In 1934 Sir Winston Churchill warned against the abandonment of the Philippines saying: “The national duty, dignity and honour of the United States are at stake.”
Later during meeting at the Atlantic Charter – August 13-14, 1941, FDR made it clear that he was after the dismantling of the British Empire. FDR did not consider the consequences of giving independence to the former colonies most of which are not ready for self-rule. There was no fail safe mechanism for the colonies and one U.S. territory. A Compact of Free Association would have been better.
FDR imposed independence on the Philippines, the Filipino people never asked or were consulted about. Be it in 1934 or 1946, there was no referendum asking the Filipino people if we wanted to secede from our union with the USA. To this day the Philippines is the only US territory ever granted independence.
Excerpt from page 10 & 11
The Other War: FDR’s Battle Against Churchill and the British Empire
by L. Wolfe – Printed in The American Almanac, August 28, 1995.
Atlantic Charter – August 13-14, 1941.
“|`You mentioned India,’ he [Churchill] growled.
“|`Yes, I [Roosevelt] can’t believe that we can fight a war against fascist slavery, and at the same time not work to free people all over the world from a backward colonial policy.’
“|`What about the Philippines?’
“|`I am glad you mentioned them. They get their independence, you know, in 1946. And they’ve gotten modern sanitation, modern education, their rate of illiteracy has gone steadily down…’
“|`There can be no tampering with the Empire’s economic agreements.’
“|`They’re artificial….’
“|`They are the foundation of our greatness.’
“|`The peace,’ said Father firmly, `cannot include any continued despotism. The structure of the peace demands and will get equality of peoples…’|”
Meanwhile, Roosevelt was determined to have the British commit themselves now to the principles of the Four Freedoms, knowing that they were incompatible with the continued existence of the Empire. The text of the proposed Atlantic Charter was drafted by Roosevelt ally in the State Department, Sumner Welles; it was fined-tuned in Argentia by Roosevelt.
The Atlantic Charter, as signed by Churchill, states that the signatories “seek no aggrandizement” and “no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned.” Its most-debated clause states:
“They will respect the rights of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; they will to see the sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcible deprived of them.”
Churchill insisted that this only applied to occupied nations. Roosevelt, however, demanded the inclusion of the term all, meaning that its applicability was universal–it included all colonial peoples, including the British Empire.
The British leadership now knew first hand, if they had only feared or suspected as much before, that Roosevelt, as a matter of absolute conviction, was at war with the British Empire. Elliot recounts the following outburst from Churchill:
“Mr. President, I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire. Every idea you entertain about the structure of the postwar world demonstrates it…. But in spite of that, you constitute our only hope. You know it. We know it. You know that we know that without America, the British Empire won’t stand.”
The Other War: FDR’s Battle Against Churchill and the British Empire
by L. Wolfe – Printed in The American Almanac, August 28, 1995.
In 1934 Churchill spoke out against the abandonment of my ancestral land the Philippines, then a U.S. territory (not a colony) and warned that “the national duty, dignity and honour of the United States were at stake.”
He didn’t know then that 25 trillion cubic meters (900 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas would be discovered in the Spratlys. This is why China is grabbing the Spratlys.
See: Japan Unveils Largest Warship since WWII (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:49 AM
Truman’s Proclamation 2667 declared the Spratlys integral part of the Philippine Territory on 28 Sept. 1945
Or that the US will discover there’s $1 trillion worth of unexplored minerals in Mindanao Island alone. And this is why Malaysia is trying to grab Mindanao.
Sir Winston Churchill had no idea the Philippines possesses huge geothermal resources all of which my late wife Maria G. Macario helped discover, explore and in most cases develop and manage.
He didn’t know there was a huge deuterium deposit in the Philippines.
Date: Oktubre 5, 2013)
He couldn’t have known that the biggest Palladium deposits can be found in the Philippines.
Or that Benham Rising would be discovered in the 21st century.
Benham Rise, also known as Benham Plateau, is a 13-million hectare undersea region east of Luzon. It is enclosed by the coordinates 119°30’E to 132°00’E and 12°10’N to 20°30’N latitude. Bigger than Luzon, the 13-M hectare Benham Rise has been approved by the UN as part of Philippine territory. Benham Rise: The Philippines’ new territory off Aurora province.
Sir Winston Churchill’s objection was based on pure conviction of what good leadership and administration is all about.
“A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.”
– James Freeman Clarke
Below is a list of our claims as of 27 Dec. 2015
Bienvenido Macario / M.E.G. Macario Foundation
Among Others, We Claim the following:
1.) We hereby claim among others, restitution for the financial, economic and other damages as Native Americans & victims of the Filipino Genocide also known as the Philippine War 1899-1902.
Nicolas Aldana & Emilio Aguinaldo – Dec.27, 2015
Nicolas Aldana: Native American – Sept. 13, 2013
Nicolas Aldana I’s 112th Death Anniversary – Dec. 12, 2013
Philippine War 1899 – 1902 –
Bataan Death March (Bienvenido Macario, ) Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:46 AM
Filipino POWs in WWII: A Family Story, Continued (Bienvenido Macario, ) April 18, 2011
2.) Pre-WW II Philippine treasury assets of some two million dollars in gold bullion & $360,000 in silver sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco, CA since March 1942 PLUS $8.5 million worth of silver pesosdumped in Manila Bay in Feb. 1942. [20 tons of gold bars and silver pesos and/or 319 40-pound gold bars and 630 bags each containing 1,000 silver pesos the Japanese recovered in part after May 1942.
