A young Filipino girl sitting on a wooden bench in an enclosure in Coney Island, New York City in a horrifying 1906 ‘exhibit’.
The girl, whose name is unknown, was one of the many indigenous people taken from their homelands and displayed in exhibits such as this. They were often treated like objects, with little regard for their dignity or fundamental human rights. They were forced to perform for the entertainment of the crowds, and their cultures and customs were often misrepresented or sensationalized. She was far from home, surrounded by strangers who looked at her as curious. She was dressed in traditional clothing and made to sit on a bench for hours, with no understanding of what was happening around her.
Link: https://www.bygonely.com/young-filipino-zoo-girl/
A Remote Viewing Of The 7.3 Northern California Earthquake on Thu. Dec. 5, 2024
Friday Dec. 6, 2024
According to legendary military Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan, “Remote viewing is basically psychic work. And for most psychics, they’re sort of at the mercy of their own subconscious mind* that they get what they get.“
Your subconscious mind is smarter than you are. It’s faster than you are. It cares more about you than you do. And if you can be friends with your own subconscious mind and learn to communicate with it, your life is going to change for the better. It really will. I’ve always said that I’ve always felt. And one of the things you find is that when a person learns to actually interview their own subconscious mind and pay attention to what it says and report it accurately without interpretation, they become friends with themselves. And it does have a spiritual and a personality change.“
From: Our Second Open-Ended Conversation with Lyn Buchanan New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove 753 Likes 14,934 Views Sep 20, 2022
Brittany, we communicate on another level of existence – through our subconscious. If we want to get better results, we need to meet regularly. Otherwise, as Lyn Buchanan said (above), “we get what we get.”
And these are the episodes we got from Nov. 28 up to Dec. 5, 2024, the impact date: