G 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Pile Henninger 1st Sgt G 44-12-14 LEYTE MAHONAG
Powell Edward J. Pvt G 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Roberts J.R. __? G __? Phil.Is.   ? unk
Stevens Merritt J. Pvt G 45-02-04 LUZON PARANAQUE
Walch Richard H. Pfc G 45-09-10 Luzon   ? unk
Wheeler Patrick W. Capt G 45-02-10 LUZON MANILA
Woll William H. Pfc G 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Adler Albert J. S/Sgt H 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Atkinson Buford 1st Sgt H 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Baker Denver L. Pvt H 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Denapole Herbert M. Pvt H 45-01-05 LEYTE US Hope (Ship) DOW
Denich Bernard Pfc H 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
Diffenbaugh Peter D. 1st Lt H 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
DiLuigi Enio T/Sgt H 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Dodson Paul E. Pfc H 45-02-05 LUZON LAS PINAS
Hancock Charles R. Sgt H 45-02-05 LUZON MANILA
Houselog Lloyd B. Pfc H 44-12-14 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Linnan Robert P. Pfc H 45-02-06 LUZON MANILA
O’Connor Walter D. Pfc H 45-02-05 LUZON MANILA
Seiber Erwin Pfc H 44-12-05 LEYTE LUBI
Steffen Richard C. Pvt H 45-03-06 LUZON CALAMBIA
Stoeckley Edward C. 1st Lt H 45-02-08 LUZON MANILA
Thomas Jerry M. S/Sgt H 45-02-19 LUZON MANILA
Valentine Willie L. S/Sgt H 44-12-23 LEYTE 3 Mi. W. MAHONAG
Anthony Gordon A. Pvt I 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Balza Raymond M. Pfc I 45-02-14 LUZON MANILA
Beasley Raymond G. Pvt I 45-03-11 LUZON CALAMBIA
Boyle Jack D. Pfc I 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Cattalini Alfred Pfc I 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Dysterud John E. Pfc I 45-02-09 LUZON MANILA
Fiscus Collins Pfc I 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Fogarty George L. Pfc I 44-12-10 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Hayne Johnnie Pfc I 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Jennings James H. Pvt I 45-03-11 LUZON Vic. Los Baños
Kircher Edward E. S/Sgt I 45-02-11 LUZON MANILA
Klebl Francis J. Pfc I 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Maloney, Jr. John H. 2nd Lt I 44-12-07 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
McEachern John H. S/Sgt I 45-02-11 LUZON MANILA
McNees Paul L. Pfc I 44-12-18 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Pelley George O. Pfc I 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Postudensek Frank V. Pfc I 45-03-11 LUZON Vic. Los Baños
Ruesch, Jr. Frank S/Sgt I 44-12-13 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Scavo Sandy A. Pvt I 45-03-13 LUZON REAL
Stevens Francis H. Pfc I 44-12-15 LEYTE 1 Mi. E. MAHONAG
Peale Robert Sgt unk 45-04-08 LUZON BAINI
Sennett Leo F. Pfc unk 45-04-08 LUZON BAINI

511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division
511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division

This is the link of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 11th Airborne  commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Swing. They were the ones who liberated Las Piñas on Feb. 3, 1945. Although the 188th Glider Infantry Regiment has already landed in Nasugbu on Jan. 31, 1945, Gen. Swing objected to a drop on Tagaytay Ridge unless his men could be supported by other units nearby.

Perhaps he didn’t want a repeat of the failed “Operation: Market Garden”. And sure enough on the night of Feb. 5, 1945, the Japanese launched a “Banzai attack” in Las Piñas. However the suicide attack fell on the recently released Filipino political prisoners from the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa, Rizal. Weak and famished, the political prisoners were making their way back to Manila and decided to spend the night at the public market. No U.S. soldier was killed in the attack.

There was no firefight or battle in Las Piñas. Their entry was preceded by a very accurate artillery barrage on what is now the Central Elementary School which the Japanese used as a garrison. Not a shell fell outside the garrison’s perimeter.

