For Dec. 2019, I planned to posting the remote viewing on the twin bombings in Volgograd Russia in Dec. 2013, before the Winter Olympics, in Sochi. There were other RV’s on the events in the domestic front involving uniforms. But for 2019 the rocket attack on K1 military base outside Kirkuk, Iraq came up.
Anyway, I’m posting my handwritten notes for the Volgograd bombings and a couple of events, stateside involving an interstate chase of a bank robber who was eventually killed somewhere in Arizona. I have his physical description in one of my email updates or handwritten notes. I think he was the bald one. Sorry, I got it all mixed up. The RV of the incident involving a bank robber(s) who crossed state lines and was killed or captured in Arizona happened about the same time as the RVing on Tunis Museum attack, the crash of Germanwings Fl 9525 and the Mesa shooting in 2015. My apologies for any inconvenience. I forgot, these things usually come in sets of three (3).