US Interior Secretary Harold Ickes Confronts Japanese Collaborator Manuel Roxas

If the Japanese had won the war, you would have been in a position to claim from them what you so quickly asserted to be your right when America was victorious.  As a prisoner of war in uniform, all that you were required to give the Japanese were your name, rank and serial number.  In addition, you gave your honor, along with aid and comfort to the enemy.” 

– U.S. Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes asking Philippine President Manuel A. Roxas his stand during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in WWII from “An Open Letter to Manuel A. Roxas, President of the Philippines” published by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Monday, July 22, 1946 Page 18


From:  Man-To-Man:Roxas Is Asked To Explain Stand

By Harold L. Ickes

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Monday, July 22, 1946 Page 18,3074145&dq=philippines+collaborators+tanada&hl=en

Roxas Is Asked To Explain Stand - Editorial p1 by Harold Ickes 07-22-46 PRNT

“In your inaugural address you defended your fellow-collaborators on the ground that they had “committed mental error and should be forgiven.”  That was NOT the attitude of the Norwegians toward their Quisling. It has not been the attitude of the loyalists toward the traitors in Holland, France, Belgium and other countries.  I am at a loss to comprehend such solicitude.”  – Harold L. Ickes asking Philippine President Manuel A. Roxas his stand during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in WWII – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Monday, July 22, 1946 Page 18

Roxas Is Asked To Explain Stand - Editorial p2 by Harold Ickes 07-22-46 PRNTRoxas Is Asked To Explain Stand - Editorial p3 by Harold Ickes 07-22-46 PRNTRoxas Is Asked To Explain Stand - Editorial by Harold Ickes p4 07-22-46 PRNT

PHOTO: Japanese collaborator turned president of the Philippines Manuel A. Roxas with Col. Nobuhiko Jimbo

April 9, 2016

Today is the 74th anniversary when the infamous BATAAN DEATH MARCH started.  Today Manuel A. Roxas, Sr.’s grandson, Manuel A. Roxas II is running for president of the Philippines. His candidacy was endorsed by incumbent Pres. Benigno Aquino III, the grandson of the most reliable Japanese collaborator of WWII in the Philippines Benigno Aquino, Sr.

Oligarch-Traitor Exposed - It was US Sec. of Interior Harold Ickes who questioned Manuel Roxas’ war record in an editorial published on July 22, 1946.
Oligarch-Traitor Exposed – It was US Sec. of Interior Harold Ickes who questioned Manuel Roxas’ war record in an editorial published on July 22, 1946.


Without God we are building a second Tower of Babel – Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 17, 1787

Benjamin Franklin - 'Without God, we are building a second Tower of Babel'  Sept. 17, 1787“Without God, we are building a second Tower of Babel”

 – Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 17, 1787 in his speech before the Constitutional Convention just before signing the final draft of the constitution. 

We have until Dec. 21, 2016 to make the necessary changes. Remember Steve Harvey’s honest mistake on Dec. 21, 2015? That was a reminder, maybe a warning. Take heed. Listen to Fermin Jaudenes, the last Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines, when he said: “Neglecting the Philippines.” was the root cause of the fall of the once mighty Spanish Empire.


During the Cold War, the “German DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC” was the formal name of East Germany, while West Germany took the name Federal REPUBLIC of Germany.

Democracy is the rule of the majority while in a republic it is the rule of law.

In the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance (1892), we say, “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the REPUBLIC (not the democracy) for which it stands . . .”

At the start of the American Civil War Julia Ward Howe using the music from the song “John Brown’s Body” changed some the lyrics to what is known outside the U.S. as “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory“. It is entitled “The Battle Hymn of the REPUBLIC” not the Battle Hymn of Democracy” (1961)

In 1787, the deliberations during the Constitutional Convention were held behind closed doors. Naturally citizens were eager to know the outcome. When Benjamin Franklin stepped out of the Independence Hall, he was asked by a certain Mrs. Powel from Philadelphia: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a REPUBLIC or a monarchy?”

 “A REPUBLIC, if you can keep it.” Benjamin Franklin promptly replied.

Going back to Asia, specifically the Philippines, a former U.S. territory, we cannot claim it to be a democracy since the overwhelming majority of the Filipinos are in fact poor while about 70 families are richer than the British Monarchy, 50 of which are billionaires listed in Forbes Magazine.

While we are talking about Asian countries how about this: North Korea is officially called the “DEMOCRATIC People’s REPUBLIC of Korea”. Is this the Korean version of East Germany? Because North Korea is in fact a socialist, one-party system or a totalitarian state as East German was during the Cold War.

Confused? Good! Let’s clear it up. Nowhere in the following sacred documents of the American republic will you ever find the word “democracy” or “democratic”.

In 1787, the deliberations during the Constitutional Convention were held behind closed doors. Naturally citizens were eager to know the outcome. When Benjamin Franklin stepped out of the Independence Hall, he was asked by a certain Mrs. Powel from Philadelphia: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a REPUBLIC or a monarchy?”

 “A REPUBLIC, if you can keep it.” Benjamin Franklin promptly replied.

Out of the 13 British colonies, the United States of America was formed as a Republic invoking God’s aid 

Nowhere in the following sacred documents of the American republic will you ever find the word “democracy” or “democratic”. 

The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

The Articles of Confederation adopted on November 15, 1777

The Constitution created on ‎September 17, 1787

The Bill of Rights created on September 25, 1789

Perhaps we should examine the wisdom of exporting American republicanism turned oligarchy, masquerading as democracy. Maybe it is time for the U.S. to consider a new form of government for this millennium. Am I thinking of either monarchy or republic as Mrs. Powel asked Benjamin Franklin 229 years ago? No. 

To be sure I prefer a constitutional monarchy for my ancestral land, eventually.

Bienvenido Macario

30 March 2016 

“Without God we are building a second Tower of Babel”

 – Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 17, 1787 in his speech before the Constitutional Convention just before signing the final draft of the U.S. constitution.

We have until Dec. 21, 2016 to make the necessary changes. Remember Steve Harvey’s honest mistake on Dec. 21, 2015? That was a reminder, maybe a warning. Take heed. Listen to Fermin Jaudenes, the last Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines, when he said: “Neglecting the Philippines.” was the root cause of the fall of the once mighty Spanish Empire.