Terror Attacks in Belgium: False Flag Presidency Is Contagious

False flag presidency and high treason are very contagious. Beware.

I offer my condolences to the families, friends of the victims in Belgium. I am curious why are the French, Spanish and Belgian governments supporting the creation of an Islamic State** in the Philippines?

This is how indispensable the UK is to the EU. Best case scenario the EU members do not know what they are doing, i.e. aiding and abetting false flag presidency, high treason, tyranny and oppression in the Philippines. Worst case scenario, overcome by greed, they knew all along that they are aiding and abetting false flag presidency, high treason, tyranny and oppression in the Philippines , an abandoned U.S. territory.

In Sept. 2014, Aquino III of the Philippines visited Spain, France, Belgium and Germany. He was welcomed by the King of Spain and the King of Belgium. Thereafter a series of “bad luck” started happening in all four countries.

But the worst was in the Philippines on Jan. 25, 2015 when 44 U.S.-trained police commandos who tried to serve a warrant of arrest to (3) terrorists and expert bomb-makers listed on the FBI’s most wanted. In 15 minutes one terrorist bomb maker (Marwan) was killed after he violently resisted arrest. On the way back, the Filipino police commandos were ambushed.

Forty-four (44) officers and men were massacred when Aquino III refused to provide the air, artillery support and reinforcements the trapped commandos were requesting for more than 12 hours.

Aquino III ordered to stand down those volunteering to help their brothers in arms who were being slaughtered. The entire fire fight took 14-hours. Even before Jan. 2015, Aquino III and the oligarchs have been pushing for the creation of an **Islamic state in Southern Philippines under the **Bansangmoro Basic Law (BBL). It is a state based on Sharia law or basic Muslim law.

My unsolicited suggestion as I have been giving since 2013 is to withdraw recognition of the so-called republic of the Philippines founded on lies, treason and dishonor.

Aquino III is a false flag president. The French, Spanish and Belgian governments are accessory to high treason and are aiding and abetting tyranny and oppression in my ancestral land, the Philippines, an abandoned U.S. territory. The EU should investigate why their members are supporting false flag presidency and treason in the Philippines. More importantly the EU should investigate why the French, Spanish and Belgian governments are supporting the creation of an Islamic state in the Philippines and across Europe.

Excerpt: 17 September 2014 – Following his meeting with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, President Benigno s. Aquino III had an audience with His Majesty King Philippe of Begium at the Royal Palace in Brussels on September 15.

The President (Aquino III) briefed King Philippe about the peace process in Mindanao, especially with regard to the crafting of the **Bangsamoro Basic Law. He said that once the law is enacted, the Philippines would be on its way to achieving a just and lasting peace in Mindanao.





Remote Viewing: An Introduction


Here’s a page off PJ Gaenir’s Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual (Page 15)


Remote Viewing Definition DIA


These psychic spies, or "remote viewers," were able to infiltrate any target, elude any form of security, and never risk a scratch.

In the description of the above book: Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies. it states: “These psychic spies, or ‘remote viewers,’ were able to infiltrate any target, elude any form of security, and never risk a scratch.”

That is not exactly true. Actually, it is very taxing on the family and relationships, especially if they do not believe or understand remote viewing. Ironically, those on the opposite ends of the theistic spectrum are together in rejecting the effective use of remote viewing. One side does not believe it works while the other think it is sinister. When did saving lives using God-given gifts become a sin? Seventh Sense - Secrets of Remote Viewing Book Cov. & WAIS post 03-15-18


Book Ad - The 7th Sense-'The Secrets of Remote Viewing As Told by a 'Psychic Spy' for the US'




Below are pages 44 & 45 from Lyn Buchanan’s book “The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing . . .” Through channels, they were ordered to go back in time and pinpoint where the bomb was placed that blew Pan Am Fl 103 out of the sky over Lockerbie on Dec. 21, 1988. So in Remote Viewing it is possible to could go back in time and see the precise moment the bomb on board Pan Am Fl 103 was detonated. Seventh Sense p.44 & 45- Lockerbie, Scotland Pan Am Fl 103 Dec. 21, 1988



Another Remote Viewer, Maj. Ed Dames’ was asked what was his greatest Remote Viewing success and he said : “Uncovering lost treasures like the Ark of the Covenant.”  But Maj. Dames  considered “just keeping the military Psi Spy program alive as long as we did” as a distinct success because so many opposed to the program wanted to shut it down.

Maj. Ed Dames - Remote Viewing Success - Finding the Ark of the Convenant

Now Lyn Buchanan and Ed Dames did their respective jobs while serving in the regular US Army unit. In my group’s case, we didn’t have the support structure of the government and so we operated much like a militia such that teammates come and go as they please. Since Ed Dames’ topic is about treasures and the past, here’s some treasures that I’ve uncovered mostly using remote viewing.

WAIS Headquarters in the US West Coast




Below is the only documentation I have identifying                              and myself as a remote viewer couple.  I do not know of any other remote viewer couple.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is RV-Bus.-App.-with-Name-Plate-blocked-2-791x1024.jpg

This is a series of email exchanges with a Stanford Alumni and member of the Stanford group of independent consultants. I explained that my remote viewing is limited only to “tangos” and nut jobs . I should have added the History of Native Americans in the Philippines.  [At this time (10/24/2017), I wasn’t comfortable to mention that I use remote viewing to  protect the men and women in uniform.]

On Oct. 24, 2017 I added a statement defining the scope of my remote viewing to include the History of Native Americans in the Philippines. (See bottom portion of page 3, the last page.) Actually I have not been doing any remote viewing since August or Sept. 2017. 

Email exchange with A. Noyola Stanford Consults p1 of 4 on Remote Viewing Studies at Stanford 08-02-2016 

Email exchange with A. Noyola Stanford Consults p2 of 4 on Remote Viewing Studies at Stanford 08-02-2016


Email exchange with A. Noyola Stanford Consults p3 of 4 on Remote Viewing Studies at Stanford 08-02-2016