Feb. 15, 2013
My recent post / comment is about the currency wars and a mark-to-market on the impending recession to impact the U.S. by March 15, 2013.
From the time my personal update was posted on Feb. 12, 2011 to July 11, 2012 there have been two relevant developments:
1.) The nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan caused by the earthquake induced-tsunami on March 11, 2011.
2.) The controversy about the Team USA’s Made In China uniform.
My quest for a Freely Associated state in the Philippines could alleviate the problem in Japan by moving factories, even those in China, among others, to the Philippines.
As a Freely Associated state, any goods or services made in the Philippines could and should be labelled “Made In USA” thus addressing the issue where Team USA’s uniforms were made.
Here are two of many WAIS posts on my quest for Native American status; Freely Associated State and representation before the US Congress:
Happy Holidays 2011 (Bienvenido Macario, , 12/25/11 4:46 am)
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
It’s been a little over a year since my wife Elena G. Macario passed away on December 10, 2010, the 112th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris ending the 1898 Spanish-American War and enabling the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam to become US possessions.
I am truly thankful for being a part of the WAIS Forum for it has helped ease my burden. Special thanks to the indefatigable WAIS editor John Eipper.
JE comments: One of my Christmas presents this year came in July: the chance to catch up with Bienvenido Macario and his talented son Drake at the WAIS/Torquay conference. Best Holiday wishes to you and yours, Bienvenido. Tell Drake to send us a personal update sometime; we’d love to hear from him. (WAISers may recall the sketch Drake drew of several of the conference attendees. I have the original in my possession, and it’s a cherished part of the WAIS archives. Drake captured my pronounced chin perfectly!)
Holiday Greetings (Bienvenido Macario, Philippines/US) Dec. 25, 2010
Bienvenido Macario writes:
A very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all WAISers and their loved ones.
All I want for Christmas is my own state, freely associated state with the USA in the Philippines and Native American status for my people with representation in the US Congress.
JE comments: Best Holiday wishes to Bienvenido Macario, and I wish him a healthy and prosperous 2011. The *re-colonization by the US of Bienvenido’s native Philippines may be a tall request for Santa Claus…how about some neckties instead?
Seriously, I can think of no example in history of a former colony* voluntarily re-attaching itself to the metropolitan center; the Dominican Republic briefly submitted to re-colonization to Spain in the 19th century, but this was only a response to looming threats from Haiti.
In any case, the US doesn’t need more overseas territories to occupy and administer.
* – In later discussions, WAIS editor acknowledged that the Philippines was not a colony of the USA. But this example shows the great need to re-educate Americans of their own history. Americans are no longer British and its the British who had colonies. Again the Philippines was purchased along with Puerto Rico and Guam from Spain for $2 million under the 1898 Treaty of Paris.
[stanford-consults] Personal Update – Feb 12, 2011
1 message
Ben <ned.macario@gmail.com> Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:05 PM
To: stanford-consults@yahoogroups.com
Perhaps due to the slow economic recovery, prolonged dismal real estate market and California’s marathon budget crisis, I was compelled to pursue a rather unprecedented and unique goals with which substantial documentation have been gathered. Be it the global debt crisis or housing crisis in the UK and the US, from these goals and objectives platforms for solutions will come from. And these goals are:
1.) To secure Native American status for myself and my people that we may regain control of all our ancestral lands in the Philippines to be placed under the care of the US federal government.
2.) To get the appointment as the non-voting delegate representing the Philippines before the US Congress in the same way Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa have their respective non-voting delegate in the US Congress. Spain ceded the Philippines along with Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. by virtue of the 1898 Treaty of Paris.
3.) The creation of a Freely Associated State with the US in the Philippines.
Basically, an umbrella non-profit organization is needed that would function as a state government for the Philippines and therefore for starters we would need volunteers to secure grants and other forms of financing.
Off the top maybe a petition before the US Supreme Court for the first two goals would be the first step.
I’d gladly answer your questions and welcome your suggestions on how to go about securing these goals.
One focus is saving the environment in the Philippines; revival, restoration and preservation of wildlife habitat; and effective management of our natural resources in the Philippines.
Job creation and speed up the economic recovery is another focus of this project.
Now let us say some of the factories in China and elsewhere would be relocated to the Philippines. We can legally label those products “Made In the USA” and ship it over here in the mainland USA not as an import but as domestic products.
Can you imagine the big, positive impact on the US economy the repossession and extreme makeover of the Philippine Islands will bring in terms of job creation and saving the Philippine environment at the same time?
See you in the next meeting.
Ned Macario
Ancora Imparo
My Personal Update Suggesting Recovery of the Philippines as a Freely Associated State – Feb. 12, 2011

Discussion with Marc Harris on My Quest for Native American Status and Tariff-Free “Made In The USA” Label for Goods Manufactured in the Philippines, A Freely Associated State.

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Here’s my latest post. It’s about the Real Estate and the Zero Sum Game of Global Finance 3rd Edition 7 Oct. 2008