On Behalf of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of the Faith

Saturday September 7, 2024 (updated Tue. Nov. 19, 2024)

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After the disastrous stint working in the geothermal industry where my late wife, Maria Elena G. Macario was a reservoir engineer for Cal Energy (formerly Magma Power) until 1998 and I was the accountant for two of the geothermal power plants until 1995, we relocated to Costa Mesa, CA in 1998. It was there in 1999 that I was invited to join the Stanford-based World Association of International Studies (WAIS), the oldest e-journal in the world founded by Prof. Ronald Hilton (1911-2007) who gathered together a global network of scholars, historians, business leaders, lawyers, journalists, military officers, diplomats and other experts and conducted daily discussions on varied topics ranging from history, politics, economics, religion, culture and international affairs.

Sometime in 2006, I joined another Stanford alumni group, the Stanford Independent Consultants Network (SICN). In 2010, controversy arouse it was revealed that Team USA uniforms for the Winter Games in Vancouver were made in China. In my email “Personal Update Feb. 12, 2011” to this online group that I suggested the restoration of U.S. sovereignty over the Philippine Islands through a compact of free association.  Manufacturing and other facilities from Japan and China could then be relocated to the Philippines thereby making these goods “Made in the USA” and could be shipped to the USA tariff-free.

As John Maynard Keynes famously said in 1944: “The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.

After our parents died my siblings tried to transfer the title of all our parents’ properties to us, the heirs, but this has become an uphill struggle because my siblings and I are all U.S. citizens. Even the transfer of the title of the properties of our maternal great grandmother Ana Quilatan, wife of Nicolas Aldana proved to be extremely difficult. The cases are still pending. (updated Jan. 1, 2025)

When the shared U.S. sovereignty over the Philippines is restored, non-native Americans could ONCE AGAIN have property rights in the Philippines as they do in the U.S.A. and its territories. In a civil case involving real estate, the plaintiff represented by Bernardo Q. Aldana, a direct descendant of Nicolas Aldana the plaintiff George McEntee presented proof that he, through his predecessor in interest, have been in actual and continuous possession of an estimated 1.797 acres (7,273 sq. meters) of land since 1926. George McEntee’s predecessor in interest acquired ownership of the land when the United States of America exercised sovereignty over Philippine Islands. The case, G.R. No. L-14968 GEORGE McENTEE, plaintiff-appellant, vs PERPETUA MANOTOK, defendant-appellee, went all the way to the Supreme Court where the plaintiff won. (updated Jan. 1, 2025)

In one of my WAIS posts on Feb. 9, 2007, “Turkey and the EU . . .”, I listed the purchases made by the U.S. government from 1803 to 1898 including the acquisition of the Philippine Islands along with Puerto Rico and Guam under the 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-American War of 1898. During the negotiations the American commissioners negotiated in a hostile atmosphere because all Europe, except England, was sympathetic to the Spanish side. In a WAIS post US: Howard Dean’s Remark dated Aug. 17, 2008, I stated that native inhabitants of all the lands that the U.S. government purchased automatically became Native Americans, the status I am seeking for my people.

On Nov. 8, 2013, the powerful Typhoon Haiyan devastated Central Philippines. But the sovereign and dependent-independent government despite billions of dollars in World Bank loans gave a dismal response to the emergency. And for the first time on WAIS, I proposed the establishment of a government-in-exile for the freely associated state of the Philippines based in London, U.K. under the personal protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Had the Philippines entered into a Compact of Free Association with the USA, FEMA and other federal departments, bureaus, agencies and office would be responding directly to the emergency. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), U.S. Geological Survey and other U.S. federal departments, bureaus, agencies and offices could be involved even before calamities happen. “Massive Typhoon Hits Philippines (Bienvenido Macario USA, 11/09/13 11:57 am)” is the title of the WAIS post. Here’s the waisworld link:


My question is this:

What right did Spain have to sell our ancestral land to the United States of America? In the same token, what right did France under Napoleon Bonaparte or Czarist Russia, Spain and Mexico, have to sell the ancestral lands of the Native Americans as listed in my WAIS post re: Turkey and the EU; Mexico and the US (Bienvenido Macario, Philippines 02/09/07 3:28 pm)?

In this post is a long list of gold, silver bullions, bank accounts, bonds, real estate, assets, properties and the natural resources of the Philippines, an abandoned U.S. territory, that I, a sovereign Native American with British nationality and U.S. citizenship, have claimed for HM Queen Elizabeth II. There are claims against the Spain, Japan and the USA.

1.) CLAIMS AGAINST SPAIN – Restitutions are being sought for the exploitation, tyranny, oppression, financial, economic, psychological and other damages including death suffered by the natives through colonization by the Spanish empire that continue to this day with the tacit approval and funding from Washington DC through the ethnic Spanish or part-Spanish and other non-native oligarchic families as listed on the 2015 Forbes richest “Filipinos”

The Philippines was under the Spanish colonial rule for 333 years (1565 to 1898) before it was purchased by the U.S.A in 1898. Later Washington DC abandoned the Philippine territory twice.

Both the Philippines and California were both colonized by Spain. We could perhaps compare how indigenous peoples on the opposite sides of the Pacific fared under the Spanish rule. I have incorporated the Filipinos’ experience at the hands of the Spanish conquistadores and friars in the blog post “Genocide Against California’s Native Americans “Exterminate Them: The California Story” by Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman.

