The British Empire in 1923; The Philippines, a U.S. territory

WORLD MAP 1923 – The Philippines was a U.S. territory, never a U.S. colony

To put it in perspective, here’s the map of the British Empire in 1923 right after WWI and before Washington DC abandoned the Philippines at height of the Great Depression under the seemingly noble reason of “putting the Filipinos on road to independence” in 1930’s. 

Notice that the U.S. mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, THE PHILIPPINES, Guam, Wake Island, are ALL colored the same shade of green

Natives of all the lands the U.S. Government bought automatically became Native Americans.

If the Natives of the Philippines are denied Native American status, then Filipinos are not the only ones being discriminated.

Because once Filipinos are recognized as Native Americans, then NON-Native AMERICANS will have the same property rights in the Philippines as they have in the continental U.S.A., Alaska, Hawaii & the U.S. Territories.

Natives of the Philippines are in fact Native Americans. But so far I’m the only one and a few others believe in this. So much the better. So many more will pay rent and back rentals.

The Philippines is an abandoned U.S. territory


Notice the Philippines like the U.S. mainland and Alaska, is also colored green.

This is the link to the Council on Foreign Relations’ 17 Dec. 2016 video post about Chinese aggression in the South China Seas


Below is the continuation of my comment on CFR’s post

“What is happening in the Philippines is the fault of the US Senate that ratified the 1946 Treaty of Manila that granted dependent-independence to that US territory on 22 Oct. 1946.

There was no referendum asking the Filipino people we wanted to secede from the US in 1934 when the Philippine Commonwealth was created at the height of the Great Depression or in 1946 immediately after WWII when the Philippine territory was one of the most devastated allied country of the war.

While the faulty Takata airbags were promptly recalled after eight (8) people were killed around the world, the miserably failed and so-called republic of the Philippines where tens of millions of people have been suffering for decades continue to enjoy recognition as a successful, independent and sovereign country.

History will judge us all. 

It was at the height of the Great Depression that the U.S. created the Philippine Commonwealth purportedly to “prepare the Philippines for independence”, a euphemism for abandonment of its territory that turned out to be oil, gas and mineral rich.

The Philippines is an abandoned U.S. territory that was unjustly granted independence by the U.S. Senate. There was no referendum asking the Filipino people if we wanted to secede from the US and RENEGE ON OUR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in 1934 when the Philippine Commonwealth was created at the height of the Great Depression or in 1946 immediately after WWII when the Philippine territory was one of the most devastated allied country of the war.


History will judge us all.

Excerpt: “The US Senate should be held responsible for the summary executions committed by Duterte.

If killing 100,000 criminals is not enough to horrify Washington DC sophisticates, supposing Duterte starts a French Revolution style of purging the oligarchs, summarily executing the undemocratic oligarchs, their relatives, friends, cronies and politicians. Who should be held accountable?

I am 100% sure it is the US Senate that should be held responsible for failing to recall a defective treaty while allowing the US government to continue funding the tyranny of the oligarchs since 1946.

Remember the defective Takata airbags that killed only 11 people worldwide? It was recalled, affecting anywhere from 51 million to 65 million cars worldwide at a cost of over $4 billion, with Honda being the hardest hit. After an investigation, “US regulators believe the volatile chemical used in the inflators, ammonium nitrate, can cause airbags to explode with excessive force.”

Why couldn’t the US government or the US Senate investigate the World Bank that continue to knowingly waste US taxpayer money on the Philippines, refusing to see that our tax dollars are going straight to the oligarchs?”

100,000 Promised Executions: Duterte’s Law and Order Rhetoric (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 05/17/16 6:46 am)

Obama vows action against Russia for hacks – Fri. Dec. 16, 2016

Obama vows action against Russia for hacks

Kevin Liptak-Profile-Image

By Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer

Updated 9:12 AM ET, Fri December 16, 2016

My WAIS post is from May 23, 2010 and the crisis in Ukraine in May 2014. To my knowledge I am the only one who questioned the so-called election of Aquino III. Not even the GOP protested Pres. Obama’s support of the electoral fraud in the former U.S. territory, the Philippines.

History will judge us ALL.

“The Phil. House of Representatives’ computer server showed 256 million registered voters out of an estimated population of 92 million.  Aquino III was declared winner. It was not a very convincing victory, yet the World Bank, IMF, ADB, the UN and the international community, including Pres. Obama, continue to give legitimacy to his illegal government by recognizing it.”

Pres. Obama and Aquino III should have helped Roxas II CHEAT Duturte in the May 2016 election just like what Pres. Obama did in May 2010 when Aquino III was congratulated and recognized as president long before the canvassing of the ballots was finished and ahead of the Philippine Congress’ declaration.

