A young Filipino girl sitting on a wooden bench in an enclosure in Coney Island, New York City in a horrifying 1906 ‘exhibit’.
The girl, whose name is unknown, was one of the many indigenous people taken from their homelands and displayed in exhibits such as this. They were often treated like objects, with little regard for their dignity or fundamental human rights. They were forced to perform for the entertainment of the crowds, and their cultures and customs were often misrepresented or sensationalized. She was far from home, surrounded by strangers who looked at her as curious. She was dressed in traditional clothing and made to sit on a bench for hours, with no understanding of what was happening around her.
Link: https://www.bygonely.com/young-filipino-zoo-girl/
Biden`s Brain Surgeries: A Neurosurgeon`s Statement Goes Viral (Francisco Wong-Diaz, USA) Jan. 19, 2021
Jan. 19, 2021 – This is Francisco Wong-Diaz’s WAIS post on the Biden’s brain surgeries the media conveniently omitted.
“Candidates for public office and proponents of ballot initiatives should be required to go through a discovery process, similar the discovery process in litigation like the one below so that voters could make an intelligent decision. Politicians’ campaign promises are indispensable parts of the platform and must be scrutinized. Promises & proposed programs that are likely to be disastrous to the economy should be sufficient grounds for disqualification. Failure to fulfill campaign promises or implement proposed platforms upon which candidates were elected, should be grounds for summary recall. This is the key to a honest and open election.”
– Bienvenido Macario May 30, 2019 (1) Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/BienvenidoMacario/posts/10216488261031787
Elected officials should be required to file Performance Bond on campaign promises upon which they were elected. Failure to keep their campaign promises should be sufficient grounds for summary recall and FORFEITURE OF THEIR PERFORMANCE BOND. Their performance bonds shall also be forfeited if the laws they passed proved disastrous. Members of Congress do not live under the very laws they passed. They have their own health care system and pension plan. They have NO skin in the game. They risk nothing and yet their net worth increases $1.6 million a year on the average.