The Native Americans under the control of the Spanish missions were fed just like the prisoners of Buchenwald, a Nazi concentration camp, in its final year. Their daily food ration was 600 to 700 calories. However Native Americans had to work in the fields.

The genocide of California’s Native Americans started during the gold rush of 1849. The involvement of then Gov. LELAND STANFORD in paying militias who carried out the extermination of Native Americans was one of the truly shocking revelations of Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman’s documentary. It was a state and federal government subsidized genocide.

Since the Philippines was colonized and occupied by Spain, shouldn’t we be allowed to colonize and occupy Spain for 333 years as part of restitution? Just asking.

2.) CLAIMS AGAINST THE USA – Restitutions are being sought for the financial, economic, psychological and other damages including death suffered by the natives during the Filipino genocide better known as the Philippine War 1899-1902.

As mentioned earlier, Washington DC abandoned the Philippine territory twice. The first time was in March 1934 when FDR signed into law the Tydings-McDuffie Act (Philippine Independence Act) that reclassified Filipinos including those already residing the 48 states from American nationals to “aliens.” Our parents and grandparents were never asked through a plebiscite or referendum if they wanted to give up their American nationality, become stateless and “be on the road to independence.”

Tydings-McDuffie Act as the inspiration for Hitler’s Nuremberg Race Laws is discussed on the blog post “Waiting For The American Redemption (The 88th Anniversary of the Tydings-McDuffie Act)”. There is no doubt FDR and the 73rd Congress are both guilty of extreme indifference and wholesale discrimination. As enumerated in the above blog post “Waiting For The American Redemption“, other indications that FDR was racist are:

a.) FDR continued to fund the Tuskegee Experiment despite the scarcity of government funds during the Great Depression.  It was started in 1932, funding for the Tuskegee Experiment should have been stopped in 1933.

b.) In 1935 FDR refused to publicly endorse the Costigan-Wagner Bill, an anti-lynching bill. FDR did not want to antagonize Southern Democrats whose support he needed for the 1936 presidential election.

c.) In 1936 contrary to rumors that Hitler snubbed African-American gold medalist Jesse Owens, it was  FDR who snubbed Jesse Owens and 18 other African-American Olympians. Jesse Owens was not invited to the White House, only white Olympians were invited to the White House, even those who didn’t win the gold medal.

d.) In June 1939 the Captain of MS St. Louis appealed to FDR seeking asylum for his German-Jewish passengers who were denied entry to Cuba after their visas were invalidated by the Cuban government. FDR didn’t even bother to respond again for fear of losing the support of Southern Democrats in the coming 1940 presidential election.

e.)  During the 1920s, when Roosevelt was already a seasoned politician and a vice presidential candidate, he expressed racist views in editorials and interviews. Regarding new immigrants — and Asians in particular — he bemoaned the creation of ethnic “colonies” in major cities.

During these key years before Roosevelt entered the White House, he also wrote and spoke about “the mingling of white with Oriental blood” and preserving other forms of “racial purity.” According to Medoff, all of this was part of a long-held worldview that later guided Roosevelt during his three terms in office. “Roosevelt’s unflattering statements about Jews consistently reflected one of several interrelated notions: that it was undesirable to have too many Jews in any single profession, institution, or geographic locale; that America was by nature, and should remain, an overwhelmingly white, Protestant country; and that Jews on the whole possessed certain innate and distasteful characteristics,” wrote Medoff.
Even after the Kristallnacht pogrom in November of 1938, Roosevelt refused to criticize the leaders of Nazi Germany. 
In 1939, as the world went to war, Hitler broadcast his intentions to annihilate European Jewry. Simultaneously, FDR refused to support a bill that would have let 20,000 Jewish German adolescents into the US. Anne Frank and her sister Margot could have qualified to be included, since they were German citizens and under age 16, per Medoff.

3.) CLAIMS AGAINST JAPAN and ITS EMPEROR – Restitutions are also sought against Japan and its Emperor for for the financial, economic, psychological and other damages including death suffered by the natives, Americans and foreign nationals who did not collaborated with the Japanese Imperial Forces during the brutal occupation of the Philippines during World War II. After the war, Japan indoctrinated its people that the country was the victim of war instead of admitting that Japan was in fact found guilty of waging an aggressive war in Tokyo War Crimes Trials conducted after World War II. This is historical revisionism and must be corrected.

In this April 5, 1986 interview conducted by Ted Koppel, ousted Philippine strongman Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr. categorically stated that they did not steal anything from the Philippines and its people. Therefore, all the real estate, bank accounts, assets, treasures, silver, gold, properties and natural resources are free of any claim by the Marcoses, their families, friends, cronies and surrogates.

F.E. Marcos, Sr.: “But I can tell you of this, that we never spend government funds for our personal purpose. If we did, we replace them immediately. I may have committed many sins in my life. But stealing money from the people, from the government, is not one of them.