In case you’ve forgotten Hillary Clinton’s supporters cheated Bernie Sanders in the DNC nomination.  Pres. should have helped Hillary Clinton cheat Trump in the Nov. election. If the GOP or anyone else protest this intervention, Pres. Obama could always say the GOP never said anything wrong when he, along with China and Spain was helping Aquino III cheat in May 2010 election.

Washington DC is delusional thinking they still have credibility anywhere.

May 23, 2014

It seems American moral standards have degenerated. Cheating and meddling in other nation’s “democratic” processes is NORMAL. Welcome to 21st American politics.

This explains why the two groups of “Filipino” oligarchs are ethnic Chinese & ethnic Spaniards while the US through the World Bank, IMF and the UN pour billions of dollars each year of US taxpayer’s money  directly to the oligarchs’ pockets.

Yet when Putin intervened in the elections in Ukraine and referendum in Crimea,  Obama sent the cruiser USS Vella Gulf to the Black Sea as reported on May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

Excerpt: “The announcement comes four days before the hotly disputed referendum in eastern Ukraine aimed at breaking off from Kiev. The U.S., its European allies and Russia have all said they will not recognize the results of the referendum. (Wow!)

Separatists in eastern Ukraine have increasingly clashed with government forces, leading to the death of more than 125 people, according to United Nations tallies.“


Cruiser Vella Gulf heads to Black Sea amid unrest in Ukraine

May 22, 2014

This kind of foreign policy will bring the U.S.A.  down.



SUNDAY – MAY 23, 2010 – You would think Pres. Obama would say this is premature.  And you would hope and someone would criticize Obama for neglecting the ONLY former U.S. territory that became a dependent-independent “republic” of the Philippines. Without violence you don’t stand a chance in hell of getting noticed. Welcome to 21st century civilization.

Phil. House of Representatives’ computer server showed 256 million registered voters out of an estimated population of 92 million.  Aquino III was declared winner. It was not a very convincing victory, yet the World Bank, IMF, ADB, the UN and the international community, including Pres. Obama, continue to give legitimacy to his illegal government by recognizing it.

The Spanish ambassador to Manila, Luis Aria Romero, also congratulated Aquino and said some members of the Aquino campaign were his friends.“

From: CHINA, SPAIN, US Hail Aquino’s Victory (Bienvenido Macario, Philippines/US) Sun, May 23, 2010 at 6:20 AM

On the 28 April Joint Press Conference, Pres. Obama once again reiterated that the U.S. has relinquished all claims over that former U.S. territory our ancestral land, the oil, gas and mineral rich Philippines, which by the way, I have reclaimed. I have been working to establish a government in exile for my ancestral land, the Philippines, based in London, UK and hopefully we could secure dominion status under the protection of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of the Faith.

Things happen for a reason.

At 14:20 – “There are a whole range of issues on the international stage in which cooperation between the U.S. and China are vital. SO OUR GOAL IS NOT TO COUNTER CHINA. Our GOAL is NOT to CONTAIN CHINA. “

At 14:34 – “WE DO NOT HAVE CLAIMS IN THIS AREA, TERRITORIALLY.“ We’re an Asia Pacific nation and our primary interest is the peaceful resolution of conflict, the freedom of navigation that allows for continued progress and prosperity. And we don’t even take a specific position on the disputes between nations.

“There is enormous trade, enormous business that’s done between the United States and China. OUR GOAL IS NOT TO COUNTER CHINA. OUR GOAL IS NOT TO CONTAIN CHINA.” Pres. Barack Obama, 28 April 2014   [As usual it’s about money (trade and business is money).With China and its huge population, it’s a lot of money.]
“There is enormous trade, enormous business that’s done between the United States and China. OUR GOAL IS NOT TO COUNTER CHINA. OUR GOAL IS NOT TO CONTAIN CHINA. We do not have claims in this area territorially” Pres. Barack Obama, 28 April 2014
[As usual it’s about money (trade and business is money).With China and its huge population, it’s a lot of money.]

The Story of the Philippine Eagle

Filipinos are Native Americans. Natives of all the lands the U.S. government purchased automatically became Native Americans. We all have a choice. Free will is God’s greatest gift. The most common way people lose their right and power is by believing that they do not have any right or power at all.




This video below reminds of what is going on in the Philippines today where the rising body count in the bloody war on drugs under Pres. Duterte has attracted the attention of the so-called civilized Western societies and where the poorest of the poor has but three choices: 1.) Leave the country; 2.) Become a prostitute or lead a life of crime; 3.) Eat garbage literally.

