Hillary’s Role in Syria Crisis (Massoud Malek, USA, 12/21/16 4:56 am)
Massoud Malek writes:
In early 2011, twelve Arab countries experienced the Arab Spring. They were Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Only in Libya and Syria did the uprising morph into civil war.
In October 2011, the killing of Muammar Gaddafi made Hillary Clinton extremely happy. No one denies that Gaddafi was a dictator, but are Libyans better off today than when Gaddafi was ruling the country? I don’t think so.
In Syria, it took over a year for the demonstrations to morph into a civil war. Did Hillary Clinton start the civil war in Syria?
In one of Al-Jazeera’s Head to Head episodes, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Michael Flynn, confirms to the journalist Mehdi Hasan that not only had he studied the DIA memo predicting the West’s backing of an Islamic State in Syria when it came across his desk in 2012, but he even asserts that the Administration’s sponsoring of radical jihadists (who would emerge as ISIS and Al Nusra) against the Syrian regime was “a willful decision.”
Here is the transcript relating to this subject:
Mehdi Hasan: I took the liberty of printing out that document. This is the memo I quoted from. Did you see this document in 2012? Would this come across your table, one of your analysts wrote.
Michael Flynn: Oh yeah, yeah, I paid very close attention to all those, sure.
Mehdi Hasan: So when you saw this, did you not pick up a phone and say, “What on earth are we doing supporting these Syrian rebels who are -“?
Michael Flynn: Sure. That kind of information is presented and those become–
Mehdi Hasan: And what did you do about it?
Michael Flynn: I argued about it.
Mehdi Hasan: Did you say, “We shouldn’t be supporting these groups?”
Michael Flynn: I did. I mean, we argued about these, the different groups that were there and we said, you know, “Who is that is involved here?” And I will tell you that, I do believe that the intelligence was very clear, and now it’s a matter of whether or not policy is going to be as clear and as defining and as precise as it needs to be, and I don’t believe it was.
Mehdi Hasan: Just to clarify here, you’re saying today–today my understanding is you’re saying we should have backed the rebels. You’re saying in government, you agreed with this analysis.
Michael Flynn: We should have done more earlier on in this effort, you know, than we did. We really–we sort of kicked that can.
Mehdi Hasan: But three–we’re not–but three years ago, let’s just be clear for the sake of our viewers. In 2012, your agency was saying, quote: “The Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgence in Syria.” In 2012, the US was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups. Why did you not stop that, if you’re worried about the rise of quote, unquote, “Islamic extremism”?
Michael Flynn: Yeah.
Mehdi Hasan: Before we move on, just to clarify once more, you are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around. You saw this analysis–
Michael Flynn: Sure.
Mehdi Hasan: And you were arguing against it. But who wasn’t listening?
Michael Flynn: I think the administration.
Mehdi Hasan: So the administration turned a blind eye to your analysis–
Michael Flynn: I don’t know if they turned a blind eye. I think it was a decision. I think it was a willful decision.
Mehdi Hasan: A willful decision to go–support an insurgency that had Salafist, al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood?
I highly recommend the video in the link to anyone who believes that the Syrian tragedy is caused by Russia:
By reading my post of December 17 and watching the video in the link, you decide if Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with the Syrian tragedy.
JE comments: Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick as National Security Advisor, may not be the most reliable source on Hillary Clinton. Flynn was also involved in the “Hillary child sex ring” Tweets we discussed a couple of weeks ago. Still, the interview should be given an impartial listen. WAISer thoughts?
PHOTO: Gabriel Macario, Massoud Malek, & Anthony Candil, Carlton Lodge 10 Oct. 2013 during the 2013 WAIS Conference at Adrian College, Adrian MI