In a March 15, 2015 WAIS post, Roy Domenico introduced a potential WAIS Villa in Tuscany.  “Introducing…the Villa WAIS” (Roy Domenico, USA, 03/15/15 4:14 pm)


On March 17, I countered with a proposal to have a WAIS Headquarters in the West Coast “as soon as a substantial portion of my claim has been released.”

see:  Villa WAIS: Tuscany? Southern California? (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 03/17/15 10:09 am)


Bienvenido Macario writes:

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Regarding a WAIS Villa in Tuscany, I would prefer to have a WAIS West Coast HQ in Southern California, where the weather is nice and warm like San Diego or Newport Beach. Santa Barbara or up north in the San Francisco Bay Area would also be nice. This will be my priority as soon as I have a freely associated state, Sovereign Native American status and/or a government-in-exile for the Philippines. Of course this would come after a substantial amount of my claim has been released.

===== end of WAIS post excerpt =====

Initially, the claim was made on Wednesday Aug. 3, 2011, on a visit to St. George Chapel at Windsor Castle. In a written prayer for the eternal repose of my late wife Maria Elena G. Macario, I sought the personal protection & dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II and made the claim, among others, for the repossession, rehabilitation and administration of our ancestral land the Philippines, an abandoned U.S. territory.

On Sept. 6, 2011, in Note on my Facebook (gmail), I reiterated my quest for the repossession, rehabilitation and administration of our ancestral land, the Philippine Islands under the personal protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Under the personal protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of the Faith, a Royal Charter maybe the more efficient way to repossess, rehabilitate and administer our ancestral land, the Philippine Islands. The Royal Charter would also pave the way for the establishment of the government-in-exile for the Freely Associated State of the Philippines based in London, U.K. Since the claim over an abandoned U.S. territory is made as a Sovereign Native American, presence in the United States of America is necessary. The Royal Charter should provide for the formation of the American Monarchist Society and link the same with the Australian Monarchist League of which the principal claimant is a member. The Royal Charter shall actively support the CANZUK International, the international advocacy organization promoting closer economic, diplomatic and institutional ties including free movement between Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the UK.

To give you an idea of what the Philippine Islands have to offer, here is a list of the top 10 beaches in the Philippines.

It has been decided that the participation and involvement of the following couples and individuals would be indispensable:

Tony and Margaret Abbott

David and Samantha Cameron

Brittany S. Lark – my music teacher, remote viewing partner and dear friend. I cannot thank her enough. I WOULD MARRY BRITTANY IN A HEARTBEAT. It would be an unforgivable sin for me not to ask her to marry me.

BRITTANY S. LARKMy music teacher and remote viewing partner. (Photo Birthday greetings to HM Queen Elizabeth II on Her Majesty’s 89th birthday. Taken April 1, 2015)

Ms. Calandra Lark

Alyssa Owen (Brittany’s sister)

My nephew, Allan B. Bautista.

My two sons Fredric A. (Drake) Macario and Gabriel R. Macario.

A special fund set aside for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Duchess of Västergötland. I would like to set aside a special fund for the orphans and children of the Philippines under the direction and control HRH Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie of Sweden.

Brittany S. Lark

Ms. Brittany, May 29, 2021 Costa Mesa, CA

I say again. It would be an unforgivable sin for me not to ask her to marry me. I WOULD MARRY BRITTANY IN A HEARTBEAT.

Individuals who at one time or another worked with us on special projects in the US and around the world, but I am not at liberty to name them at this time. Another one is MJC of New Jersey.

In gratitude for the USA coming to the aid and support of Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. during WWII, we shall make the ENTIRE PHILIPPINES AN AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENT!


As a British-American, de-facto Sovereign Native American, I, Bienvenido Macario / The M.E.G. Macario Foundation and on behalf of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Defender of the faith, we claim, among others, the following:

1. Restitutions are being sought for the financial, economic, psychological and other damages including death suffered by the natives during the Filipino Genocide better known as the Philippine War 1899-1902. More of a rebellion than a war, majority of the Filipino people welcomed the Americans. However it was Emilio Aguinaldo’s hardline stance and insistence to be recognized as the sole ruler of the Philippine archipelago that turned a dying rebellion to a brutal guerilla war. Today Dec. 12, 2024 is the 123rd death anniversary of our great grandfather Nicolas Aldana who was executed at the machinations of Emilio Aguinaldo. Please see: Nicolas Aldana & Emilio Aguinaldo – Dec. 27, 2015    

Two years after President Theodore Roosevelt declared the end of the Philippine War 1899-1902, to introduce the USA’s most recent acquisition, native inhabitants of the Philippines were included in the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, MO dubbed Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

Among the exhibits of the Human Zoo were the Apaches including Geronimo himself.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition - Wikipedia
Geronimo, photographed by the fair’s official photographer, William H. Rau


Not far from Geronimo with a token band of Apaches, were the Igorots of the Philippines

Philippine natives as part of the Human Zoo display at 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Bontoc Igorot men perform dances in the Philippine Exposition at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, c. 1904. St. Louis Public Library, Louisiana Purchase Exposition glass plate negative collection.

The Shocking Story of the Young Filipino Zoo Girl Put on Display in Coney Island in 1906.

