Remote Viewing – Australia Preliminary Viewing 3 Aug. Impact Date 3 Dec. 2016

A Special THANK YOU to the 11th Airborne Div. 8th Army U.S.


Australia’s PM gives terror warning at Asean summit

7 hours ago From the section Australia Wednesday 7 September 2016

Australia will offer more help to South East Asian countries to prevent terror attacks across the region.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to discuss security with other leaders at the Asean summit in Laos.

Mr Turnbull has signalled he would like to expand Australia’s counter-terrorism arrangements with Indonesia, Malaysia and other neighbouring countries. (What about the Philippines? This is why I need to establish a government-in-exile for the Philippines based in London, UK.)

It comes after the so-called Islamic State threatened “lone wolf” attacks in Sydney and Melbourne.

Mr Turnbull said that such a threat should be taken seriously after IS suffered losses on battlefields in Iraq and Syria.

“As it is rolled back, as its territory is being taken back – it will resort to terrorist activities outside of the Middle East,” he said.

“But we do have to be very alert to the actions of these lone actors – individuals who … for a variety of reasons, may be radicalised.”

The Australian government is taking measures to prevent foreign fighters who could be recruited from South East Asia and Australia and Mr Turnbull is arguing for more intelligence sharing.

Mr Turnbull named the 2002 Bali bombings as an example of the danger posed to the region. The attacks killed 202 people, including 88 Australians and 27 Britons. (I personally warned Marriott Hotel in May 2002 about an impending attack. It was ignored. Three other attacks on Marriott Hotel chain followed the Bali bombing.

  •  5 August 2003 in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 17 July 2009,  the JW Marriott (Again) and Ritz Carton Hotels Jakarta, Indonesia – BM)
  • 20 September 2008 Marriott Hotel  in Islamabad.)

“When there is terrorist activity in our region, very often, almost invariably in a large-scale attack, Australians can be put at risk and have, indeed, lost their lives,” he said.

We’re all in it together, it’s got to be a very strong full-court press against terrorism. We’re committed to that and I’m looking forward to some very candid and constructive discussions over the next few days.”

But the oligarch-traitors of the Philippines and their president Aquino III  sided with the terrorists when 44 US-trained police commandos were massacred. Aquino III refused to send reinforcements, air and artillery support despite the police commandos request. They pleaded for support and reinforcements for over 12 hours on 25 Jan. 2015 which became known as the Mamasapano Massacre.



US Department of the Interior – Petition for Native American Status

Dec. 31, 2016 –

Bienvenido Macario – Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

For 2017 I will proceed with the petition for Native American status. As soon as I am given Native American status, non-Native AMERICANS will have THE SAME PROPERTY RIGHTS in the oil, gas and mineral rich Philippines just like they have here in the continental U.S.A., Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. territories.

So why would they not approve my petition?

For us, we don’t have to put up a casino, we will just connect with the various Native American tribes across the U.S. who are operating casinos and we will provide entertainers to them. All we have to do is form a promotions company.

As Native Americans, we won’t need visas to come over here. Some of us may not want to come here at all.

It’s a lot of work. I need help and assistance with editing and putting together my research to be submitted as part of the application. But there is no time. I’ll go ahead and file the application.

What I need now and always are your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless.


A case in point: On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 I share on my Face Book UberFacts’s video.


UberFacts – January 2, 2017 at 12:23pm ·

Native Americans have been fighting for their rights for a very long time…

My comment: The Native Americans of the Philippines continue to suffer the same fate as our brothers & sisters in the continental U.S.A. except ours is worse.

Our land, resources & those who weren’t able to escape are enslaved by non-Natives. And they are not White Americans either.

On the bright side, we have here a rare & possibly the ONLY OPPORTUNITY for the proverbial U.S. Cavalry to come to the rescue of both Native Americans and modern day White Settlers (There are some 14,000 former US servicemen who retired in the Subic & Clark areas.)

Reference: “Everything’s in place; the facilities still exist,” says Jack Walker, a retired Marine Corps sergeant among the some 14,000 American veterans who reside around Subic and nearby Angeles city, the former home of Clark Air Base.

Trump, Philippines’ Duterte seek connection as China looms  

By Guy Taylor – The Washington Times – Monday, January 2, 2017

SUBIC BAY, Philippines — It was once the rock-solid symbol of one of the deepest and most enduring U.S. alliances in the region. Today this massive but long-shuttered U.S. Navy base is just one more question mark in a confused and evolving relationship at a time of major strategic changes in both Manila and Washington.

But even before China’s navy seized an American underwater drone near here last month, speculation swirled over how the Subic Bay military base — a 262-square-mile expanse that at one time was America’s largest U.S. military installation outside the borders of the U.S. — might be transformed once again if tensions with China turn truly hot during the soon-to-be-installed Trump administration. Factor in the changes already wrought here by populist President Rodrigo Duterte, and the future of the once equally rock-solid U.S.-Philippines alliance is as uncertain as at any time in decades.

The politics and diplomacy may be murky, but, based on a visit to the area late last month, the infrastructure here is ready to roll.


“For the first time in history and possibly the only time, our tribe, the Nicolas Aldana Native American Tribe is offering the opportunity for the proverbial U.S. Cavalry to come to the rescue of Native Americans like the descendants of Nicolas Aldana  in the Philippines where non-Natives have already driven out American settlers like George McEntee; immediately after WWII. Then the oligarch-traitors having retained power, made one of their own the president of the new independent “republic” of the Philippines and started the virtual enslavement of the Native Americans, taking over its rich natural and human resources.


From our website Lemuria / Macario Foundation . . .


Bienvenido Macario shared UberFacts’s video.

Yesterday at Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 11:27am ·

















From David Cameron – Now More Than Ever – May 6, 2015

Nov. 28, 2016

Below is David Cameron’s e-mail just before the vote. He was running for re-election. Exit polls indicated that David Cameron will lose by a small margin. Everyone was surprised when he won in a surprise landslide. Our party won as well.

It is my distinct honor to have been part of the this campaign.

Bienvenido Macario

