An eyewitness account of the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ.
Dec. 24, 2020 – Perhaps through Remote Viewing one could “witness” the events surrounding the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is our Christmas offering for 2020.

Too often the focus is on the Messenger and not enough on the Message which is probably why things do not seem to be working in favor of those who pray.
Maybe we have to act on our religion and obey His commandments, especially the second:
“39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 ALL the LAW and the PROPHETS HANG ON these TWO COMMANDMENTS.”
When asked who is my neighbor, Jesus gave the Parable of the Good Samaritan wherein He pointed out that the one who helped you IS your neighbor.
The Philippines, a U.S. territory during WWII fought on the side of the allies. Filipino civilians helped American soldiers and civilians every way they could and suffered for doing so.
Yet after WWII, Japan, a Buddhist nation and the WWII enemy, was given preference not the Philippines, a Christian country.
Atheist China was given preference after the Cold War, not the Philippines.
Atheist North Korea and Shamanist South Korea were given priority after defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS, not the Philippines.
“By his disregard of the laws of Divine influence, man brings chaos and destructive forces into his experience.”
– Edgar Cayce reading 416-7
In one reading, at the time of their marriage, Joseph and Mary were 36 and 16 years old respectively.
The 5th paragraph of Edgar Cayce’s reading 5749-17 tells us the date of Jesus’ birthday as Jan. 6: “The arrival was in the evening — not as counted from the Roman time, nor that declared to Moses by God when the second Passover was to be kept, nor that same time which was in common usage even in that land, but what would now represent January sixth (Jan. 6)“.
In another Edgar Cayce reading, Jesus’ birth was placed on March 18-19. And yet today we celebrate it on Dec. 24-25. Why the seemingly conflicting dates given by the same source as to the actual birth of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ was born in 4 B.C., when the Julian calendar was in use. On Feb. 24, 1582, Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull correcting the Julian calendar effective Oct. 4, 1582. The correction was made to put the calendar in sync with the seasons of the earth. However, it would take over 300 years to adjust the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar currently in use. A total of 56 days were removed from the Julian calendar from the 16th century to the 20th century.
The article, What Is the Real Date of Jesus’ Birth? by Kevin J. Todeschi, Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.), and Atlantic University, explains why all three (3) dates are correct at the time of their respective readings using evolving Gregorian calendar. The article Change From Julian to Gregorian Calendar by Konstantin Bikos and Aparna Kher is a good article detailing the adjustments made to the Gregorian calendar from 1582 to 1927.
Below is the transcript of Edgar Cayce Reading 5749-15 on the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ given on June 22, 1941.