In the early morning following the artillery barrage, Mrs. Cristobal was roused from her sleep by the incessant barking of dogs squabbling over a “big piece of bone.” It turned out to be a severed leg of a Japanese soldier one of the dogs found. The Japanese Army unit had already left Las Piñas.

At around 3pm elements of the 511th PIR began entering the town of Las Piñas from the south. Here’s a pop quiz: “How did the lead elements of the 511th PIR knew that it was safe to enter the town proper of Las Piñas?

The first encounter with the Japanese sailors defending Nichols was at the southern foot of the Paranaque Bridge. Japanese fired from the northeast side of the bridge in a village called Ibayo, Three GI’s were killed or wounded. Those who were wounded were brought to the rear i.e. back to Las Piñas Church which was then converted into a medical station. On the 511th list of KIA, the location”Sucal” must be Sucat road.

Because Japanese collaborators ended up in power in the Philippines like Manuel A. Roxas, the Philippines is just about the only “Alllied” country that never held any Liberation Day Parade. The Roxases, Aquinos & Tañadas family ties goes back to pre-WWII. In 1946 Roxas appointed Lorenzo Tañada Chief Prosecutor who then conveniently excluded Roxas among the suspected collaborators. As early as July 22, 1946 Tañada was already rumored to be recommending blanket amnesty to all oligarch – traitors.Ironically since Roxas was not included as suspected collaborator he died as an uncharged traitor and president of the Philippines.
There has to be a Great Architect of the Universe who allow us to exercise our free will.
Rod Serling T-4 511th PIR Radioman
According to Gen. Eisenhower, Manila was the most destroyed Allied city in WWII next to Warsaw. Although 100,000 civilians died in the Battle for Manila, ironically the main survivors of pre-war oligarchy were the traitor-collaborators who were safe with Yamashita in Baguio as the Battle for Manila raged.
Philippine Puppet Government Officials Under Arrest Sept. 15, 1945
Osaka, Japan Sept. 15, 1945 – Filipino quisling-oligarchs JP Laurel, Sr.; Benigno Aquino Sr. grandfather of Pres. Aquino III & JP Laurel III all (in suits) are seen here being taken into custody. Manuel Roxas. another oligarch-traitor became president in 1946 and signed a general amnesty for all collaborators. Ironically the General Pardon Proclamation 51 did not include Manuel A. Roxas. He could therefore be tried for treason posthumously.
With the devastation of Manila, one would assume the Filipino oligarchs would find it in their hearts to treat the Filipino survivors right. Yamashita & MacArthur both underestimated the greed and hunger for power of the Filipino oligarchs. When MacArthur exonerated  the traitor-oligarchs and put them back in power, Yamashita was tried for war crimes he did not commit to distract people’s attention. Maybe Yamashita would have executed Manuel Roxas, Benigno Aquino Sr.and other traitors had he known oligarchs will use his trial as a stepping stone to go back to power.

On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone. See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) Trooper Pictures
On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone.
See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR)
Trooper Pictures

