June 18, 2020 – After the Brexit won Parliament was reluctant to carry out the people’s wishes and leave the EU, regardless of the consequences. Theresa May was forced to resign and Boris Johnson was compelled to call an election.

Make the Philippines an American Battle Monument
Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents: –
A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Secretary levels, as well as lists of senior Native Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans and Disabled Americans.
We have longer lists, but these are candidates whose names have been recommended by a number of sources for senior level jobs in a potential Administration. –
A list of women, similarly divided between candidates for Cabinet/Deputy and other senior level positions.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mike Froman
Reference: Federal Oversight of the L.A.P.D.: The Consent Decree
Something must be done with the Fourth Estate. The R.I.C.O. Act might be applicable here because these things seem to happen in a Presidential Election year (1992, 2000 and now 2020).