Bienvenido Macario – Accomplishments and Experience at MEG Macario Foundation 1995 – Present

The Maria Elena G. Macario Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity dba Lemuria Corporation / Nicolas Aldana Native American Tribe engaged in research works and special projects.

Formerly Lemuria Corporation, after the death of my late wife, all my past, present and future research works on history, marketing, business, economics, and finance domestic as well as international were combined with her papers and accomplishments to form part of The Maria Elena G. Macario Foundation.


As a Sovereign Native American with British nationality and U.S. citizenship, I am claiming and seeking to repossess, among others, all the geothermal resources, in the Philippines that my late wife Maria Elena G. Macario discovered and explored.

See: /

A more detailed discussion and enumeration of all the claims to date is on the post Sir Winston Churchill and the Wealth of the Philippines last updated on Dec. 3, 2019

As soon as we receive federal acknowledgment as Sovereign Native Americans, non-Native Americans will once again have the same property and other rights in the oil, gas and mineral-rich Philippines as they have here in the continental U.S.A. Alaska, Hawaii & U.S. territories.

Education and Religion: Historical review and research. I found out 51 Medal of Honor recipients who won the distinction defending and liberating the Philippines in WWII are virtually unknown in the Philippines and the U.S. See: WWII in the Philippines: 50 Medal of Honor Recipients v. 50 Richest Filipinos of 2015. Giving thanks is the basic tenet of most, if not all, religions. We shall make the entire Philippines an American Battle Monument!

Lessening the burdens of government: Much of this can be found in my Remote Viewing section. On economic and financial topics domestic as well as international, my assessments and recommendations can be found in this post: Happy Birthday America!


1.) Successful election campaigns in the U.K.

a.) The May 7, 2015 General Election

b) The May 3, 2018 Local Election

c.) The Dec. 12, 2019 General Election

2.) As a sovereign Native American, secured the release of an American citizen and her husband, a British national, from a Chinese prison in June 2015. At that time neither the U.S. government nor the British government could help the imprisoned couple.

WAIS Posts: Discussions with Martin Packard Stanford PhD ’49 and The China Incident

3.) At the request of Prof. Ronald Hilton, performed a thorough independent third-party due diligence for the Hewlett Packard -Compaq merger in March 2002.

Firmly established our status as Native Americans from the Philippines with the discovery of the Law Review from the University of Pennsylvania’s Dept. of Law entitled “The Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippine Islands dated April 1900 granting the Natives of the Philippines the same rights and privileges as that of the Natives of Alaska. Therefore, upon official federal recognition as a Sovereign Native American, non-Native Americans should also have the same rights and privileges in the Philippines as they do here in the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. territories. Another post on “The Legal Effect of the Application of the Philippine Islands” includes my comment/letter addressed to Bill Gates posted on July 19, 2016

The Legal Effect of the Acquisition of the Philippine Islands – Law Review April 1900 /

Reply from the US Department of the Interior – Petition for Native American Status


In  2014, I offered my papers to the USA posted under Happy Birthday America! but there were no takers. Things happen for a reason. The first two papers Real Estate Forecast 15 Dec. 2006 and “The Great Recession”  I tracked and predicted when the subprime crisis will begin; when the crisis will reach the EU Zone (see: 2007 – The Perfect Storm Over Europe Sept. 28, 2007 ); and when the crisis will come back to the US and start The Great Recession (Apr. 8, 2008)  that led to the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. 

I intend to bring these papers to the U.K., get them published. If I could pick those American states that should benefit from these papers, I’d pick, among many others, Missouri, the home state of Pres. Truman who reiterated that Filipinos are US nationals until July 4, 1946 per his Statement on Feb. 20, 1946. 

Of course in Asia, Australian and New Zealand Monarchists will have priority over these papers especially no.8 “The Rise of Silicon Valley”. Any state, country, investor, educator, industrialist and businessman interested in the replication of the Silicon Valley should listen to Martin Packard. Elsewhere priority shall be given to CANZUK Monarchists, including Gibraltar and Falklands. 


1.)  Real Estate Forecast 15 Dec. 2006 Impact date: 15 March 2007 (The subprime meltdown)

2.)    The Great Recession – Forecast Dec. 15, 2007

3.)  Zero Sum Game of Global Finance 5th Edition 12/11/12

4.) “The Perfect Storm” as posted on WAIS Oct. 18, 2009

5.)   Paper No. VIII: Original E-mail dated May 21, 2004 updated Fri. Nov. 16, 2012

6.)  Winston Churchill and the Wealth of the Philippines. Churchill practically saved the Philippines, an abandoned U.S. territory for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Through research and remote viewing,  I merely followed up and documented Winston Churchill’s moral and political convictions.   

7.)  Category: Remote Viewing  MEG Macario Foundation is committed to helping the government through remote viewing. We have conducted viewings practically all over the world. The some of the gold, treasures, hidden wealth, assets, bank accounts and natural resources as listed in the post Winston Churchill and the Wealth of the Philippines were located, discovered and pinpointed using remote viewing and tradition research methods.

8.) The Rise of Silicon Valley – Martin Packard PhD ’49 Stanford Martin was supposed to present this paper in the 2015 WAIS conference held at Stanford. However per doctor’s advice, he had to stay home. After the conference I stopped by his place and was treated to a individual presentation of the Rise of Silicon Valley from the point of view of someone who was there at the very beginning.

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