See WAIS post:
More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
3.) The $32 billion cash the Philippine government under Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tried to
deposit to various U.S. banks in March 2001. The U.S. banks by law could not take such deposit and turned over the same to Federal authorities.
See WAIS post:
More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
4.) All the geothermal resources areas in the Philippines my late wife Maria Elena G. Macario has explored, now taken over by ethnic Chinese and ethnic Spaniards.
See: Stanford University – MS Petroleum Engineering Report by Ma. Elena G. Macario
March 26, 2013
Also in: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
5.) Oil, gas & minerals in the Philippines, specifically the 25 trillion cubic meters (900 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas reserves in the Spratlys areas per US EIA (Energy Information Administration), said to be the same as the proven reserves of Qatar.
See: Japan Unveils Largest Warship since WWII (Bienvenido Macario, USA) Fri, Aug 9, 2013
Also in: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
6.) At least $13.2 billion deposited in Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) Account no. 885931
See: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
7.) Amounts deposited in Account No. 7690779 Deutsche Bank at Koenigsallee 54, Dusseldorf, Germany
See: More Monetary Shenanigans in Philippines (Bienvenido Macario, USA,) July 30, 2014
8.) The so-called Yamashita’s Gold. (See: WAIS post dated July 31, 2014) See WAIS post: Philippines and Yamashita’s Gold (Bienvenido Macario, USA 07/31/14 12:29 AM)
9.) Friar lands bought and paid for by then US Civil Gov. Gen. William H. Taft for $6.9 million on Dec. 22, 1903 and abandoned in 1934, 1946 & 1986.
See: Taft purchase of Friar lands in the Philippines (pages 9 to 12)
10.) Rent and back rentals for the use, misuse & abuse of our ancestral land from Dec. 12, 1901.
11.) Rent and back rentals for the use, misuse & abuse of our ancestral land from July 04, 1946.
12.) The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah (Subject to revaluation) The $145 million is based on the WAIS e-mail discussions of Sept. 2002 with Martin Storey and moderated by Prof. Ronald Hilton. But the value is in fact closer to the $10 billion initially claimed.
The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah Part 1
The $145 Million Claim Over the Oil Fields of Sabah Part 2
In Aug. 2011, Aquino III’s uncle Danding Cojuangco head of San Miguel Corp. bought Esso Malaysia Bhd, Exxon Mobil Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Exxon Mobil Borneo Sdn Bhd for $610 million including the 88,000 barrels per day Port Dickson refinery; seven (7) fuel distribution terminals; and about 560 refilling stations. A 2012 study, Singapore-based FACTS Global Energy, reported that Sabah has reserves of about 11-12 trillion cubic feet of gas and at least 1.5 billion barrels of oil representing 12% and 15% of Malaysia’s natural gas and oil reserves, respectively.
See: Re-evaluation of the Claim over the Oil Fields of Sabah
13.) War Bonds, Securities a.k.a. Victory Bonds issued prior to July 4, 1946 valued at $16 billion after Jan. 2006 per Ben Bernanke’s statement.
14.) Benham Rise, also known as Benham Plateau, is a 13-million hectare undersea region east of Luzon. It is enclosed by the coordinates 119°30’E to 132°00’E and 12°10’N to 20°30’N latitude. Bigger than Luzon, the 13-M hectare Benham Rise has been approved by the UN as part of Philippine territory. Benham Rise: The Philippines’ new territory off Aurora province.
15.) DEUTERIUM Deposits in other than those in the Spratlys.
See: https://foobarph.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/vast-deposits-of-deuterium-
16.) Palladium Deposits other than those in the Spratlys
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Q4xg8z25s
17.) $1-Trillion Dollar untapped mineral resources in Mindanao
WIKILeaks – US says Island Mindanao has $1-Trillion Dollar untapped mineral resources
[Mindanao is known as “The of Promise”. The promise of all the promises. Treasures, Land of God, the Lost Paradise, The lost garden of Eden and the land of the last judgment in earth. Bible scholars even pointed the Mindanao as the land of promise of all promises. One verse of the Bible quoted “The God’s kingdom will rise again in the east of the east seas where the Sun will rises first, in the white sand shores where the only land which people are willing to live and die for praising my name ”.]
Leaked diplomatic documents in Wikileaks showed the United States has a special interest in the natural resources in Mindanao and the ending of the armed conflict in the region, giving credence to a suspicion that the United States is prodding the Aquino administration’s peace efforts with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), including brokering the recent secret meeting between MILF spokesman Al Haj Murad and President Aquino.
Wikileaks obtained documents dated February 2006 or prior to the botched signing of the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MoA-AD) on Aug. 5, 2008 showing extensive reference to the untapped rich mineral resources of Mindanao and tensions in the region which hinder the exploitation of these resources.
The leaked cable from the US embassy in Manila made particular reference to the so-called Liguasan Marsh in the Cotabato Basin spanning 288,000 hectares and is among areas controlled by the MILF.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has already identified natural gas and oil deposits in three areas of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago: the Cotabato Basin, the Davao-Agusan Basin; and an area straddling Tawi-Tawi and Sulu. The Cotabato Basin, notably, includes the 288,000 hectare Liguasan Marsh, straddling the provinces of Maguindanao, North Cotabato, and Sultan Kudurat, according to the cable.
There are other funds & treasures in Europe and elsewhere that rightfully belong to my people and the Philippines.
Bienvenido Macario – Lemuria
MEG Macario Foundation
JANUARY 8, 2017
Three thousand five hundred metric tons of gold worth $141 billion.