Bienvenido Macario <>
To Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister
Bienvenido Macario <> Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 8:39 PM
To: Conservatives <>
Cc: Australian Monarchist League <>, Brittany Lark, Bienvenido Macario <>
30 Dec. 2022
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak,
My apologies for this very late response. Please know that I’m delighted that you have formed a new government in His Majesty King Charles III’s name. You have my full support. My involvement in this year’s U.S. midterm elections, among others, took longer and more complicated than expected.
I have included two important people in this email. One is Philip Benwell, National Chair Australian Monarchist League of which I am also a member. And the other is Ms. Brittany Lark who assisted me in securing the release of GSK consultants Peter Humphrey and Yu Yingzeng from a Chinese prison in May 2015. Brittany also assisted me during the May 2015 general election where David Cameron won an unexpected landslide victory.
Please see: May 7, 2015, U.K. General Election posted June 17, 2019
The death of HM Queen Elizabeth II has deeply saddened so many. I was devastated. This is what I wrote in The Royal Family – Book of Condolence:
September 21, 2022
I would like to offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to the Royal Family. I thank HM Queen Elizabeth II for her faithful and extraordinary service throughout the changing and challenging times. Rest In Peace. God Save the King!
Your humble and obedient subject,
Bienvenido Macario Sovereign Native American Member: Australian Monarchist League; Conservative Party (Member # 529628723)
My offering to HM Queen Elizabeth II on 3 Aug. 2011, update pending.
Sir Winston Churchill and the Wealth of the Philippines 3 DEC 2019 Update
=========== end of entry to the Book of Condolence ==============
The list of assets, natural resources, treasures, bank accounts and properties that I have claimed for HM Queen Elizabeth II amount to trillions of dollars. On HM the Queen’s behalf, I have claimed the Philippines, an abandoned U.S. territory. And perhaps the best way to proceed is to secure a Royal Charter and U.S. federal acknowledgement as a Sovereign Native American CANZUK Monarchist under the personal protection of HM King Charles III, for the repossession, rehabilitation and administration of our ancestral land, the Philippines. With the Royal Charter, we could pursue business interests in the USA, CANZUK nations and elsewhere to minimize, if not eliminate, the prejudice and discrimination my parents, grandparents, my late wife and I have been subjected to ever since. My late wife Elena G. Macario (MS Petroleum Engineering ’91 Stanford) was a very experienced and accomplished geothermal reservoir engineer. Yet on Dec. 10, 2010, she died penniless.
On Aug. 8, 1993, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the island of Guam. The damage was estimated to be $250 million. However, none of the buildings designed by my brother Nemy Macario was affected by this powerful earthquake. Naturally we tried to market his services to earthquake-prone California. I don’t know what we did wrong, but we never even got a foot in the door, so to speak. Below is my business card when I was trying to promote my brother’s Structural Engineering business. By the way, my brother still has his office on Guam. These are the main reasons why I prefer a Royal Charter.

Since David Cameron is no longer in politics I’d like to request him to lead the petition for a Royal Charter for the repossession, rehabilitation and administration of the Philippines, including pursuing business in the U.K., U.S. EU, and the rest of the CANZUK nations
From these assets, treasures and bank accounts and human resources we could get in business, proceeds from which I’m sure we could help fund the Australian Monarchist League’s activities and programs, among others. For Australia perhaps we could ask Tony Abbott’s participation since he too is no longer in politics.
It was as a de-facto Sovereign Native American that I, with Brittany’s help, was able to get Peter Humphrey and Yu Yingzeng out of the Chinese prison and therefore it is imperative that we proceed with the application for the U.S. federal acknowledgement as Sovereign Native American under the personal protection and dominion of HM King Charles III.
Application for Federal Acknowledgement of American Indian Tribe
My inspiration for the Sovereign Native American status:
See: Marlon Brando interview on Dick Cavett Show, June 12, 1973
With regards to my claim made in HM Queen Elizabeth II’s name, my question is what, if any, procedures must be taken to transfer the same to HM King Charles III?
And last, PM Rishi as a Stanford alumnus (MBA ’06), I would like to invite you to join Stanford Networking Breakfast Club of Orange County. We will have our first meeting of the new year on Jan. 11, 2023. I would appreciate it if you could address our group. In my next email, I shall provide my list of financial papers I have written. One of the first papers I wrote was “The Perfect Storm” emailed on June 3, 2005. Then on June 11, 2005, I started writing “Zero Sum Game of Global Finance – First Edition” emailing to Stanford Prof. Emeritus Ronald Hilton, an Oxford alumnus, the first of three examples on July 21, 2005.
Again, my apologies for this late reply. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Bienvenido Macario
Conservative Party Member No. 529628723