Saturday September 7, 2024
In the bonus feature of the film Mission Impossible 1 (1996) DVD, one CIA officer explains how the TV series Mission Impossible (1966-1973) influenced him to join the agency.
CHASE BRANDON, Senior Operations Office, CIA: “Mission Impossible Force (IMF) is a group of operatives that can do all the non-attributable THINGS that CIA COULDN’T DO.
If a question could be posed: ‘Would an organization like that exist?’ The answer, logically, might well be . . . well YEAH!”
Mission Impossible 1 (1996) Bonus: Spies Among Us
In Aug. 2014 when Martin Packard asked WAISers for help to get Peter Humphrey and his wife Yu Yingzeng out the Chinese prison. I volunteered. Had we been authorized to proceed, the couple would have been home by Thanksgiving or Christmas 2014. It would take another seven months before we were authorized to proceed. The couple were released in June 2015. This is the first gig.
The Second Gig
On July 22, 2015, I posted on WAIS the case of China’s missing gold. From June 12 to July 8, 2015, China’s stock market lost over $3.9 trillion in value. Also at that time, it was discovered that 3,200 tons of gold were missing from China’s treasury.
Forbes Magazine reported that 1,850 tons of gold was missing.
“Where Is China’s Missing 1,850 Tons Of Gold?” Forbes, World Affairs
July 19, 2015
I came across this story below, where some charts, graphs and slide presentation materials are very similar to what I saw on Bloomberg TV on July 20, 2015. Also at that time, it was discovered that 3,200 tons of gold were missing from China’s treasury.
Gold mined since 2009 : 2,000 tons
Imported from Hong Kong: 3,300 tons
Sub-total: 5,300 tons
less reported: – 1,658 tons
Missing: 3,642 tons
We came up with 3,642 tons of gold, almost twice as much as Forbes’ estimate as missing.
See: The Case Of China’s Missing Gold Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/20/2015 19:04 -0400
This episode about China’s missing gold has been forgotten considering that I was anticipating positive developments that would come following the release of GlaxoSmithKline consultants British national Peter Humphrey on June 9, 2015. His Chinese-born American citizen wife Yu Yingzeng was released two (2) days later.
Martin Packard announce their release in a WAIS post on June 20, 2015.
The gig was about getting Peter Humphrey and his wife Yu Yingzeng out of the Chinese prison and back to the U.K. There was no mention of any missing gold and therefore no prepping were made regarding gold. In fact the story about the missing gold came out around June 12, 2015 when the Chinese stock market started losing value.
It usually takes me months, even years to do a research on a subject I know nothing about. And yet in the case of China’s missing gold, by July 22, 2015, I came up with this WAIS post: China: Two Astounding Numbers (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 07/22/15 5:16 am).
I simply cannot claim any credit to this research. In fact, I don’t remember how I did this research and discovery of that 1,850 tons or 3,200 tons of gold were missing. The only explanation I can come up with is what they refer to in RV as a “walk-in”.
I usually work alone in this kind of gig. But this time I worked with Brittany S. Lark. And she most likely have an ancestor, great-great-great grandfather or grand uncle either from her mother’s side or her father’s side (or both) who was (were) in the gold/silver mining industry say in the 1800s. If I’m to guess, it would be her father who had an ancestor who was in the gold mining industry in the 1800s. I’m certain there were no gold or silver prospectors among my ancestors.
WAIS Post References:
No. 1 JULY 08, 2014
1.) Trial of Yu Yingzeng and Peter Humphrey (Martin Packard, USA, 07/08/14 3:27 am)
No. 2 AUGUST 09, 2014
2.) Verdict in Yu Yingzeng and Peter Humphrey Trial (MARTIN PACKARD, USA, Aug. 09, 2014 3:07 am)
No. 3 AUGUST 10, 2014
3.) Yu Yingzeng and Peter Humphrey Case (Bienvenido MACARIO, USA) Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 4:46 am
No. 4 JUNE 20, 2015
Excerpt: “I am happy to report that Yu Yingzeng and her husband Peter Humphrey from the UK HAVE BEEN FREED after more than two years in Chinese jails. “
Yu Yingzeng had a month of her two-year sentence to serve. Peter Humphrey had seven more months of his two-and-a-half year term remaining.
4.) Yu Yingzeng and Peter Humphrey Freed (Martin Packard, USA, 06/20/15 6:25 am)
No. 5 JULY 22, 2015
China: Two Astounding Numbers (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 07/22/15 5:16 am)