March 22, 2020 – While it is not explicitly legal to betray the U.S.A., provisions of Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution makes it almost impossible to convict public officials of treason.

“No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.” – Who in his right mind would openly commit treason witnessed by two different people? Maybe in the late 18th century guilt-ridden public officials out of decency would confess in open court that he or she committed treason. Nowadays, with the moral stamina of our of politicians and the “Good ‘Ole Boys Club” mentality in Washington DC, could we expect politicians to admit in open court he or she committed treason? The near impossibility of convicting an American public official or for that matter, an ordinary citizen of the crime of treason shows that the U.S. Constitution was indeed intended only for virtuous people.
Perhaps because the 13 original states came from the British colonies the punishment for those convicted of treason does not pass onto the next generation. Whereas under British law, treason is a serious crime, that the convicted traitor’s property could NOT even pass to his or her heirs upon death and any money owed by the traitor would remain the obligation of the heirs. This is another good reason why the Freely Associated State of the Philippines must be based in London, U.K. under the protection and dominion of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Now what if the oligarchs of the Philippines studied the U.S. Constitution, Federal Law and every law of each of the fifty (50) states and territories? What if a young aspiring politician decided to study the U.S. Constitution and its Article III, Sec. 3 by teaching Constitutional Law in college and apply what he or she learns when finally he or she is in higher public office?
What happens if a constitution designed for virtuous people is used, misused and abused by unscrupulous individuals? Perhaps the we’ll have the FAILED state of the Philippines as the result. – Ned Macario, March 21, 2020