A young Filipino girl sitting on a wooden bench in an enclosure in Coney Island, New York City in a horrifying 1906 ‘exhibit’.
The girl, whose name is unknown, was one of the many indigenous people taken from their homelands and displayed in exhibits such as this. They were often treated like objects, with little regard for their dignity or fundamental human rights. They were forced to perform for the entertainment of the crowds, and their cultures and customs were often misrepresented or sensationalized. She was far from home, surrounded by strangers who looked at her as curious. She was dressed in traditional clothing and made to sit on a bench for hours, with no understanding of what was happening around her.
Link: https://www.bygonely.com/young-filipino-zoo-girl/
Presidential Election 2020 (How To Save the American Republican Experiment)
“If newspapers are useful in overthrowing tyrants it is only to establish a tyranny of their own.” – James Fenimore Cooper, “The American Democrat” (1838)
Recently, it was revealed that Pres. Trump paid only $750 in taxes. What tax year was that? Again, how come this was not disclosed during the GOP nomination or the 2016 election?
Beginning with the next election there MUST be a discovery process requiring all candidates full disclosure of their past. Much like the pre-trial discovery process in litigation and prosecution of court cases, parties must present evidence they have against each other to determine the viability of the case.
The American people have the right to know who these candidates are! My guess, these alleged deals with China, Ukraine, ex-Mayor of Moscow, Kazakhstan were supposed to be exposed AFTER Biden wins the election thus making Kamala Harris the president.
I hope the American people would see that the USA is in fact a mediacracy with the American politicians as the nobility and the Mainstream Media as the sovereign Monarch. It is typical in a one-party system that the power struggle involves a lot of betrayal and treachery especially among the high ranking party members. The Democratic Party of the USA reminds me of the Communist Party in China and Russia where purges and power struggle involve putting a fellow party member to death, in prison, one way or another done away with.