Lemuria & Atlantis on Ancient World Maps; Austronesian Language & Migration

Sept. 20, 2016

Below are different versions of the world map when Lemuria and Atlantis existed. In all of these theories, the Philippines is always part of Lemuria or Mu.

Maybe it would be helpful to study these maps along with this post:

Austronesian Migration 3000 BCE

Austronesian Migration 3000 BCE

Austronesians,[4] Austronesian peoples[5] or Austronesian-speaking peoples[6] are various populations in Asia, Oceania and Africa that speak languages of the Austronesian family. They include FORMOSAN (Taiwanese) aborigines; the majority ethnic groups of Malaysia, East Timor, PHILIPPINES, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Madagascar, Micronesia, and Polynesia, as well as the Polynesian peoples of New Zealand and Hawaii, and the non-Papuan people of Melanesia. They are also found in the MINORITIES of the Pattani region of THAILAND, the Cham areas in VIETNAM, CAMBODIA, and Hainan, parts of Sri Lanka, southern Myanmar and certain islands of the Andaman Islands. The territories populated by Austronesian-speaking peoples are known collectively as Austronesia.


Is it possible that some if not all of the Austronesians came from the Land of Mu or Lemuria?

proposed-map-of-lemuria-atlantisFrom: http://magusyoci.com/cpg/335333/Lemuria




From:Ancient World Maps showing Lemuria, Atlantis and more


Still another Map of Lemuria










Blog Austronesia p1

Blog Austronesia p2


Bill Clinton: “I could have killed Osama bin Laden.” – Sept. 10, 2001

Sept. 11, 2016 – This is a re-post from yesterday 9/10/2016. I made some changes to the poster to kick off the fund raising for the Maria Elena G. Macario Foundation a non profit organization we’ve formed and the Nicolas Aldana Native American Tribe.

We can now take donations. Go to: https://www.nedmacario.us/

Here’s a leader who owns up to his mistake. He could have prevented 9/11 He decided against killing Osama bin Laden because hundreds of civilian will also die. This is because at that time the U.S. didn’t have the sophisticated drone capability we now have. Why?

Well if you remember then, the Clinton administration boasted that the U.S had a budget surplus at the expense of the very technological advances of the military that would have allowed us to take out Osama bin Laden with minimum civilian collateral deaths and damages.

Chilling audio of Bill Clinton from September 10th 2001. He could have prevented 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TASypSL90G4

I could have killed UBL - Bill Clinton 09-10-2001 p1I could have killed Osama bin Laden p2 (and prevented 9-11) - Bill Clinton 09-10-2001


“Great leaders are defined by the difficult decisions they make.”

– Lex Luthor From: Smallville – “Apocalypse” First aired May 1, 2008. We could learn from TV shows and movies.


Bill Clinton admitted on Sept. 10, 2001, the eve of 9/11 he could have killed Osama bin Laden and probably prevented 9/11. He said:

“I could have killed Osama bin Laden.”

“Audio tape of Bill Clinton from the day before 9/11 confirms he skipped chance to kill bin Laden.

Chilling audio of Bill Clinton from September 10th 2001. He could have prevented 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TASypSL90G4

Clinton made the remarks in front of a group of Australian businessman on September 10, 2001.

In the audio recording Clinton says he ‘could have killed’ Osama bin Laden but decided not to because hundreds of civilians would have also died.”


Clinton’s account matches up with previously unconfirmed reports


PUBLISHED: 15:46 EST, 31 July 2014 | UPDATED: 08:00 EST, 1 August 2014

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2712433/Audio-tape-Bill-Clinton-day-9-11-confirms-reports-Clinton-killed-bin-Laden-didnt-casualties.html#ixzz40PyuZgFt


The American press’ justification for what they do; for their very existence is the mantra: “THE PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!” Yet this 9/10/2001 audio tape recording of Pres. Bill Clinton admitting he skipped the chance to kill Osama bin Laden and prevent 9/11 was not published until July 31, 2014 or 13 years after the admission. But why?


And like the true function of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, it took a British newspaper to publish a very important confession that happened 13 years ago! What kind of system do we have here? How could voters make an informed decision when information is withheld by the very non-governmental entity, the media, who’s supposed to let the people know? This is the worst. This is lying by omission.


What’s up with that? Here’s a rare American leader who owns up to his mistake. The reason killing hundreds of foreign civilians would die is because at that time the U.S. didn’t have the sophisticated drone capability we now have. Why?



Well if you remember then, the Clinton administration boasted that the U.S had a budget surplus at the expense of the very technological advances of the military that would have allowed us to take out Osama bin Laden with minimum civilian collateral deaths and damages.



Great leaders are defined by the difficult decisions they make.”

– Lex Luthor fromSmallville – “Apocalypse” First aired May 1, 2008. We could learn something from TV shows.