In the Battle for Manila over 100,000 Filipino civilians were killed. So where did those people come from who claim to be from Manila after WWII?
In the Battle for Manila over 100,000 Filipino civilians were killed. So where did those people come from who claim to be from Manila after WWII?
Some of the civilian casualties of the Battle for Manila that raged from 3 Feb. to 3 March 1945.
Some of the civilian casualties of the Battle for Manila that raged from 3 Feb. to 3 March 1945.
What was left of the old city of Manila founded in June 1571, some 49 years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Harbor in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on 21 Dec. 1620.
By 1947 the new “independent” & sovereign republic under a traitor-oligarch Manuel Roxas, politicians and landowners looted everything the U.S. has given to the Philippines and sold it to Chinese fences. An official report revealed that $300 million U.S. aid, crops loans to farmers disappeared were pocketed by politicians and landowners.
The “Rape of Manila” at the hands of the Korean or Japanese marines were nothing compared to the exploitation, graft and corruption under the quisling republic.
MacArthur told Roxas: “Selfish ambition, petty jealousy & unnecessary misunderstanding should not impede the progress and rend YOUR country.” After Roxas died Quirino another oligarchist politician became president. By 1950 Roxas & Quirino administrations pocketed $2 billion in US assistance given to the Philippines since the war ended. Profits of businessmen & landowners sky-rocketed while the standard of living of most below were lower than the pre-war levels.
Remember after WWII everyone, no exception, everyone in the Philippines were poor. So how did the 50 richest “Filipinos” as listed on Forbes Magazine start amassing so much wealth? Even in 1965 Lucio Tan, Henry Sy and other ethnic Chinese were not as rich as the ethnic Spaniards like Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta, Elizalde. Only one ethnic Chinese was rich then the Lopezes of Meralco, ABS-CBN. And they did not invent the camera or the TV or developed electricity.
This is because Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta are relatives of Manuel A. Roxas.
Five years after the war ended, Manila’s devastation continued not from Japanese or American bombs but from the traitor-oligarchs who systematically looted US aid at the expense of the masses.
History – Veterans Day 2012; 11th Airborne 511th PIR & Rod Serling

(Bienvenido Macario, USA)  Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:21 AM

Memorial Day 2015

Have you ever wondered why?

– The Philippines has never held a single V-J Day (Victory Over Japan); Liberation Day parade or any celebration whatsoever.

– The Great Liberator of the Philippines Gen. Douglas MacArthur was betrayed.

– No AIRPORT, building, park, bridge, camp, barracks, open field, avenue, boulevard, street or even an alley has ever been named or dedicated after Gen. Douglas MacArthur (1880 – 1964).

MacArthur Highway north of Manila was named after Gen. Arthur MacArthur, Civil War hero and father of Douglas.

– After WWII Japan’s economy recovered miraculously under the guidance of Gen. MacArthur while the Philippines a U.S. territory was abandoned and granted independence.


History – Veterans Day 2012; 11th Airborne 511th PIR & Rod Serling

(Bienvenido Macario, USA)  Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:21 AM



KILLED IN ACTION 511th PIR 11th Airborne Division, US ARMY

Memorial Day 2015 : This is the link of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 11th Airborne commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Swing. They were the ones who liberated Las Piñas on Feb. 3, 1945. Although the 188th Glider Infantry Regiment has already landed in Nasugbu on Jan. 31, 1945, Gen. Swing objected to a drop on Tagaytay Ridge unless his men could be supported by other units nearby.

Perhaps he didn’t want a repeat of the failed “Operation: Market Garden”. And sure enough on the night of Feb. 5, 1945, the Japanese launched a “Banzai attack” in Las Piñas. However the suicide attack fell on the recently released Filipino political prisoners from the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa, Rizal. Weak and famished, the political prisoners were making their way back to Manila and decided to spend the night at the public market. No U.S. soldier was killed in the attack.

There was no firefight or battle in Las Piñas. Their entry was preceded by a very accurate artillery barrage on what is now the Central Elementary School which the Japanese used as a garrison. Not a shell fell outside the garrison’s perimeter.

In the early morning following the artillery barrage, Mrs. Cristobal was roused from her sleep by the incessant barking of dogs squabbling over a “big piece of bone.” It turned out to be a severed leg of a Japanese soldier one of the dogs found. The Japanese Army unit had already left Las Piñas.

At around 3pm elements of the 511th PIR began entering the town of Las Piñas from the south. Here’s a pop quiz: “How did the lead elements of the 511th PIR knew that it was safe to enter the town proper of Las Piñas?

The first encounter with the Japanese sailors defending Nichols was at the southern foot of the Paranaque Bridge. Japanese fired from the northeast side of the bridge in a village called Ibayo, Three GI’s were killed or wounded. Those who were wounded were brought to the rear i.e. back to Las Piñas Church which was then converted into a medical station. On the 511th list of KIA, the location”Sucal” must be Sucat road.

