Oct. 30, 2020
It was WAISer Timothy C. Brown former Marine and Consul General who confirmed through his WAIS posts that an American citizen could have 2 or more nationalities.

In job advertised at CIA website for Economic, Military or Political Analyst, requirements says: “US citizenship is required (dual U.S. citizens are eligible)”. See below another example.
Even in the job requirements for Paramilitary Operations Officer, again it says “US citizenship is required (dual U.S. citizens are eligible)”.

I have dual nationality, U.K. where I’m a very active member of the Conservative Party and I am also a U.S. citizen. Below is my Conservative Party membership card.

Photo below: This is why I’m encouraging Filipinos, Americans to secure UK-US dual nationality because I shall enlist the help of my U.K. Conservative party and CANZUK monarchists in seeking the restoration of the U.S. nationality of willing, deserving and qualified Filipinos. Look at Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Back on June 3, 2020 he announced “Today, about 350,000 of the territory’s people hold British National (Overseas) passports and another 2.5 million would be eligible to apply for them.”

The most recent communication from our PM Boris Johnson.

Below is a U.S. Passport of a Filipino citizen with allegiance to the U.S.A., issued on March 15, 1930. With the British lobbying for us, Native Americans from the Philippines in Washington DC and throughout the U.S.A., I am confident that we are doing the best possible ways and means to secure what rightfully belongs to my people in the first place – our American nationality and U.S. Passports.

Below is the kind of U.S. passport I am seeking for qualified and deserving Filipinos. It reads: “THE BEARER IS A UNITED STATES NATIONAL AND NOT A UNITED STATES CITIZEN.”
Please remember that on Feb. 18, 1946 over 260,000 Filipino WWII veterans were denied military recognition and benefits when the 79th Congress overrode Pres. Truman’s veto and passed the Rescission Act of 1946.