“Bill Clinton had budget surpluses for fiscal years 1998-2001, the only such years from 1970-2018. Clinton’s final four budgets were balanced budgets with surpluses, beginning with the 1997 budget. The ratio of debt held by the public to GDP, a primary measure of U.S. federal debt, fell from 47.8% in 1993 to 33.6% by 2000.” – wikipedia



“Today, Social Security is strong. But by 2013^, payroll taxes will no longer be sufficient to cover monthly payments.


By 2032, the trust fund will be exhausted and Social Security will be unable to pay the full benefits older Americans have been promised.” – (No Applause).


  • Clinton, State of the Union Address. Tue. Jan. 19, 1999


However, after the 2008 Financial Crisis, the US Financial System was on life-support called Quantitative Easing* i.e. using near-zero interest rates to stimulate the economy. By June 2013^ Greenspan was urging the Fed to raise the interest rates.



In the WAIS post: More on QE*: The Hospital Analogy  (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 01/08/14 6:29 am), https://waisworld.org/go.jsp?id=02a&objectType=post&o=81609&objectTypeId=70581&topicId=239

I wrote interest rates should have been raised in June 2013 as Greenspan recommended.


Greenspan’s June 7, 2013^ recommendation was mentioned in my 2013 WAIS post: Krugman Living in “Fantasy Land”: Cohan (Bienvenido Macario, USA, June 26, 2013^ 4:30 am) https://waisworld.org/go.jsp?id=02a&objectType=post&o=77652&objectTypeId=68017&topicId=239

Paul Krugman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics), the sole recipient for 2008. This prize includes an award of about $1.4 million and was given to Krugman for his work associated with New Trade Theory and the New Economic Geography.


Left: Paul Krugman with Pres. GW Bush who met the 2008 Nobel prize recipients.


Excerpt: “Quantitative Easing*, to my understanding, is an extraordinary measure taken by the Fed to stimulate an economy at stall speed through job creation, by providing cash and credit to business with their near-zero Fed fund rates.


Now the US National Debt is at $17 trillion. Americans born today are born into a financial bondage they never agreed to, benefited from or were even consulted about. They are no longer born free.


Yet during Reagan’s time interest rates went up as high as 20% (June 1981). During Eisenhower’s time tax rates were as high as 90%! What’s the big difference between the Eisenhower and Reagan eras?  — Globalization.                  B. Macario, May 31, 2013


I agree with Greenspan’s recommendation exactly seven months ago (06/07/2013^)–Taper now, even if the economy is not ready:


Greenspan: Taper Now, Even If Economy Not Ready

Matthew J. Belvedere June 7, 2013


I could have killed UBL - Bill Clinton 09-10-2001 p2I could have killed UBL - Bill Clinton 09-10-2001 p3I could have killed UBL - Bill Clinton 09-10-2001 p4

On May 2, 2011 Osama bin Laden was killed in a raid carried out by the U.S. military. Al Qaeda, although it continued to exist, was greatly weakened by the death of its founder and the man behind the 9/11 attacks including the attacks on the U.S. Embassies in Africa and the USS Cole.

The Western nations should have taken the initiative and show the world that resorting to violence is not the right way to effect changes. From the time of Osama bin Laden died up to Aug. 2014, the Western nations should have attended to failed and failing states whose people have no stomach for violence and thus they simply suffer in silence, like the former U.S. territory, the Philippines.

I wrote that part of the oligarch-traitors wealth comes from the remittance businesses, when OFW’s (Overseas Filipino Workers) from the US remit dollars back to the Philippines using deceptive exchange rates.  Later call centers using locals paid with slave wages added to their wealth.


From: SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Philippines: Wealthy families. (John Eipper, USA, 05/03/05 4:45 pm)


Bienvenido Macario writes: In English-speaking Third World countries like the Philippines, no businessperson has ever been convicted of any white-collar crime whatsoever. In fact, there are no anti-trust laws in the Philippines so that companies engaged in food manufacturing, airline, power, transmission, transportation, oil, TV & print media, real estate and any business under the sun could all be owned by one family. It is group monopoly.

Here’s Forbes list of 40 Wealthiest Men of Southeast Asia for 2004. In the list of 40 wealthiest men seven are from the Philippines.

**In the August 2004 edition of Forbes Magazine, the 40 wealthiest people in Southeast Asia included seven from the Philippines:

  1. Lucio Tan $1.6 Billion – # 12
  2. Henry Sy $1.4 Billion – # 14
  3. Jaime Zobel de Ayala $800 Million – # 20
  4. Danding Cojuangco $380 Million – # 31
  5. George Ty $360 Million – # 33
  6. John Gokongwei, Jr. $330 Million – # 35
  7. Tony Tan Caktiong $270 Million – # 37

Total net worth $5.14 billion August 2004

RONALD HILTON: Charity begins at home. How much did these 40 wealthiest men in Southeast Asia contribute to tsunami relief?