The girl, whose name is unknown, was one of the many indigenous people taken from their homelands and displayed in exhibits such as this. They were often treated like objects, with little regard for their dignity or fundamental human rights. They were forced to perform for the entertainment of the crowds, and their cultures and customs were often misrepresented or sensationalized. She was far from home, surrounded by strangers who looked at her as curious. She was dressed in traditional clothing and made to sit on a bench for hours, with no understanding of what was happening around her. Link: https://www.bygonely.com/young-filipino-zoo-girl/

While my ancestors, like other Native American tribes suffered from Washington DC’s erratic policy towards natives of all the lands the U.S. government has purchased, nonetheless, a direct descendant of Nicolas Aldana, Cenon A. Cosme, my maternal uncle, his cousin Constancio G. Cosme and my father Jose R. Macario volunteered and joined* the Insular Forces of the U.S. Navy after President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the order placing the Armed Forces of the Philippine Commonwealth under U.S. Command on July 26, 1941. This order restored the American nationality of Filipinos that was stripped away without due process when the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 was signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

As Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman pointed out in his documentary that ironically, Native Americans like the Filipinos are staunch defenders of this country.

Genocide Against California’s Native Americans “Exterminate Them: The California Story” by Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman

Also please see:
      Bataan Death March (Bienvenido Macario, ) Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:46 AM
     Filipino POWs in WWII: A Family Story, Continued (Bienvenido Macario, ) April 18, 2011

2. Pre-WW II Philippine treasury assets of some two million dollars in gold bullion & $360,000 in silver sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco, CA since March 1942  PLUS $8.5 million worth of silver pesos dumped in Manila Bay in Feb. 1942. [20 tons of gold bars and silver pesos and/or 319 40-pound gold bars and 630 bags each containing 1,000 silver pesos the Japanese recovered in part after May 1942.

See WAIS post:

       More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


3. All the geothermal resources areas in the Philippines my late wife Maria Elena G. Macario has explored, now taken over by ethnic Chinese and ethnic Spaniards.

See: Stanford University – MS Petroleum Engineering Report by Ma. Elena G. Macario

March 26, 2013

      Also in: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


4. a.) The $32 billion cash the Philippine government under Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tried to  deposit to various U.S. banks in March 2001. The U.S. banks by law could not take such deposit and turned over the same to Federal authorities.

See:  More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


 4b.) Cash, real estate, shares of stocks, assets, jewelries and other valuables the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) HAS RECOVERED from the Ferdinand E. Marcos, his family, relatives, cronies, friends, political allies and subordinates in the Philippines and abroad, except those enumerated in No. 7. The PCGG was created by Cory Aquino after taking power on Feb. 28, 1986.

4c.) Cash, real estate, shares of stocks, assets, jewelries and other valuables the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) HAS NOT RECOVERED from the Ferdinand E. Marcos, his family, relatives, cronies, friends, political allies and subordinates in the Philippines and abroad.

See: Search for Marcos’ wealth: Compromising with cronies

Updated 11:30 AM, Saturday February 27, 2016

Philip M. Lustre Jr. Published 5:15 PM, Thursday February 25, 2016


5. The Spratlys group of islands, reefs, atolls, shoals including Mischief Reefs occupied by China since April 1, 1995 including the oil, gas & minerals in the Philippines, specifically the 25 trillion cubic meters (900 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas reserves in the Spratlys areas per US EIA (Energy Information Administration), said to be the same as the proven reserves of Qatar.

See: Japan Unveils Largest Warship since WWII (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Fri, Aug 9, 2013


      Also in: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


6.  Formosa group of Islands now called Taiwan. See:

Austronesians in Taiwan (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:53 AM


 Austronesian Migration 3,000 BCE

      Comparative Chart of Selected Austronesian Languages

7 a. At least $13.2 billion deposited in Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) Account no. 885931

       See: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


 7b.) Gold bullions worth $14 billion hidden and deposited in a warehouse in Kloten Airport in Switzerland.

 7c.)  The $658 million in Swiss bank deposits later identified as belonging to Marcos when the Swiss Supreme Court agreed to lift its banking secrecy over these accounts and deposits in 1987.   

7d.) $141 billion worth of gold. 3,500 metric tons 99.999 purity, 12.5 kg/bar which was taken out of the country and deposited at the above-mentioned bank, Registered under the Ferdinand E. Marcos as the owner. As alleged in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippine Central Bank) Circular no. 49 covered by Gold Bullion certificate issued by Union Bank of Switzerland certificate no. 27581 B.L. 877 A.U. valued at $141 billion. (added Tue. Nov. 19, 2024)

References: Search for Marcos’ wealth: Compromising with cronies

Philip M. Lustre Jr. Published 5:15 PM, Thursday February 25, 2016

Updated 11:30 AM, Saturday February 27, 2016


     The $10bn question: what happened to the Marcos millions?

      by Nick Davies Sat 7 May 2016 03.00 EDT https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/07/10bn-dollar-question-marcos-millions-nick-davies

8. Amounts deposited in Account No. 7690779 Deutsche Bank at Koenigsallee 54, Dusseldorf, Germany

       See: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014


9. The so-called Yamashita’s Gold. (See: WAIS post dated July 31, 2014) See WAIS post: Philippines and Yamashita’s Gold (Bienvenido Macario, USA 07/31/14 12:29 AM)


10. Friar lands bought and paid for by then US Civil Gov. Gen. William H. Taft for $6.9 million on Dec. 22, 1903 and abandoned in 1934, 1946 & 1986. See WAIS post: US Acquisition of Philippines, 1898 (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 05/05/15 4:05 am)


11. a.) Rent and back rentals for the use, misuse & abuse of our ancestral land from Dec. 12, 1901 to July 31, 1946.

