There’s an interesting post on Proud To Be British on Thu. January 7, 2021 at 05:18am Capitol Hill today v. Capitol Hill during Black Lives Matter ·
“Hell is paved with good intentions.” – from A Collection of English Proverbs” by John Ray 1670
Jan. 6 is the 80th anniversary of FDR’s Four Freedoms Speech, technically the State of the Union address. FDR proposed four fundamental freedoms that people “EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD” ought to enjoy:1.) Freedom of speech and expression. 2.) Freedom of worship. 3.) Freedom from want. 4.) Freedom from fear. In August 1941, during the Atlantic Conference that produced the Atlantic Charter, FDR demanded the dismantling of the British Empire as a condition for the American assistance help PM Winston Churchill was seeking to continue fighting Hitler and the Nazis. FDR demanded that colonies be granted independence regardless of whether or not these future Third World countries were ready for self-rule. Through Eleanor Roosevelt, these ideals evolved into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations Declaration in 1948. FDR’s goals, while noble, were implemented without the benefit of studies and research on the viability of granting independence to former colonies including one U.S. possession, the Philippines. FDR’s Four Freedoms doctrine, supposed to be implemented by the World Bank, IMF, and the UN, instead created the Third World whose various peoples are mostly trying to get into the USA, U.K. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other developed countries.
How did spreading the Four Freedoms doctrine around the world through the UN, World Bank and IMF work out?
It created hell on earth in former colonies and one US territory, the Philippines simply because these nations were NOT ready for self-rule! Other than taking one’s own life, as in the case Marianette Amper, the poorest of the poor in the Philippines have three choices:
1) Leave the country. (If you’re lucky)
2) Work as a prostitute or lead a life of crime.
3) Eat garbage*, literally.
Right now in the Philippines people are eating food they dig out of the garbage. And yet we used to say: “Stick a broom anywhere in the ground and it will grow back and yield a-plenty.” (Magtapon ka ng binhi kahit saan tutubo at mamumunga.) “When Briton Jane Walker first saw children rummaging through trash heaps while on a trip to the Philippines in 1996, she decided to do something about it. Employing about 100 people, Walker helps improve the lives of thousands of children and their families who otherwise would be forced to eke out a living picking through Manila’s garbage dumps. Jennifer Glasse reports.”
*Garbage Dump Philanthropist Helps Thousands in Philippines Escape Poverty
How ironic that the tragic Capitol Riot happened on the 80th anniversary of FDR’s Four Freedoms speech. Even at the heart of the nations capital, the Capitol Building, where the countries lawmakers were meeting, THERE WAS NO FREEDOM FROM FEAR. In this day of COVID19 how many have FREEDOM FROM WANT? How many enjoy FREEDOM TO WORSHIP GOD in his/her own way. With political correctness how many could still have FREEDOM OF SPEECH OR EXPRESSION?
Did any history book hold Woodrow Wilson, FDR and their respective Congresses responsible for their failed foreign policy?
Beware. History will judge us all! We will be judged by what we did and what we failed to do.
I made a promise that when I get back to London, I’ll explain why Washington DC, keeps making the same foreign and domestic policy mistakes for the most part of the 20th century and up to this day.

You might ask: “How was the Philippines neglected?” Below is Pres. Truman’s Statement regarding the bill affecting Filipino WWII veterans whose service was deemed “not active service” when the 79th Congress overrode Truman’s veto and enacted the Rescission Act of 1946.

Our parents and grandparent were never consulted if they wanted to give up their U.S. Nationality, secede from the U.S.A. and become independent. Here’s the link to a blog post on U.S. Passport No. 26859 issued on March 15, 1930 to a Filipino with allegiance to the U.S.A.
Filipinos are American nationals. Why can’t my people get the same treatment as other American nationals? This is discrimination, pure and simple.

We shall seek the help of Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the restoration of the American nationality and corresponding passport for qualified and deserving Filipinos.