“History will judge us all for what we did and what we failed to do.”
– inspired Abraham Lincoln’s quote
July 12, 2020 – Threats from China or Russia or any other country or group of countries are manageable, according to former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell. The US’s greatest weakness comes from within as Mike Morell explains in this Oct. 27, 2013 interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes.
60 minutes: Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell, Sunday, October 27, 2013
Host: Morell finishes a career of 33 years assessing the strengths and weaknesses of nations. He believes America could manage most external threats. But as an analyst he sees *OUR GREATEST VULNERABILITY IS ONE GENERATED RIGHT HERE AT HOME.*
And one of the things I learned looking at the world is that a country’s national security, any country’s NATIONAL SECURITY is more DEPENDENT on the STRENGTH of its ECONOMY and on the STRENGTH of its SOCIETY than anything else. I think there is for some reason that I don’t understand, John, THERE’S BEEN A CHANGE FROM A WILLINGNESS OF THE TWO PARTIES TO WORK TOGETHER TO GET THINGS DONE TO TODAY, THE TWO PARTIES AT EACH OTHER’S THROAT AND SIMPLY TRYING TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS. And I DON’T KNOW WHY THAT’S OCCURRED. And I– and I DON’T HAVE A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO FIX THAT. But that’s what NEEDS TO BE FIXED.
60 minutes: Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell Oct. 27, 2013
This video is for educational purposes only
Bienvenido Macario MEG Macario Foundation a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization P.O. Box 7122 Riverside, CA 92513
As early as Oct. 2013, former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell acknowledged there’s a problem in Washington DC with the lack of communication between the Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are not interested in working together and getting things done. Today, with the recent surge of the COVID19 infections, while the Trump administration is interested in opening up the economy, the Democrats are even encouraging protests

Look at the above update from CA Gov. Newsom: Protests are still allowed despite the fact the those newly infected are in their 20’s and 30’s.
By Oct. 23, 2015, I wrote on WAIS:
“The 2016 presidential election should be postponed and a caretaker government should be formed. After this election it will be more difficult to reorganize the US political system.”
Is the Center Dead in US Politics? (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 10/23/15 9:20 am)
China Queen Dianne Feinstein Used Her Senate Power to Push Most-Favored-Nation Status for the CCP’s Corrupt Dictatorship.Why
How an American elite subscribed to the unproven theory that business with the Chinese Communist Party is good for America BY LEE SMITH APRIL 20, 2020 https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/lee-smith-china-coronavirus-1
In this Aug. 8, 2018 article by Ben Weingarten, Dianne Feinstein has been working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since 1979 when she was Mayor of San Francisco.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars. [This report alleges that Feinstein has been working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)since 1979. BM 07-06-2020]
By Ben Weingarten Wednesday AUGUST 8, 2018 https://thefederalist.com/2018/08/08/sen-dianne-feinsteins-ties-china-go-way-deeper-alleged-office-spy

In the meantime, this report alleges that after the epidemic of foreclosure-related murder-suicides spawned faulty legislation in the finance and housing industry that started the mortgage crisis and the Financial Crisis of 2008, Richard Blum, Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband grew richer buying those foreclosed high- quality single family homes and RENTING them out.
“What it doesn’t say is that the rental stock is made up of foreclosed homes purchased by a handful of investor groups and hedge funds in the aftermath of the 2007–08 financial crisis and real estate crash.”
Excerpt: “And now let us pause to contemplate Richard Blum’s participation in the destruction of the American dream at the hands of a new phenomenon known as the “Wall Street landlord.”
Blum is the billionaire founder of the private-equity firm Blum Capital Partners. Colony homes are owned under the umbrella of Colony Capital, one of the largest investment firms in the world. The senator’s disclosure describes Colony American Homes as a “leading owner and provider of high-quality single-family residences for rental across the United States.”
What it doesn’t say is that the rental stock is made up of foreclosed homes purchased by a handful of investor groups and hedge funds in the aftermath of the 2007–08 financial crisis and real estate crash.
From: Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband, Richard Blum, Grows Fortune on the Ruins of the American Dream
By Tom Gogola/ July 16, 2015

Perhaps former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell’s biggest concern is the fact that Barack Obama was indeed a FALSE FLAG president of the USA giving prioity to China’s interests rather than that of the USA and the American people. Obama was truly the “Manchurian Candidate.”
Obama endorsed Biden. Below is Obama’s position on Chinese aggression in the Spratlys, clearly part of the former Philippine Territory, USA.
The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 28, 2014 Remarks by President Obama and President Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines in Joint Press Conference Malacañang Palace Manila, Philippines
At 14:20 – *“There are a whole range of issues on the international stage in which cooperation between the U.S. and China are vital. SO OUR GOAL IS NOT TO COUNTER CHINA. Our GOAL is NOT to CONTAIN CHINA.“*
At 14:34 – *“WE DO NOT HAVE CLAIMS IN THIS AREA, TERRITORIALLY.“* We’re an Asia Pacific nation and our primary interest is the peaceful resolution of conflict, the freedom of navigation that allows for continued progress and prosperity. And WE DON’T EVEN TAKE A SPECIFIC POSTION ON THE DISPUTES BETWEEN NATIONS.
At 25:32 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, let me repeat what I said earlier. I think that IT IS GOOD FOR THE REGION and GOOD FOR THE WORLD IF CHINA IS SUCCESSFULLY DEVELOPING, IF CHINA IS LIFTING MORE OF ITS PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. There are a lot of people in China, and the more they’re able to develop and provide basic needs for their people and work cooperatively with other countries in the region, that’s only going to strengthen the region — that’s not going to weaken it.
[The USA’s priority is the development of China at the expense of the Philippines, a former US territory.]
What was the reaction of the Republicans (GOP) who dominated the US Congress?
*A deafening SILENCE. And silence is consent*. – BM
*This is why I prefer a Freely Associated State with the UK & the USA under the personal protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II.*
Aquino, Obama joint press conference8,747 views•Apr 28, 2014
Remarks by President Obama and President Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines in Joint Press Conference Malacañang Palace Manila, Philippines – April 28, 2014

I don’t think the country’s problem could be solved by our politicians. We need to involve America’s closest and most dependable friends who would be adversely impacted if the USA remains deeply divided as it is today.
As Edith Wharton campaigned for US involvement in the First World War, I am reaching out to CANZUK Monarchists, Japan and Germany to one way or another intervene in the speedy and practical resolution of the problem of a deeply politically divided Washington DC.
June 13, 2020 – During the First World War, before America’s entry to the war, novelist Edith Wharton was already helping families, displaced refugees find shelter in Paris. She wrote her friends to seek support and financing of her relief organization. In one letter she wrote a friend “For Heaven’s sake, proclaim everywhere and as publicly as possible, what it will mean to all that we Americans cherish if England and France go under.”
Times have changed. After WWI, WWII and numerous conflicts during and after the Cold War, we are back to the Cold War Part 2 but there’s a more serious threat as one newspaper published: “America is at war with itself.”
Since WWII, the USA has been a Super power, the most influential and dominant country in the world. The USA is the sun around which other planets revolve. She is now deeply divided. Imagine what would happen if the United States of America, the sun in a solar system would self-destruct?
Like the death of a star, a black hole could be created and other planets around it will be sucked into this black hole. If the USA implodes, other countries doing business with the USA will definitely be affected.
To CANZUK and America’s genuine friends around the world, we have to do something to help the USA.
What It Would Mean To The Western World If the USA Self-destruct?
American Experience: The Great War