11. b.) Rent and back rentals for the use, misuse & abuse of our ancestral land from July 04, 1946 to the present.

12.) The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah (Subject to revaluation) The $145 million is based on the WAIS e-mail discussions of Sept. 2002 with Martin Storey and moderated by Prof. Ronald Hilton. But the value is in fact closer to the $10 billion initially claimed.

The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah Part 1

The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah Part 2

In Aug. 2011, Aquino III’s uncle Danding Cojuangco head of San Miguel Corp. bought Esso Malaysia Bhd, Exxon Mobil Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Exxon Mobil Borneo Sdn Bhd for $610 million including the 88,000 barrels per day Port Dickson refinery; seven (7) fuel distribution terminals; and about 560 refilling stations.  A 2012 study, Singapore-based FACTS Global Energy, reported that Sabah has reserves of about 11-12 trillion cubic feet of gas and at least 1.5 billion barrels of oil representing 12% and 15% of Malaysia’s natural gas and oil reserves, respectively.

See: Re-evaluation of the Claim over the Oil Fields of Sabah

13. War Bonds, Securities a.k.a. Victory Bonds issued prior to July 4, 1946 valued at $16 billion after Jan.  2006 per Ben Bernanke’s statement.

14.  Benham Rise, also known as Benham Plateau, is a 13-million hectare undersea region east of Luzon. It is enclosed by the coordinates 119°30’E to 132°00’E and 12°10’N to 20°30’N latitude. Bigger than Luzon, the 13-M hectare Benham Rise has been approved by the UN as part of Philippine territory.  Benham Rise: The Philippines’ new territory off Aurora province.


15. DEUTERIUM Deposits in other than those in the Spratlys.

       See: https://foobarph.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/vast-deposits-of-deuterium- 


16.  Palladium Deposits other than those in the Spratlys

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Q4xg8z25s

17. $1-Trillion Dollar untapped mineral resources in Mindanao


WIKILeaks – US says Island Mindanao has $1-Trillion Dollar untapped mineral resources



WIKILeaksUS says Island Mindanao has  

 $1-TRILLION Dollar untapped mineral resources

 Business  , Economy  , Gold Mining  , Investment in the Philippines  , Mindanao  , Philippines




The cable said the Philippines National Oil Company (PNOC) began exploring for oil and natural gas in the Liguasan Marsh area in 1994 under Geophysical Survey and Exploration Contract (GSEC) 73, which covered all of Maguindanao, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Sultan Kudurat, Sarangani, Davao, and Bukidnon provinces of Mindanao.

According to the PNOC, the estimated natural gas deposits in Sultan Sa Barongis alone would be enough to fuel a 60-megawatt (MW) combined cycle power plant for 20 years.

“By the late 1990’s, they had located natural gas and/or oil in five sites, including Datu Piang (Dulawan) and Sultan Sa Barongis in Maguindanao and Lambayong in Sultan Kudurat.”

[Mindanao is known as “The of Promise”. The promise of all the promises. Treasures, Land of God, the Lost Paradise, The lost garden of Eden and the land of the last judgment in earth. Bible scholars even pointed the Mindanao as the land of promise of all promises. One verse of the Bible quoted “The God’s kingdom will rise again in the east of the east seas where the Sun will rises first, in the white sand shores where the only land which people are willing to live and die for praising my name ”.]

Leaked diplomatic documents in Wikileaks showed the United States has a special interest in the natural resources in Mindanao and the ending of the armed conflict in the region, giving credence to a suspicion that the United States is prodding the Aquino administration’s peace efforts with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), including brokering the recent secret meeting between MILF spokesman Al Haj Murad and President Aquino.

Wikileaks obtained documents dated February 2006 or prior to the botched signing of the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MoA-AD) on Aug. 5, 2008 showing extensive reference to the untapped rich mineral resources of Mindanao and tensions in the region which hinder the exploitation of these resources.

The leaked cable from the US embassy in Manila made particular reference to the so-called Liguasan Marsh in the Cotabato Basin spanning 288,000 hectares and is among areas controlled by the MILF.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has already identified natural gas and oil deposits in three areas of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago: the Cotabato Basin, the Davao-Agusan Basin; and an area straddling Tawi-Tawi and Sulu. The Cotabato Basin, notably, includes the 288,000 hectare Liguasan Marsh, straddling the provinces of Maguindanao, North Cotabato, and Sultan Kudurat, according to the cable.

There are ^other funds & treasures in Europe and elsewhere that rightfully belong to my people and the Philippines.

Bienvenido Macario – Lemuria MEG Macario Foundation Sunday 15 March 2015


18. Jan. 8, 2017 – As of today we are adding to the claim the following: $141 billion worth of gold. 3,500 metric tons 99.999 purity, 12.5 kg/bar which was taken out of the country and deposited at the above-mentioned bank, Registered under the Ferdinand E. Marcos as the owner.  As alleged in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippine Central Bank) Circular no. 49 covered by Gold Bullion certificate issued by Union Bank of Switzerland certificate no. 27581 B.L. 877 A.U. valued at $141 billion.

19. a.) Sept. 15, 2017 – The $2 billion war reparations given to the Philippines from 1945 to 1949 valued at $27.9 billion in 2018. According to the article “The Philippines: Bristling Bankrupt” published on Time Magazine’s Nov. 6, 1950 issue*.

When Pres. Truman sent a fact finding team headed by Daniel Bell, it was discovered that “the profits of the businessmen and income of large landowners increased considerably while the standard of living of the people were lower than it was before the war.” – from “In Our Image by Stanley Karnow (1989) p. 345 

THE PHILIPPINES: Bristling Bankrupt*
Time Magazine – Monday, Nov. 06, 1950

19. b.) War reparations from Japan in the form of ships and industrial machineries estimated at around $300 million in 1948 and given during Quirino’s administration but was divided among his cronies long before the goods were even received. “In Our Image by Stanley Karnow (1989) p. 361

19. c. ) Oct. 25, 2017 – The military benefits, back pay of over 260,000 Filipino WWII veterans and guerrillas whose war service were deemed “not active” service and the guerrillas denied recognition by the Rescission Act of 1946 enacted by the 79th Congress of the USA on Feb. 18, 1946

Rescission Act of 1946

§107. Certain service deemed not to be active service (a) *Service before July 1, 1946, in the organized military forces of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, while such forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to the military order of the President dated July 26, 1941, * including among such military forces organized guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subsequently recognized by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area, or other competent authority in the Army of the United States, shall not be deemed to have been active military, naval, or air service for the purposes of any law of the United States conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon any person by reason of the service of such person or the service of any other person in the Armed Forces


Pres. Truman’s 38 Statement  Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans – Feb. 20, 1946. Includes information on Roxas’ acknowledgment that he received funds of $200 million allotted by Pres. Truman for Philippine Army WWII veterans.

Back in 1945, as Philippine Commonwealth President, Manuel A. Roxas sought & was granted “Backpay” funds from the U.S. to pay for the salaries of the Japanese puppet government during their service to the Japanese Emperor during the occupation of the Philippines. Pres. Truman vetoed the bill but was overridden by Congress.


Truman Presidential Library

38 – Statement by the President Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans

Please see: Pres. Truman’s 38 Statement Concerning Provisions in Bill Affecting Philippine Army Veterans (Collaborators sought and received back wages for working for the Japanese.)https://www.nedmacario.us/2016/06/25/pres-harry-s-truman-38-statement-concerning-provisions-in-bill-affecting-philippine-army-veterans-feb-20-1946/

20. a) Oct. 7, 2018 – COMPENSATION FOR WORLD WAR II MASSACRES COMMITTED BY THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE FORCES: Among others,  Bataan Death March: Pantingan River Massacre April 12, 1942:  Remuneration, reparations and restitution for Japanese atrocities in the Philippines during WWII, among others, the massacre of 350 to 400 Filipino soldiers of mostly from the 91st Division of the USAFFE on April 12, 1942.

20. b) Massacre in Mapanique, Candaba, Pampanga; Lost 100 Kapampangan Women on November 23, 1944.

20. c) Fort Santiago Massacres with focus on the massacres that occurred between December 1944 to March 1945, and specifically the execution of about 50 suspected guerrillas including Brig. Gen. Vicente Lim USMA 1914 on Dec. 31, 1944 at the Chinese Cemetery. Link under construction.

One note-book presumably belonging to a member of the Akasuki Force, says:—”February 7, 1945. One hundred and fifty guerillas were disposed of tonight.  I personally stabbed and killed 10. February 8: Guarded over 1,184 guerillas which were newly brought in to-day. February 9. Burned 1,000 guerillas to death to night. February 10: Guarded approximately 1,660 guerillas. February 13. Enemy tanks are lurking in the vicinity of Banzai Bridge (Jones Bridge, Manila). Our attack, preparation has been completed. Iam now on guard duty at guerilla internment camp. While I was on duty 10 guerillas tried to escape. They were stabbed to death. At 16.00, all guerillas were burned to death.” from: Japanese Atrocities Make Tale Of Horror  by Jack Percival Our War Correspondent in the Philippines 

20. d) Los Baños Massacre Feb. 1945 – The highly successful raid on Los Baños prison camp on Feb. 23, 1945, conducted by elements of the 11th Airborne Division and Hunters ROTC guerrillas liberated 2,147 Allied civilian and military internees from University of Philippines at Los Baños an agricultural school campus turned Japanese internment camp. One of Japanese who escaped when the liberators attacked, Lt. Sadaaki Konishi, Imperial Japanese Army, came back a few days later, with reinforcements.  Finding all the POWs gone he vented his rage on the people in nearby towns and massacred some 1,500 men, women, and children which they suspected of collaborating with the liberators. Konishi was later tried for war crimes and convicted in the Philippines (1946-1947) and hanged in Japan.

Rottman, G.L., 2010, The Los Baños Prison Camp Raid, Oxford: Osprey Publishing Ltd., ISBN 9781849080750   

20. e) Batangas Massacre – From 9 October 1944 to 1 May 1945,  Japanese soldiers massacred up to 25,000 mostly civilians in Lipa, Batangas province.

From: Bill of Particulars for the Yamashita trial as written on 8 October 1945 by Major Robert M. Kerr included as part of the appendix of a thesis entitled “In Re Yamashita,” by Alston Shepherd Kirk, dated May 1974.

Link: https://www.batangashistory.date/2018/12/atrocities-batangas.html?m=1

20. f ) Massacre at De La Salle College – In one of the worst massacres in the Battle of Manila civilians and the Christian Brothers who sought shelter in the chapel of De La Salle College, were systematically killed.

20. g) PoWs out of Phillippines Interviewed 221669-01 | Footage Farm. In an interview American PoWs narrate how the brutality of Japanese guards who bayoneted Filipino women and children who tried to give them food and water.

Mar 20, 2013 – Two released American prisoners of war in chair & on bed. The PoW of Albuquerque introduces his buddy, Sgt. Donald Smith of Boulder, Colorado to interviewer & they talk about events on Death March after capture to San Fernando. No food, no water; Japanese bayoneted Filipinos women & children who tried to give them food & water. Moved after three days in box cars to camp. Lost 150 most of who were bayoneted.

21.) World Bank Loans to the Philippines from Oct. 2011 to July 2013 ($3.7 billion + $300 million) totaling $4 billion for disaster preparation and recovery. When Typhoon Haiyan devastated Central Philippines on Nov. 8, 2013, there were no preparations. During the rescue and recovery efforts, it became obvious that there were no funds for the relief of the typhoon victims. Thousands of dead bodies littered the disaster area for weeks, even months after the typhoon.

Excerpt: “Worse, the World Bank gave a $3.7 billion loan to the Philippines in October 2011 and another $300 million last July 13, 2013. There might be other loans, grants, and aid I am not aware of. I’ve excluded the $150 million donations from the international community for the typhoon (Haiyan) relief efforts.

The Philippines is a former US territory and this country has a special responsibility to those islands and its people. We should stop funding oppression and the undemocratic oligarchy in the Philippines, withdraw our Ambassador and encourage others to do the same.

From WAIS post: Philippines -> German Genocide in Namibia; US Genocide in Philippines? (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Jan 15, 2014 at 7:28 AM


22.) South of Manila – Featuring Ayala Triangle and Ninoy Aquino International Airport

The True Origins of the Ayala Triangle, the Heart of the Financial Capital of the Philippines – Dec. 10, 2015

23.) Benguet Consolidated Mines, San Miguel Corporation and other companies, corporations and entities, rehabilitated after WWII, using U.S. Assistance and other funding including U.S. and Japanese war reparations in cash or in kind such as ships and equipment including grants, loans or other creative funding.  Benguet Consolidated Mines received $6 million while other American-owned businesses received $150 million in 1946. Eventually the oligarchs took over the American-owned businesses.

24.) We hereby claim, among others, restitution for the financial, economic and other as Natives of the Philippines, victims of the Spanish regime and the remnants thereof that evolved into the main component of the present-day oligarchy from June 1571 to the present. We also seek the return of our ancestral land with compensation for the use misuse and abuse of our lands and natural resources.

25.) September 24, 2005: Real Estate such as Philippine embassy and consular properties overseas, the Cory Aquino administration and succeeding administrations sold, exchanged and/or disposed of. Examples are the Philippine government properties where the Philippine embassies or consulates are situated. For example the Philippine Consul in San Francisco, CA and Tokyo, Japan.

Other assets include Jewelry, paintings, collectibles, antiques sequestered by the Cory Aquino regime from the Marcoses, their relatives, friends, cronies and politicians, including other who were not even connected directly or indirectly with the Marcoses.

Examples are the Philippine government property in San Francisco, CA and Tokyo, Japan.

Other assets include Jewelry, paintings, collectibles, antiques sequestered by the Cory Aquino regime from the Marcoses, their relatives, friends, cronies and politicians, including other who were not even connected directly or indirectly with the Marcoses.

Featuring:  SEVEN Canaletto paintings of Venice, plus 122 other priceless oil paintings by Italian Masters valued at least £18.6 million.

On Feb. 25, 1986, Marcos was toppled by “People Power” and Cory Aquino became de-facto president by 1987 Cory Aquino formed the PCGG Presidential Commission on Good Government, in charge of recovering ill-gotten wealth from the Marcoses, their relatives, cronies and politicians.  Among the “recovered” assets from the Marcoses were seven (7) Canaletto paintings of Venice and 122 other priceless paintings by Italian Masters.  In 2005 Ricardo Abcede was appointed the new PCGG Chairman who rushed the sale of these priceless paintings sold the same at Christie’s of London for $16 million.

Later, on July 7, 2005, The Guardian reported that Christie’s of London sold one Canaletto painting for $11.5 million. Art Daily News said another Canaletto painting as being sold at $20 million. All together the Canaletto paintings and 122 other oil paintings were sold by Christie’s of London at an estimated price from $1 billion to $1.6 billion.