=========== end of WAIS post excerpt =============

FROM 2007 to 2015

Oct. 2007 40 Richest Filipinos–Total Net Worth $16.2 Billion 10/18/07                          State of California Budget Deficit       $16.0 Billion 02/20/08


Jul 2010 – 40 Richest Filipinos–Total Net Worth $20.4 Billion 07/31/10                          State of California Budget Deficit         $20.0 Billion 03/17/10

Mar. 2011 – 40 Richest Filipinos–Total Net Worth $26.2 Billion 3/09/2011                      State of California Budget Deficit         $26.6 Billion 03/29/11

Jun 2012 Forbes 40 Richest Filipinos – Total Net worth $47.43 Billion

Jul 2013 Forbes 50 Richest Filipinos – Total Net worth $65.79 Billion

Jul 2014 Forbes 50 Richest Filipinos – Total Net worth $74 Billion

Aug 2015 Forbes 50 Richest Filipinos – Total Net worth $73 Billion      (Aug. 2015 Puerto Rico filed Bankruptcy Total Debt    $72.1 Billion)

Aug 2016 Forbes 50 Richest Filipinos – Total Net worth $80 Billion 

(Philippines’ 50 Richest AS OF Aug. 24, 2016 Total net worth $79.47 BILLION  

http://www.forbes.com/philippines-billionaires/list/2/#tab:overall )

This is the effect of the artificially strong peso v. the U.S. dollar. This is why I want to have my own country and government in my own ancestral land now controlled by OVERBEARING non-Natives.

Like I keep saying you could either join me, oppose me or wait. There is no 4th option.
On Nov. 2, 2007,12 yr. old Marianneth Amper lost all hope and committed suicide. Grinding poverty drove her to despair.
Dan Brown Calls Manila “Gates of Hell” / Girl’s suicide indicts Philippine anti-poverty programme

Other than taking one’s own life, the poor in the Philippines have three choices: 1) Leave the country. 2) Work as a prostitute or lead a life of crime. 3) Eat garbage, literally.

How can the International community especially Washington DC, allow the 50 richest “Filipinos” to continue amassing so much wealth while majority of the natives of the Philippines are starving and reduced to eating garbage?

Yet the Philippines is very rich in natural resources.

Garbage Dump Philanthropist Helps Thousands in Philippines Escape Poverty

WWII was fought between the Japanese and the U.S. And like WWII, in this global war on terror, the oligarch-traitors of the Philippines again won. These oligarch-traitors could never survive without significant help from Washington DC.




Remote Viewing Prelim. – Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull Gives Terror Warning in ASEAN Meeting 7 Sep. 2016

A Special THANK YOU to the 11th Airborne Div. 8th Army U.S.


Australia’s PM gives terror warning at Asean summit

7 hours ago From the section Australia Wednesday 7 September 2016


Australia will offer more help to South East Asian countries to prevent terror attacks across the region.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to discuss security with other leaders at the Asean summit in Laos.

Mr Turnbull has signalled he would like to expand Australia’s counter-terrorism arrangements with Indonesia, Malaysia and other neighbouring countries. (What about the Philippines? This is why I need to establish a government-in-exile for the Philippines based in London, UK.)

It comes after the so-called Islamic State threatened “lone wolf” attacks in Sydney and Melbourne.

Mr Turnbull said that such a threat should be taken seriously after IS suffered losses on battlefields in Iraq and Syria.

“As it is rolled back, as its territory is being taken back – it will resort to terrorist activities outside of the Middle East,” he said.

“But we do have to be very alert to the actions of these lone actors – individuals who … for a variety of reasons, may be radicalised.”

The Australian government is taking measures to prevent foreign fighters who could be recruited from South East Asia and Australia and Mr Turnbull is arguing for more intelligence sharing.

Mr Turnbull named the 2002 Bali bombings as an example of the danger posed to the region. The attacks killed 202 people, including 88 Australians and 27 Britons. (I personally warned Marriott Hotel in May 2002 about an impending attack. It was ignored. Three other attacks on Marriott Hotel chain followed the Bali bombing.

  •  5 August 2003 in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 17 July 2009,  the JW Marriott (Again) and Ritz Carton Hotels Jakarta, Indonesia – BM)
  • 20 September 2008 Marriott Hotel  in Islamabad.)

“When there is terrorist activity in our region, very often, almost invariably in a large-scale attack, Australians can be put at risk and have, indeed, lost their lives,” he said.

We’re all in it together, it’s got to be a very strong full-court press against terrorism. We’re committed to that and I’m looking forward to some very candid and constructive discussions over the next few days.”

But the oligarch-traitors of the Philippines and their president Aquino III  sided with the terrorist when 44 US-trained police commandos were massacred. Aquino III refused to send reinforcements, air and artillery support despite the police commandos request. They pleaded for support and reinforcements for over 12 hours on 25 Jan. 2015 which became known as the Mamasapano Massacre.