Let us dedicate this excerpt to the international community, especially the U.S. Senate that prematurely, irresponsibly and unconstitutionally granted the Philippines independence which was then a U.S. territory.

Movie: Ever After (1998) Part 3 at 7:28

Cargomaster: [flustered] Your Highness! F-forgive me, Sire. I meant no disrespect. It’s just, uh… I’m following orders here. It’s my job to take these criminals and thieves to the coast.

Danielle: A servant is not a thief, your Highness, and THOSE WHO ARE CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES.

Henry: Really! Well then by all means, enlighten us.

Danielle: If YOU SUFFER your people to be ill-educated, and THEIR MANNERS CORRUPTED from INFANCY, and THEN PUNISH THEM for those crimes to which their FIRST EDUCATION DISPOSED THEM, what else is to be concluded, sire, BUT THAT YOU FIRST MAKE THIEVES AND THEN PUNISH THEM?

[pause, the other courtiers look on approvingly]

Henry: Well, there you have it. Release him.

Movie: Ever After (1998) I love Drew’s pose in the portrait toward the end of the move. It’s also the perfect angle of a very good friend of mine.


This is from 2012 Dec. 6. Excerpt: “Regarding the WAIS topic “Collective Guilt and Making Amends,” here are my recommendations:

Manuel Roxas and all those who were granted amnesty by Roxas should be posthumously tried for treason. Their children and grandchildren must be removed from positions of power and authority. THEIR PROPERTY MUST BE CONFISCATED.

All Filipinos who are residents of an industrialized G-7 type country will be given TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS. For them to earn back their citizenship, they must take and pass a Philippine (History) re-education course.

In the meantime all international organizations like the World Bank, IMF, ADB and the UN must be required to submit an accounting of all the funds loaned or given to the Philippines. An investigation of past and present employees of the World Bank, IMF, UN and members of the US Congress Committee on Foreign Relations must be started.”

From: Collective Guilt and Atonement: Manila (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:52 AM


In fairness to Washington DC if we bring up an issue and lobby properly, they have no choice but to act. So a year later, on Dec. 14, 2013, TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS (TPS) for FILIPINOS has gained a strong U.S. bipartisan congressional support.

Seek and you will find.

Knock and the door will be open.

Knock naman ng pating.  

Look what oligarchs traitors are doing – protect their vested interests, first and foremost! Instead of letting Filipinos work and live in the U.S. legally under the TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS, Aquino III opted not to act on it. Do you want to know why Aquino III and the oligarchs are against the TPS?


Aquino mum on TPS, leaves immigrants in the dark

By: Anthony Advincula – US Bureau / 05:19 AM December 14, 2013

NEW YORK — While TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS (TPS) for FILIPINOS has gained a strong U.S. bipartisan congressional support, the Philippine government has yet to lodge a formal request with the Obama administration, leaving in the dark many Filipinos who may benefit from it.

According to several Filipino-American leaders here, since Nov. 19, after more than 20 U.S. senators and representatives called on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to designate the Philippines for TPS

(, a number of letters from U.S.-based immigrant rights supporters and Filipino-American groups were sent to the Malacañang Palace, asking Philippine President Benigno Aquino III to make that written request — the first step in the TPS designation process.


“There have been a lot of letters sent already to Malacañang, but we’re not sure how many of them have actually made it on the desk of Pres. Aquino,” said Filipino-American Melissa Chua, supervising attorney in the Immigrant Protection Unit of New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG). “This is certainly taking longer than we expect.”


With devastation of Typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) in the Philippine islands, leaving more than 4,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands of people displaced, the Philippines meets the necessary requirements for TPS under Section 244 of the US Immigration and Nationality Act ( Haiti, Syria Honduras, Nicaragua and Somalia are some of the countries currently designated with TPS in the United States.


However, even with an overwhelming backing of U.S. congress, the Homeland Security — the only U.S. government agency that could designate a country for TPS — cannot grant it for undocumented Filipinos and those who are on temporary non-immigrant visas (such as work, business, tourist and student visas) without the request from the Philippine government.


“In the case of Haiti, it took only a week after the earthquake there that Haitians were given TPS. It is a process that can happen quickly,” said Chua. “It seems to me that we only need to make Filipinos aware. This is a great opportunity, and I hope that this [slow action from the Philippine government] could just be an issue of education [on TPS].”



Meeting the criteria

If the Philippines granted TPS, undocumented Filipinos who meet the criteria could apply for temporary legal status and be given a work authorization, as well as may be able to obtain travel authorization. For those on temporary visas, they could legally extend their stay and work in the United States.


While it will not lead to a green card or permanent residency, those who will be afforded TPS would also get humanitarian form of relief from deportation or detention based on the individual’s immigration status, unless the person becomes ineligible or the country loses its TPS designation.