Venetian painting by Canaletto sold for record £11.5m

Sam Jones Thu 7 Jul 2005 07.58 EDT First published on Thu 7 Jul 2005 07.58 EDT


Canaletto Sells For $20 Million at Christie’s London Thu Jul 7, 2005


The greatest crime during the Cory regime was the multi-billion dollar loss of selling off priceless art  BY THE WAY – Max V. Soliven () – September 25, 2005 – 12:00am  


26. a) Among others, government infrastructures and facilities such as ports, airports, water, light rail, rail roads, utilities, power plants, transmissions, shipping, port operations, telephone, telecommunication, satellites, railroads, toll roads other utilities including the Philippine Airlines and profits therefrom since 1946.

26. b.) Missed opportunities. About two months after the death of my wife, on Feb. 12, 2011, I proposed the creation of a Freely Associated State in the Philippines or parts thereof; transfer factories from China and elsewhere, even build new ones if need be. The products of these factories would be rightfully labelled as “MADE IN THE USA” and sold in the US, tariff free. See:


26. c) Continued from no. 17^ Examples of ^Other funds and treasures in Europe and elsewhere that rightfully belong to my people: A Marcos crony and former golfing partner Hernando Disini left the Philippines with the $50.56 million commission/kickbacks for the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant deal. Disini sought refuge in Austria.


Search for Marcos’ wealth: Compromising with cronies

Philip M. Lustre Jr. Published 5:15 PM, Thursday February 25, 2016

Updated 11:30 AM, Saturday February 27, 2016 https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/in-depth/123667-marcos-cronies-compromise

The $10bn question: what happened to the Marcos millions?

by Nick Davies Sat 7 May 2016 03.00 EDT


Marcos family unite against Lucio Tan August 2, 2007 – News Stories

26. d) Still other monies and funds found their way to Russia that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tried but failed to retrieve. Her brother-in-law Iggy Arroyo deposited funds in a UK bank around 2009. In 2004 Philippine Daily Tribune reported that Iggy Arroyo’s net worth was placed at $5,196,428.57 while First Gentleman Mike Arroyo at $1.5 million. In late Aug. 2011 Iggy Arroyo went back to London. He died of cancer in Jan. 2012.

“In a telephone interview Friday with the Philippine Daily Inquirer in Bacolod City, Iggy Arroyo said he was confined in a hospital in London for a checkup on his liver and surgery to repair his hipbone. He said he first had hip surgery 12 years ago.”

From: Senate appearance doctors’ call—Ignacio Arroyo (I. Arroyo reportedly died)

By Carla P. Gomez – Inquirer Visayas -12:19 am | Saturday, August 20th, 2011

I don’t think Aquino III is after any Corona’s, the Arroyos’ or Marcoses assets in the Philippines or abroad.  Below is the real story behind Iggy Arroyo’s trip to London for “liver check-up”

If Aquino III is after the money Gloria M. Arroyo has looted from the Philippine treasury, WAIS Chairman Cameron Sawyer who based in Russia, has given an idea where it went as early as June 02, 2011. Note that Iggy Arroyo, Gloria’s brother-in-law went to London  in Aug. 2011 two months after Cameron Sawyer’s post. Cameron and I met in a conference in England last July 2011.

Every Russian oligarch has at least a house in London, and many of them live there permanently. There they rub elbows with their counterparts from India, China, the whole Arab world, Southeast Asia (Iggy Arroyo?), and much of the rest of the world. The beneficiary is the UK economy–when they decide to take their companies public, they naturally do it in London, where they feel at home.”

From: WAIS post: Taxation of US Citizens Abroad – June 02, 2011 (Cameron Sawyer, Russia, 06/02/11)


Iggy Arroyo dies in London 01-27-12 By Paolo Romero (The Philippine Star) Updated January 27, 2012 12:00 AM https://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=771674&publicationSubCategoryId=63

Negros Occidental Rep. Ignacio “Iggy” Arroyo wanted to spend Christmas in the country but was advised by doctors not to do so, congressional chief of staff Edgar Ruado said.

27.) March 15, 2018 – German Possessions Purchased From Spain Under The German-Spanish Treaty of 1899 signed on Feb. 12,1899.

Germany financed and supported Spain in the Spanish-American War of 1898 that ended with Spain ceding the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. for $20 million under the 1898 Treaty of Paris. That war bankrupted Spain and she decided to sell her remaining possessions in the Pacific for 17 million Marks or 25 million pesetas under the German-Spanish Treaty of 1899 signed on Feb. 12,1899.

After WWI, the victors awarded former German possessions mostly to Japan with German Samoa going to New Zealand. After WWII, The U.S. took over the Marshall Islands, the Carolines, the Marianas, the Palau Islands.

I am claiming the former German possessions in the Pacific on behalf of HM Queen Elizabeth II considering that those territories were purchased by Kaiser Wilhelm II who was the first cousin of King George V, HM Queen Elizabeth II’s grandfather.

Borders of German New Guinea before (in blue) and after (in red) the 1899 German-Spanish treaty. – From wikipedia


28. Among others, casinos and gaming enterprises in the Philippines and profits therefrom owned and operated by ethnic Chinese and ethnic Spaniards from the Philippines and their foreign business partners. (updated Jan. 17, 2025)

Please see: American Indian Gaming – Philippine Style: Billionaire Razon’s $1.2 Billion Casino Opens in Manila May 4, 2013  



Dan Brown Calls Manila “Gates of Hell” / Girl’s suicide indicts Philippine anti-poverty programme – May 25, 2013


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