Also at that time, it was discovered that 3,200 tons of gold were missing from China’s treasury.

Make the Philippines an American Battle Monument
On September 28, 1945 Harry S. Truman signed Proclamation 2667 – Policy of the United States With Respect to the Natural Resources of the Subsoil and Sea Bed of the Continental Shelf.
This is the dispositive portion of Proclamation 2667.
” Having concern for the urgency of conserving and prudently utilizing its natural resources, the Government of the United States regards the natural resources of the subsoil and sea bed of the continental shelf beneath the high seas but contiguous to the coasts of the United States as appertaining to the United States, subject to its jurisdiction and control.
In cases where the continental shelf extends to the shores of another State, or is shared with an adjacent State, the boundary SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE UNITED STATES and the STATE concerned in accordance with equitable principles. The character as high seas of the waters above the continental shelf and the right to their free and unimpeded navigation are in no way thus affected.”
Under the Treaty of Paris of 1898, for $20 million Spain ceded the Philippines along with Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. We are native to those islands. But the U.S. government has abandoned it.
Here’s an excerpt from one of the several WAIS posts regarding my quest for Native American status, among others:
“The inhabitants of land purchased by the US from 1803 automatically became Native Americans. This is the status I am seeking for the people of the Philippines, and in the process we are willing to give to the US Federal government the right, power and authority to take good care of our natural resources, especially because it has been proven beyond any doubt that Filipinos have turned the tropical islands into a massive environmental disaster.”
[Would you believe Pres. Obama turned this down in Nov. 2008 and in May 2010 endorsed Aquino III who clearly cheated in that election! See: Philippines – Has Pres. Obama Sold Out the Philippines? (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Sun, May 20, 2012]
From: US: Howard Dean’s Remark (Bienvenido Macario, 08/17/08 10:06 am)
After World War II, the Japanese collaborators led by oligarch Manuel A. Roxas retained power.
In 1986, Cory Aquino, the first false flag president of the Philippines discarded the 1973 constitution under a revolutionary government and with some handpicked delegates drafted the 1987 constitution. It was Cory Aquino’s job to kick out the US military bases out of the Philippines, a former US territory to help China grab the oil, gas and mineral rich Spratlys. Quite a feat for a Chinese woman in the Philippines. Just like Manuel A. Roxas, Sr. in 1946 who sought independence from the U.S., Cory Aquino never bothered to call a referendum to ask the Filipino people if we wanted to the US military bases out of our ancestral land. Remember China is her ancestral land, not the Philippines.
Benigno Aquino III’s job is to buy China as much time as possible to allow China to reclaim the reefs, atoll and build-up installations on the Spratlys.
Before May 2010 when Aquino III was elected, there was no reclamation in any of those islands, reefs, atoll in South China Sea.
Like his mother, Aquino III declared China as his ancestral land.
By 2015 China where as many as 45 million died of starvation and hunger in the 1960’s has become a regional bully.
Here is why I, as a Native American, have superior claim over all others:
– The People’s Republic of China (PROC) did not exist until 1 Oct. 1950.
– Malaysia did not exist until 31 Aug. 1957.
– Singapore of today did not exist until 9 August 1965. Singapore joined the Malayan Federation on 16 Sept. 1963 but was expelled on 9 Aug. 1965. This day became Singapore’s independence day.
– The Socialist Republic of Vietnam did not exist until 2 July 1976.
– The Philippine republic founded in 1946 by virtue of the Treaty of Manila is null & void. No referendum was held asking the Filipino people if they wanted to secede from the union (U.S.).
The Philippines is U.S. territory defectively and prematurely granted independence in 1946. If China is NOT EVICTED from the Spratlys well within the 200-mile exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, this will lay the basis for China’s take over of Hawaii.
We have to remember Hawaii was not purchased. It was annexed in 1898 subsequently settled and became a state in Aug. 1957.
Chinese communist aggression is nothing new. Here is their track record.
China invaded Tibet in 1950; occupied Uighur in 1955; In support of the Khmer Rouge & its Cambodian genocide attacked Vietnam in 1979; declared Taiwan a runaway province in 1980’s.
July 17, 2013 at 2:00pm
Final: The Philippines Reclaimed. (Speak now or forever hold your peace.)
Movie Dances with Wolves – Hat Trade Scene
John Dunbar: [at the celebration of the buffalo feast, noticing a big Sioux man has his Lieutenant’s hat] That’s my hat… that’s my hat!
Big Warrior: [in Lakota, as all becomes quiet in the tent] I found it on the praIrie. It’s mine.
Wind In His Hair: [stands up, in Lakota] The hat belongs to Lieutenant.
Wind In His Hair: Well, you can see he wants it now. We all know it’s a soldier hat. We all know who wears it. If you want to keep it, that’s fine. BUT GIVE SOMETHING FOR IT. [I’VE ALREADY GIVEN SOMETHING AND CONTINUE TO GIVE. BUT WILL CONSIDER GIVING SOME MORE. LET’S NEGOTIATE. Bienvenido Macario – Lemuria]
[Big Warrior looks at the Sioux elder who nods in approval. Then Big Warrior takes his knife and sheath off his belt and gives it to Dunbar]
Big Warrior: Washte.
John Dunbar: Washte
Wind In His Hair: [in English, to Dunbar] Good… trade!
As part of the trade i.e. repossessing my ancestral land, the Philippines, the only abandoned US territory, I offered this to America on 5 July 2014. The US government seems to ignore my offer. I shall reclaim my ancestral land nonetheless. By the 4th of July 2015, it shall be one year from my initial offering. Modesty aside, the US government is not going to get a better offer than what I am offering compared to those who are now trashing my ancestral land.
Below is the link to my birthday gift to America in addressing Alan Greenspan’s concerns about the 2008 financial crisis such as how JP Morgan, IMF and even the Federal Reserve ALL failed to see the crisis coming! Greenspan said: “Not a single major forecaster of note or institution caught it.”
Kindly read my blog and it will show I’ve seen and warned them about these crises, AMONG OTHERS, including those in Europe, South America and Asia.
Happy Birthday America 07-05-14