An individual convicted of any felony or two misdemeanors committed in the United States, or who fails to maintain continuous physical presence and residence in the country, is deemed ineligible for TPS.


“TPS would offer me and other Filipino workers a protection to work legally and without fear of deportation,” said Josie Gutierrez, who works as a nanny in New York City. “I want to ask the Aquino administration to request for TPS for the Filipino people, and I want to ask the Obama administration to approve it.”


Gutierrez, 53, who has been in the United States for 12 years, said that she sends $200 to her mother and $1,000 to her kids and siblings a month back home, in Biliran province, about 70 miles from Tacloban City — the hardest-hit area by Typhoon Yolanda.


When the storm wiped out Tacloban City, Gutierrez said that some of her cousins who lived there had lost their homes and livelihood. With almost no option, her cousins had to move in with her family in Biliran.


“The water was filled with debris and dead bodies. Nothing was left for them [cousins], even their clothes,” said Gutierrez. “Now, I am supporting 20 people back home.”


Cost-benefit analysis of TPS

Some Filipino-American leaders say that the biggest benefit the Philippines would get from TPS is the increase in the flow of remittances to the country during the recovery from Typhoon Yolanda. The World Bank ( ) says more than 10 percent of the Philippines’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from remittances from Filipinos around the world — and a big chunk of it comes from Filipinos in the United States.


If TPS is not given, on the other hand, Filipinos who would have qualified will be forced to return to their homeland and, in turn, could exacerbate the economy affected by the storm and impose a great burden on restoration efforts.


The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) says that nearly half a million Filipinos could be eligible for TPS. However, the Homeland Security will specify the eligibility requirements, including time of residence of the applicant and effective date of TPS designation, which could last for a period of six to 18 months and can be extended, if conditions continue to support the designation.


For example, Hondurans received TPS in January 1999 and will expire in January 2015. As for Haitians, the TPS was first designated in July 2011 and will end, if not extended, in July next year. (


“With eligibility requirements specified in the TPS designation, we can definitely see Filipinos who may be left out,” Chua added.


Mounting pressure, frustration

Almost a month after Typhoon Yolanda ripped through the Philippines, the frustration among Filipino-American leaders is building up and the pressure is mounting on Pres. Aquino to act on making formal TPS request for Filipinos in the United States.


On Wednesday, Filipino-American groups, lawyers and advocates, along with other civic organizations, in New York, California, Illinois and other states held a coordinated call to build awareness and push for TPS.


“We urge President Aquino to make this written request immediately to grant TPS for Filipinos,” said Rio Guerrero, member of the National Filipino American Lawyers Association during a press briefing in downtown Manhattan. “At this juncture, the Philippine government has not come up with any reasons why the written request has not been made yet— and this leaves us with speculations.”


Those speculations, according to some Filipino Americans here, include the Philippine government’s concern about the stigma that may be attached to a country designated with TPS, despite its economic benefit through remittances. Others say that the bureaucratic culture and politics in the Philippines create the hurdles.


But Guerrero said that he and fellow Filipino-American lawyers have reached out to the Philippine consulate in New York City and the Philippine embassy in Washington, D.C., hoping to find out the current status of the written request for TPS.

“Based on the information that we received, the decision rests with the Malacañang Palace,” he said. “They [consulate and embassy] are still waiting for a word from the Philippine government.”


Although, technically, the formal request is not a prerequisite to the designation of TPS, Guerrero says, the U.S. government has not ever granted TPS to any countries without it.


Lydia Amaya, a 61-year-old Filipino housekeeper who has been in the United States for almost two decades, is now getting more frustrated about the wait.


According to Amaya, she knows a number of Filipinos in the United States whose relatives back home have been going through a lot since Typhoon Yolanda. And getting TPS for their breadwinners, she adds, would bring a big relief for these Filipino families.

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“I don’t know what’s keeping President Aquino from making the formal request for TPS, but I hope he would see the benefits of this to the Filipino people,” she said. “I think the big problem is the inefficiency in our government.”



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PHOTO Below: Pages from U.S. Passport No. 26589 issued to a Filipino citizen with allegiance to the U.S.A., on March 15, 1930.  With the British lobbying for us, Native Americans from the Philippines in Washington DC and throughout the U.S.A., I am confident that we are doing the best possible ways and means to secure what rightfully belongs to our people in the first place – our American nationality and U.S. Passports.

Below is a U.S. passport of an American national but not an American citizen which is what I am seeking for qualified and deserving Filipinos after the restoration of their U.S. nationality taken away from our parents and grandparent WITHOUT DUE PROCESS in 1946.