Because Japanese collaborators ended up in power in the Philippines like Manuel A. Roxas, the Philippines is just about the only “Alllied” country that never held any Liberation Day Parade. The Roxases, Aquinos & Tañadas family ties goes back to pre-WWII. In 1946 Roxas appointed Lorenzo Tañada Chief Prosecutor who then conveniently excluded Roxas among the suspected collaborators. As early as July 22, 1946 Tañada was already rumored to be recommending blanket amnesty to all oligarch – traitors.Ironically since Roxas was not included as suspected collaborator he died as an uncharged traitor and president of the Philippines.
There has to be a Great Architect of the Universe who allow us to exercise our free will.
Rod E. Serling T-4 - 511th PIR, RHQ Radioman 11th Airborne Division

On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone. See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) Trooper Pictures
On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone.
See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR)
Trooper Pictures

Veterans Day 2012 511th PIR & Rod Serling p.1
Veterans Day 2012 511th PIR & Rod Serling p.2
According to Gen. Eisenhower, Manila was the most destroyed Allied city in WWII next to Warsaw. Although 100,000 civilians died in the Battle for Manila, ironically the main survivors of pre-war oligarchy were the traitor-collaborators who were safe with Gen. Yamashita in Baguio as the Battle for Manila raged.
Manila, most destroyed Allied city of WWII, afer Warsaw
Blog Manila Feb. 1945

Grandfather of Pres. Aquino III arrested for collaborating with the enemy
Osaka, Japan Sept. 15, 1945 – Filipino quisling-oligarchs JP Laurel, Sr.; Benigno Aquino Sr. grandfather of Pres. Aquino III & JP Laurel III all (in suits) are seen here being taken into custody. Manuel Roxas. another oligarch-traitor became president in 1946 and signed a general amnesty for all collaborators. Ironically the General Pardon Proclamation 51 did not include Manuel A. Roxas. He therefore should be tried for treason posthumously.

With the devastation of Manila, one would assume the Filipino oligarchs would find it in their hearts to treat the Filipino survivors right. Yamashita & MacArthur both underestimated the greed and hunger for power of the Filipino oligarchs. When MacArthur exonerated  the traitor-oligarchs and put them back in power, Yamashita was tried for war crimes he did not commit to distract people’s attention. Maybe Yamashita would have executed Manuel Roxas, Benigno Aquino Sr.and other traitors had he known oligarchs will use his trial as a stepping stone to go back to power.
Blog - Manila Feb. 1945 p2

In the Battle for Manila over 100,000 Filipino civilians were killed. So where did those people come from who claim to be from Manila after WWII?
In the Battle for Manila over 100,000 Filipino civilians were killed. So where did those people come from who claim to be from Manila after WWII?


Some of the civilian casualties of the Battle for Manila that raged from 3 Feb. to 3 March 1945.
Some of the civilian casualties of the Battle for Manila that raged from 3 Feb. to 3 March 1945.

Blog - Manila Feb. 1945 p4


What was left of the old city of Manila founded in 1571 more than 49 years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Harbor in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on 21 Dec. 1620.
What was left of the old city of Manila founded in 1571 more than 49 years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Harbor in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on 21 Dec. 1620.

BGen. Roxas, Sr. & Col. Nobuhiko Jimbo 1943

MacArthur told Roxas: “Selfish ambition, petty jealousy & unnecessary misunderstanding should not impede the progress and rend YOUR country.” After Roxas died Quirino another oligarchist politician became president. By 1950 Roxas & Quirino administrations pocketed $2 billion in US assistance given to the Philippines since the war ended. Profits of businessmen & landowners sky-rocketed while the standard of living of most below were lower than the pre-war levels.

