May 4, 2013
In the United States, federally recognized Native American tribes own gambling casinos on their respective reservations. See:
Florida’s Seminole tribe was the first to establish a high stakes bingo game in 1979. Some 150 indigenous tribes in 24 states quickly followed suit and by 2005 the annual revenue of these casinos topped $22 billion.
In the Philippines the newest casino opened on March 15, 2013 and is owned by the 9th richest man in the country.
March 15, 2013
I planned to post an article on the second anniversary of the triple disaster in Fukushima however it wasn’t until today that the relevant news I was waiting for came in. And that is the opening of a $1.2 billion casino in Manila. Filipino billionaires are imitating the successful Macau gambling haven. And Enrique Razon Jr. has a head start.
I googled Enrique Razon Jr’s background but wasn’t able to ascertain the region he and his parents came from. MY GUESS IS THE ENRIQUE RAZON FAMILY IS FROM ILOILO where oligarch-traitor Manuel Roxas I and his relatives the Ayalas, Zobels, Elizaldes, Sorianos & Aranetas came from. Other oligarchs and politicians from Iloilo include the Lopez family who has the monopoly on power energy including geothermal, Sen. Manny Villar no. 9 richest man in the Philippines. But from the photo, clearly he is of Spanish descent or the original definition of a Filipino – a Spaniard born in the Philippines.
The Philippine government gave the gambling license in 2008. Had the Philippines chose to relocate manufacturing concerns from Japan after Fukushima, in a few years, Japanese factories will be churning out goods for export, alleviating the financial & economic losses inflicted by the triple disaster of earthquake-tsunami-nuclear leak on March 11, 2011.
In the meantime, meet Marianneth Amper, the “Anne Frank” of the Philippines, a 12-yr-old girl who has lost hope & committed suicide on Nov. 02, 2007.
Days after Mariannet’s suicide, police investigators recovered under her pillow a diary and a letter addressed to a public service television programme asking for a new pair of shoes and school bag, and steady jobs for her mother and father.
In the last two entries in her diary about two weeks before she took her life, Mariannet lamented that she and her brother had been absent from school and they could not go to church because they had no money for fare and their father was suffering from a fever.
‘It seemed as if we were absent from school for a month now,’ she wrote in her diary. ‘We don’t count our absences anymore. I hardly noticed that Christmas is fast approaching.’

The Anne Frank of the Philippines – Marianeth Amper at age 12 lost all hope and committed suicide on Nov. 02, 2007
The Amper family is just one of millions of impoverished households in the Philippines still waiting to feel the benefits of an *appreciating peso* against the US dollar, the fastest economic growth in 20 years and increasing foreign investments.
According to United Nations data, more than 50 per cent of the Philippines’ 88 million people live on less than 2 dollars a day. A nationwide survey conducted by a local polling firm in September also showed that 21.5 per cent of Filipino families suffer involuntary hunger, up from from 19 per cent in November 2006.
Updated Wed. Jan. 22, 2025 – It was after Typhoon Milenyo (International name: Xangsane) devastated Metro Manila on Sept. 27, 2006 that the Philippine Peso was overvalued making imports cheaper and exports expensive. The exchange rate was already P62:$1 in December 2006. In January 2007 the rate was fixed at P43:$1 until January 2016 when the Phil. peso was depreciated to P48:$1. A discussion on the overvaluation of the Philippine peso against the U.S. dollar in the blog post *”How OFW’s Remittances are Stolen Using Overvalued Philippine Peso“*
Three years later in Feb. 2016 – Bangladesh Bank cyber heist was carried out by hackers. $101 million were stolen from Bangladesh’s Federal Reserver Bank account in NYC. Of this amount, $20 million was traced to Sri Lanka and $81 million was traced in two Manila casinos owned by E. Razon and Henry Sy.
In the meantime, by 2019, the Natives of the Philippines in Metro Manila are having problems with water supply.
If the Philippines was a Freely Associated State under the personal protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II, I’d have the RAFP ( Royal Australian Federal Police), Royal Canadian Mounted Police and UK’s Scotland yard handling the law and order matters. HAD the Philippines remained a U.S. territory THEN THE FBI WOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE HANDLING THE ENTIRE 7,700 ISLANDS.
Philippines scrambles to save face after heist CLIFF VENZON and MIKHAIL FLORES, Nikkei staff writers MARCH 18, 2016 01:30 JST