Remember after WWII everyone, no exception, everyone in the Philippines were poor. So how did the 50 richest “Filipinos” as listed on Forbes Magazine start amassing so much wealth? Even in 1965 Lucio Tan, Henry Sy and other ethnic Chinese were not as rich as the ethnic Spaniards like Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta, Elizalde. Only one ethnic Chinese was rich then the Lopezes of Meralco, ABS-CBN. And they did not invent the camera or the TV or developed electricity. This is because Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta are relatives of Manuel A. Roxas.
Remember after WWII everyone, no exception, everyone in the Philippines were poor. So how did the 50 richest “Filipinos” as listed on Forbes Magazine start amassing so much wealth? Even in 1965 Lucio Tan, Henry Sy and other ethnic Chinese were not as rich as the ethnic Spaniards like Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta, Elizalde. Only one ethnic Chinese was rich then the Lopezes of Meralco, ABS-CBN. And they did not invent the camera or the TV or developed electricity.
This is because Ayala, Zobel, Soriano, Araneta are relatives of Manuel A. Roxas.

Roxas accused of treason - Sept. 1946

Roxas traitor turned president p4

Roxas traitor turned president p5

Five years after the war ended, Manila's devastation continued not from Japanese or American bombs but from the traitor-oligarchs who systematically looted US aid at the expense of the masses. Page 345
Five years after the war ended, Manila’s devastation continued not from Japanese or American bombs but from the traitor-oligarchs who systematically looted US aid at the expense of the masses. Page 345

On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone. See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) Trooper Pictures
On the 8th Row, 1st Column, you see Rod Serling, screenwriter, novelist, TV producer, best known as the narrator of the TV series Twilight Zone.
See: 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR)
Trooper Pictures

FAST FORWARD TO 2011: From Oct. 28 2011 to July 13, 2013 the World Bank gave the Aquino III government  a $3.7 billion and a $300 million ($4 billion) loans for disaster preparedness, relief, reconstruction & poverty alleviation ($300M). But when Typhoon Haiyan came, not a penny of the $4 billion could be found.

What is amazing is that on Oct. 29, 2014 exactly three (3) years and a day later Aquino III approved the Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda rehabilitation master plan of $3.97 billion (P170.9 billion).

Question: Where did the money from the $3.7 billion World Bank loans go between Oct. 28, 2011 and Oct. 29, 2014? Was it invested in some money market account that the World Banksters and corrupt governments like the Philippines conspired to invest and couldn’t be taken out?

This is how the quisling-oligarchs got their start. What’s more scary is the fact that the US Congress through Pres. Obama continue to provide US taxpayers money and support to the oligarchs of the Philippines to this day.

Let me ask again:  How did the 50 richest “Filipinos” as listed on Forbes Magazine start amassing so much wealth? These oligarch-traitors didn’t come to the U.S. and rob some banks. Successive US Congresses ALLOWED the oligarch-traitors to steal US taxpayers’ money. Successive US Congresses BETRAYED the American people’s trust.


From 1945 to 1949 the U.S. gave $2 billion in war reparations to the Philippines.

President Truman’s fact-finding mission (Bell Commission) reported that the money is gone. And obviously it went to landowners and unscrupulous businessmen oligarchs who are now richer than ever while the majority of the people’s standard of living has not risen to anywhere near the pre-war levels.”


This is from 06 Nov. 1950 issue of Time Magazine when PRES. GW BUSH WAS SIX (6) YEARS OLD. We’ve been pouring billions of dollars on the Philippines and things are getting worse!

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity. The World Bank must be declared insane!

Had the U.S. bought the Philippines twice over ($40 million) in 1945, it would have been a tropical paradise the envy of the Hawaiian Islands.

Excerpt: “Although the U.S. has poured some $2 billion into the Philippines since 1945, the new republic is on the verge of bankruptcy.

President Truman’s fact-finding mission (Bell Commission) reported that the money is gone. And obviously it went to landowners and unscrupulous businessmen oligarchs who are now richer than ever while the majority of the people’s standard of living has not risen to anywhere near the pre-war levels.”

THE PHILIPPINES: Bristling Bankrupt

Time Magazine – Monday, Nov. 06, 1950,9171,813694,00.html

Next: How to escape the Fiscal Cliff: Forecast: The US will be in recession by March 14 or 15, 2012.